Home > Afterlife (Crossbreed #10)(68)

Afterlife (Crossbreed #10)(68)
Author: Dannika Dark

It was Friday night in the human district. Neon lights drew people to the pizza shops, theater, arcades, diners, and bars. A group crossed in front of my truck, one woman stopping to adjust her bra straps.

“It could be a while,” I grumped. “Looks like all the parking spaces are taken up. I’m going to have to circle around and see if there’s anything open.”

“Try valet somewhere.”

“Fuck that. I’m not giving a stranger the keys to my truck.”

“Shall I kidnap him so we can go somewhere else?”

“Please do.”

Blue got out and looked toward the hot dog stand. “I see him. Do you want me to fill him in or wait for you?”

I honked my horn at a drunken idiot who decided the front end of my truck was something he could lean on while chatting with his friend. “Go ahead and start. I don’t want to reschedule if he’s got other appointments. I’ll see if I can find a tiny car like Wyatt’s and park on top of it.”

“Good luck.” Blue laughed and shut the door.

I coasted down the street and turned right at the hot dog stand. There were designated parking spots on the street, but most people took the train to this side of town due to the lack of parking. The few open garages were valet parking only.

A group of twentysomething girls lingered by a Porsche to take selfies. Relieved that I’d finally found a parking spot, I waited patiently despite all the honking cars behind me. The girls did their sexiest poses, all decked out in their cutest skirts and heels. It felt like an alternate reality. I could have easily been one of them had I not met Houdini. They were so blissfully unaware of all the secrets in the world living right beneath their noses. When they finally walked around the Porsche to cross the street, I got pissed off it wasn’t their car and blared my horn. One girl shot me the middle finger.

I circled the block and kept going farther until I was ready to park in a tow zone. “We should have taken the subway,” I sang, regretting we hadn’t researched the location. While I’d grown up in Cognito, I hadn’t been everywhere. I knew about this area of the city, but it wasn’t my scene. It was too crowded and geared toward social groups. By the time I found a spot, I’d turned in so many circles that I didn’t know where the hell I was anymore.

My thin jacket had a lot of pockets. It was actually Wyatt’s—the first thing I grabbed from the coat closet. One of the phones vibrated against my chest. I should have let it go to voicemail, but we were waiting for just one more call. I dove between two buildings to escape the loud music pouring out of one of the taverns.


“Raven gave me this number. Is this her?”

“Yes. Who am I speaking to?”

“This is Harper Nichols. We met at—”

“I know who you are. How have you been?” I took a seat on some empty crates.

“As well as can be expected. I have my moments. Talking with you really brought up all those feelings again. Then I got your message, and I didn’t know if I wanted to keep reliving it. A girl has to move on.”

“I’m sorry. We should have been more thorough. You mentioned he couldn’t start his own group. What did you mean by that?”

After a long pause, Harper finally replied. “Bono couldn’t start his own pack because of me. People didn’t understand why he chose someone who can’t have children. To be blunt, they didn’t get why he chose a life mate who was born a man. I’m a woman, but people don’t understand it. All Shifters and Chitahs care about is continuing their line—making sure that we don’t go extinct. So when one of us mates with even a Vampire or a Mage, you’ll get a lot of cold stares. Good packs won’t take you in, and going out to eat in a nice place is basically hell. Men like Bono are seen as traitors.”

“I’m sorry.”

“Aren’t we all? Bono was a good man. And yes, he was a good alpha.”

I reclined my head against the brick wall. There we had it. Everyone on our list who fit the criteria was either an alpha or a redhead. “The higher authority wants to offer compensation to the families of alphas.”

“You don’t say?”

A couple ducked into the alley and began making out. His hand was up her shirt; her hand was up his. It smelled like musty old cardboard and vomit. Apparently the perfect spot to romance a woman.

“Do you mind? I’m on the phone,” I snapped, irritated by the intrusion. The couple laughed and wandered off. “I’m really sorry, Harper. If it means anything, you’ll get the money despite all the bullshit you put up with. I’ll see to it.”

“Keep the money. Even if Bono had settled with a fertile wolf, there’s no guarantee he would have fathered children. He was passionate, affectionate, but very impotent. He didn’t climax very often, and I know that’s more than you asked for, but I have no secrets. Bono’s condition had nothing to do with his desire or mind—it was just how his body was wired. He worried that he wasn’t enough. But he was my everything.”

“It sounds like he had a good woman. Are you sure you don’t want the money? You might change your mind.”

“No, honey. If they couldn’t accept us when he was alive, I won’t take payment for his death. I guess meeting you was the kick in the pants I needed to finally box up the last of his things. It’s silly the stuff you keep around when somebody dies. Their razors, an old pair of shoes, their favorite ice cream. I couldn’t bring myself to throw it away even though I don’t like peppermint. It was the last thing he wanted, so I just held on to it. Anyhow, some of his personal effects I donated to a friend, but I don’t know what to do with his medication.”

“Toss it.”

“It’s not the stuff you buy in the store. It’s a special heartburn medicine. He got it from someone he knew. Seems like such a waste if it could help someone else. Do you know anyone who needs it?”

I sat forward, suddenly remembering how Andy had mentioned giving Alisa heartburn medicine before finding her dead. “Who gave it to him?”

“I don’t have a clue. He just mentioned it in passing. I think he was trying to find pills that worked for impotency but wound up with these instead. There are only a few left.”

“Hold on to those and I’ll get back to you. I really appreciate the callback. And why don’t you think about the money? I don’t want you to feel pressured about making a decision only to regret it. Give it a few days.”

“I won’t change my mind. But can you donate the money in his name? A good charity.”

“What about an orphanage for unwanted children? Or is that… insensitive?”

After a beat, Harper replied, “Bono would have liked that.”

“I’ll see to it. By the way, you left your cigarette case at the bar. It has an inscription. What’s your address?”

“Keep it.”

“Are you sure? It looks sentimental.”

“I kept what matters. Bono always wanted me to quit anyway.”

“I’ll hold on to it in case you change your mind.”

“You’re sweet. Have a nice life, Raven. And if you ever need a boost in the bedroom, you know who to call.”

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