Home > Charlotte(57)

Author: Lisa Helen Gray

“He really is dashing,” Mum comments, causing me to laugh.

The laugh turns into a whimper as I become more aware of my injuries. “Mum?”

She rushes to my side, helping me stand. “Are you okay?”

“I think I might need to go rest now.”

She sighs softly. “Come on.”






Nora’s stare burns into me as I pace the confines of my office. She’s giving me a moment to get my thoughts together, but right now, my head is a fucking mess and I can’t compartmentalise anything.

“You’re making me motion sick.”

Coming to a stop, I shove my hair into a bun, needing it off my face. “You should have seen her, Nora. She had bruises everywhere. It must have been a bad crash to cause that many injuries.”

“You really like her, don’t you?”

I sit down on the edge of the desk, thinking it over. I do like her. I really fucking do. She’s quirky, funny and blurts out the most random stuff. It isn’t that she’s easy to be around it’s that I like being around her.

She’s shy, yet bold. She’s innocent, yet carries around an arsenal of sex toys. I can never quite figure her out. I like her view on the world, about focusing on the positive. Giving out what she takes in. I like it about her. Especially when I grew up with two parents who could suck the energy out of you. Mum is bitchy, moans constantly and only ever has something negative to say. Dad, on the other hand, can never take responsibility for the shit that goes wrong in his life. Not all the time, but most of it. It’s always someone else’s fault.

Charlotte, however, doesn’t judge. She has opinions, but she never judges people. She sees the good in everyone.

But her family… they never give her enough credit. Yes, she’s delicate, but she’s also strong. I’m not going to let them scare me off, not when she has already come to mean a lot to me. I’m just not sure what step to take next. I have been wanting to ask her out without coming on too strong. Although I’ve had other girlfriends, I never felt like I had to make an effort to get them. It just happened.

“Yeah, I do.”

She grins, jumping off the desk opposite mine. She walks over and punches me in the arm. “Then why so glum about it?”

“Because her family are certifiably crazy.”

“When has that stopped you?”

I snort. “They’re protective of her?”

“They’re family. Of course, they’re protective. But when has anything like that ever stopped you?”

My lips twitch when I think of her uncles’ threat when I was heading out earlier. “Her uncle said he had connections in construction before I left earlier.”

Her nose twitches. “Really not sure where you are going with that.”

“He wanted me to know he could get a hold of a bulldozer to take me out. He has issues with my height”

She bursts out laughing. “Discrimination. Not new when it comes to your build. I can’t wait to meet her.” She pauses, watching me. “I will get to meet her, right?”

“I’m not even sure if she sees me that way. She never said anything after Saturday night. But I’m sure you will even if it doesn’t go anywhere.”

She snorts. “Why is it always down to the girl?”

I feel another woman-empowering speech coming along.

“What are you saying?”

“Look, although not all men do this, there are some who only want the one-night stand. Nothing more. She was probably scared to bring it up in case it meant more to her than you.”

I’m insulted by her remark. “Of course it meant something to me.”

“She’s been through a lot. And from what you’ve said she’s naïve when it comes to social cues. She probably couldn’t read that you wanted more.”

I walk around the desk, dropping down in my chair. “At the moment, I’m more bothered about what’s going on with her. They wouldn’t tell me what’s going on and I want to help. If she’s in danger, I want to know so I can up her lessons.”

“Is that the only reason?” she asks, arching her eyebrow.

I throw my pen at her. “When did you become so grown up?”

She shrugs. “I can’t help that I’m the smart one.”

I snort and just as I’m about to reply, the office door is pushed open and Landon steps in. He takes one look at Nora, his eyebrows raising. “Clearly Charlotte’s not as special as you made out.”

I roll my eyes, not in the least bit intimidated. “Landon, meet my sister, Nora. She’s been here before but you missed her.”

His eyes widen in surprise. Nora waves. “Hey.”

He sighs, running a hand down his face. “Stay away from her.”


I’m not going to argue with him. I don’t want to fall out, but I’m not going to let him push me away from her. The only time I will back off is if she asks me to.

His jaw clenches. “She’s been through a lot. I’m not saying this because I think you’re a bad guy but she needs time to heal. I don’t want her to be taken advantage of. Not after what she’s been through. It’s too soon.”

“Why?” Nora asks, surprising me.

“Why what?” he asks, glancing from her to me, then back to her.

“Why shouldn’t she move on?”

When it’s clear he’s not going to answer, I intervene. “Nora, leave it.”

“No,” she tells me, turning to address Landon. “I know some of what happened to her.”

Landon’s accusing gaze burns into me. “Really? Did you Tweet it out?” he bites out, advancing on me.

I hold my hand up. “No, I didn’t.”

“I was assaulted,” Nora blurts out, her tone softer than before.

He stops, his jaw clenching. “What?”

“A few years ago, I was walking home and a stranger attacked me. I was in a bad state. He touched me in places I didn’t want to be touched, places I had never been touched. Before he could get his trousers down, a passer-by intervened.”

His shoulders deflate. “I’m sorry that happened to you.”

“Don’t be,” she tells him flatly. “But your cousin, she doesn’t need your pity either. She needs your support.”

“This is different,” he bites out.

She slides off the desk, sighing. “No, it’s not. You’re treating her like a victim, not a survivor. Why does her recovery time need a clock? I’d understand if she was making the same mistake but this is Drew. You know him. Have known him for a long time,” she reminds him, and even I’m speechless. Landon, however, looks seconds away from arguing. Nora gets there first. “Out of all the men she could have picked to spend her time with, she picked a good one. One who understands more than some about what she’s going through. He’ll treat her with the care she deserves whilst still treating her like a person and not a broken piece of glass.”

“You don’t know her.”

“I don’t need to. I’m talking from experience, and granted, not all survivors will react the same. But from what’s he’s told me about her, all she wants is her own independence back. She wants to take back the power that was taken from her. And who better than Drew to give it to her.”

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