Home > The Break-Up Book Club(21)

The Break-Up Book Club(21)
Author: Wendy Wax

   “And this is my sister, Phoebe,” Wesley says. “She knows her way around a computer pretty well herself, but she works part-time as an activities director at the Sandy Springs Senior Center, so if you’re looking for a game of Monopoly or balloon volleyball or Name That Tune . . . ”

   “. . . I’m your girl. We read everything . . .”

   “. . . including cereal boxes,” Wesley continues. “But my favorite genre is urban fantasy.”

   “I like romance, especially historical with time travel,” Phoebe adds. “Especially . . .”

   “. . . Diana Gabaldon. Don’t ever get between Phoebe and her Outlander.”

   “We’ve been members for a long time,” Phoebe says. “But recently we’ve started thinking that it might finally be time . . .”

   “. . . to give the book club a name.”

   They sit. No one seems sure whether to applaud or agree.

   “Hmmm . . .” Annell says. “I’ve never wanted to curtail what we read or who might enjoy it, but maybe it’s time to consider naming ourselves. I’ll put a box at the front for suggestions.”

   I’m not too worried about the group having a name, but I wouldn’t mind being able to communicate as clearly and effortlessly with Maya as Wesley and Phoebe do with each other. Or even with Thea, who will not let go of how much I need to meet Derrick Warren. And marry him. And have his babies.

   Carlotta stands and introduces herself with a twirl that shows off a circle skirt in a bold geometric pattern that is one of her most recent designs. “I have loved too many books to have one favorite. But I did especially appreciate Middlesex and Trans-Sister Radio. Oh, and The Martian.” She shrugs. “Variety is the spice of life.”

   Meena is up next. “I’m Meena. I’m recently single and am currently experimenting with online dating. I found a great photographer if anyone ever wants to do new profile pictures. My favorite book at the moment is 121 First Dates, which sounded kind of daunting at first but is actually a really great ‘how-to’ manual. I will be happy to share my newly gleaned information with anyone who’s interested.”

   Judith sways slightly as she stands. “I’m Judith. I still live in the suburbs even though my nest is empty. My daughter is getting married over Labor Day weekend. And my favorite book is The Red Tent even though it doesn’t contain dating advice.” She looks at Meena. “Yes. Still.”

   The young man who stands next appears to be in his late thirties. “I’m Chaz. I’m an EMT, and this is my first time here.” He smiles, seeming completely unbothered that he and Wesley are the only males present. “Is that Red Tent book tied to Red Sonja in any way?” he asks. “I heard there’s a remake of the film finally happening.”

   “Um. No. Not really,” Judith says.

   Meena snorts.

   As I look around our circle, I’m glad that we have always been a mix of ages, occupations, genders, and ethnicities. And that newcomers are welcome. It’s part of what attracted me to the group in the first place.

   When it’s my turn, I stay seated and say only that I’m a sports agent with StarSports Advisors. Ever since a former book club member tried to convince me to look at her ten-year-old daughter who’d pitched a no-hitter in her church softball league, I try to downplay what I do.

   Angela stands and smiles her always-sunny smile. “I’m Angela and I’m an accountant.” She laughs lightly. “Okay, that sounded a little more like an AA intro than I intended. I’m not actually trying to quit being a CPA. In fact, my husband, Perley, and I own our own firm. We have three daughters.” She pauses and gets that happy smile that accompanies any reference to Lyllie, Mollie, and Kerina. “Even after all these years and books, my favorite is Little Women. Pride and Prejudice is a close second.” She pauses. “And though she failed to mention it, Jazmine’s is Becoming by Michelle Obama. I think we should consider reading it.”

   There are nods and murmurs.

   The dark-haired woman sitting across from Angela jumps to her feet, sending a pair of golf ball earrings swinging. Despite the cold January temperatures and the fact that it’s dark outside, she’s wearing a golf visor with the Masters logo on it. “I’m Nancy Flaherty and I just moved to Atlanta. I’m originally from Charleston, but more recently from Florida. I’m a receptionist at a real estate firm here in Sandy Springs. My favorite book of all time is The Greatest Game Ever Played. Ditto for the movie. I’m a 16 handicap, and I spend as much time as possible on the golf course.” She hesitates and turns to me, her smile freezing on her lips. “Do you know Tiger Woods personally?”

   “Sorry. No.” I shake my head. “I don’t handle golfers.”

   The smile unfreezes. There’s a small sigh of what might be relief. “Well, I do. Very personally.” She winks, then takes her seat with a brisk nod and swing of her golf balls.

   As the last introductions take place, Judith picks up a bottle of red wine and one of white and walks around the circle topping off glasses. Back at her seat, she tops hers off, then sets the bottles within reach.

   “So,” Annell says with a smile. “What did we think of the book?”

   “I liked it,” Angela answers quickly. “But it was hard to read about how vulnerable the narrator was. As a mother, I couldn’t understand how her parents could have left their children uninoculated and uneducated.”

   “I could hardly read the parts when she had to do all those horribly dangerous jobs because her father made her.” Carlotta shudders.

   “Those kids got maimed. And the mother, too,” Chaz the EMT says. “It’s hard to imagine refusing to see a doctor or go to a hospital.”

   “Remember when she sees the term ‘bipolar’ for the first time and realizes that’s what her father was?” Phoebe asks.

   With that we are off and running. Whenever discussion slows, Annell raises another point or question. It’s a very different thing to have someone directing the conversation and keeping it flowing. It’s another reason I enjoy the group so much.

   Judith makes the rounds again with the wine. “Are you sure you’re done?” she asks when I cover my glass. Her eyes look a little unfocused. Her smile’s reached the Cheshire Cat stage.

   “Afraid so. I’ve got to drive home.”

   “Too bad. That’s why I B-BUbered . . .” She laughs. “I mean, Ubered. Because I kind of need the alcohol tonight.”

   I’m not sure what to say to this. “Is everything all right, Judith?” I ask quietly.

   “No, not really. But it will be.”


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