Home > Afterlife (Crossbreed #10)(79)

Afterlife (Crossbreed #10)(79)
Author: Dannika Dark

I took a seat, watching her spin a wildflower between two fingers. “How are you feeling?”

“Better. Alive.”

I leaned back on one hand and tugged at a few blades of grass. “I heard you had drinks with Christian last night.”

The yellow flower fell onto her chest, and she gave me a remorseful look. “I suppose that’s why I’ve never felt better. I came out here before dawn and couldn’t believe how bright the stars were. Christian said because of how much I drank, it might have that effect, but it was like seeing the world for the first time.”

“You don’t regret it? I know how you feel about Vamps.”

She sighed and picked up the flower again. “Maybe there’s a reason I’m supposed to be alive. Trust me, it wasn’t an easy choice. And he wanted to do it the old-fashioned way.”

I laughed.

Her eyebrows drew together. “You aren’t jealous?”

“Of course not. The way Christian is about his blood, it was probably more of a nightmare for him than it was for you.”

“I doubt it. I mean, his blood tasted strangely pleasant, but it was still blood. Every time I thought about it, I wanted to vomit.”

“Good thing you didn’t. He doesn’t like seeing things go to waste.”

Blue rolled to her side and propped her head in her hand. “What happened with Graham? I asked Viktor, but he said I should hear it from you. Did you kill him?”

I bent one knee and played with the hole in my jeans. “Not exactly. He tried to throw himself in front of a train.”

“You’re kidding.”

“No. He jumped at the far end, so the conductor was able to stop in time.”


“Yeah. It might have been easier that way, but he didn’t deserve to choose his death. None of his victims got that luxury. Why should he?”

She tucked her hair behind one ear when it caught in the wind. “So what did you do?”

“I took him to Sambah’s.”

Blue sat up. “You didn’t.”

I grinned like the Cheshire cat. “I did. But I don’t know what happened. I told Sambah about his son, about the case, and he understands the secrecy. I don’t think a man of his position is going to tell our secrets.”

“No. He wouldn’t want the law getting involved in his affairs. Men like him handle their own business, and that’s the way the Councils prefer it.”

“I don’t think there’s any reason to tell the other families what happened. It would cause more pain than it’s worth. Graham’s gone now, and we’d also have to admit that we lied to them. They’d be looking for someone to blame and hiring bounty hunters to find Graham.”

Blue stared at the grass. “Yeah. Some of them probably just got over the loss. They need to move on.”

“Do you ever really get over losing someone you love? A son? A father?”

She stood and brushed off her hands. “No. You just reach a point when you stop crying at the drop of a hat. When you can wake up and they’re not the first thing that comes to mind. And that fills you with a lot of guilt, but it’s how we move on.”

I hopped up and squinted from the bright sun. “Why do you think Viktor doesn’t let the kids swim in the pool?”

She strolled toward the house. “I suppose he doesn’t want them drowning. Imagine fifteen kids in the water all at once.”

The thought made me laugh out loud. Poor Switch and Kira would have a heart attack. “Do you feel like doing anything today? I was thinking I might pop over to my dad’s house and see how he’s getting on with that dog.”

“No, I’ve got something important to do. You should come along.”



I stopped in my tracks. “What for?”

Blue turned and put her hands in her pockets. “Wyatt said that before King went into the light, he asked us to take the children to his father’s house. He wants Sambah to care for them. Wyatt ran a check on his pride and found nothing. In fact, Sambah has high praise in the community and donates to several charities. He’s a regular saint. King loved his father, so how could I deny a son his last wish?” Blue stopped near a rosebush. “They won’t all fit in the van, and we returned the rental, so I need another driver. Wyatt and Claude drive small cars, so that leaves Shepherd.”

“I’ve got a pickup truck. Sambah doesn’t live all that far, and if we take the back roads, I can drive slowly. I’m heading out anyhow.”

“Aren’t there laws about children in trucks?”

“Are you serious? That’s how I grew up. Bouncing around in the back of a pickup truck and on my father’s bike. That’s how you learn that when things get dangerous, you gotta hold on tight.”

“You’re the strangest former human I’ve ever met. So many of them follow the rules.”

“Those are the chosen ones,” I said facetiously, making air quotes. “I live for danger.”

“Yes, the Mageri certainly like an obedient Mage. I guess that’s how they make sure they don’t wind up with a thousand anarchists.”

“One is probably enough.” I watched a bee hovering near one of the pink roses. “So Sambah didn’t have reservations about adopting fifteen kids?”

She cleared her throat. “I haven’t asked him yet. We’re paying him a surprise visit.”

“You’re kidding. He won’t agree.”

“Is that so? Do you think he’ll say no to his dead son’s final request?” She plucked a pink petal from the flower and strolled toward the doors. “You already buttered him up by handing over his enemy.”

“Maybe you should call him first before landing on his doorstep with fifteen mouths to feed.”

“Are you serious? Those sweet faces are my backup plan in case he says no.”

“You’re cutthroat.”

Once inside, we ran into Viktor in the foyer.

“I guess I’m ready if they’re done eating lunch,” Blue said, slipping on a pair of shoes near the door. “If Sambah has plans for Graham, it won’t be until nightfall. Unless he took care of business already.”

“Perhaps we should keep the children one more night,” Viktor suggested. “Until such violent delights are complete.”

Blue shook her head. “They would never let the children watch. Besides, if that is going to be their new home, they’re going to have to get used to a new way of life. It’s not a wolf pack.”

Viktor stroked his beard. “I only wish we could have placed them all with wolves. But so many children.” He turned away and clapped his hands. “Come, little ones. It is time to go.”

The children came barreling out of the dining room, some still holding their sandwiches.

“Grab your dollies,” Viktor went on. “I have a special treat for each of you on your way out.”

They trampled each other to get to their rooms down the back hall.

Christian descended the stairs. “Are we ready?”

I glared up at him. “Why are you always the first to know, and I’m the last?”

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