Home > Charlotte(65)

Author: Lisa Helen Gray

“He’s such sweet guy.”

He chuckles. “I’ll let him know you said that.”

He leaves and I turn to Drew. “He’s one of my favourite bouncers. He didn’t get mad at me like the others.”

“Why did they get mad?”

I shrug, glancing away. “I’m not sure. I mean, I don’t think there’s anything wrong with my dancing. I thought I did quite good. And no matter what Mathew said, I did not start that fight. Also, one didn’t like it when he caught me feeling Nyla’s boobs. I swear, you couldn’t tell they were fake at all,” I tell him, turning to Eloise, who is still trying to pull Drew’s attention away from me. “Unlike yours. You should see if she’ll tell you where she had them done.”

Her lips clamp shut for a moment, her expression tightening. “You bitch.”

I rear back at her outburst, my entire body shaking. “Excuse me?”

“As if you would say that,” Natalie snaps. “Is this really who you want to be associated with?”

Drew snorts. “Even if she did say it to be a bitch, which she didn’t, I’d still be standing right here. Eloise has done fuck all but make snide comments about her since they met.”

“We came over here—”

He holds his hand up, stopping his sister. “To be nosey.”

She huffs. “We’ll speak to you later.”

“You do that,” he tells her, before taking my hand, pushing us inside the room where the event is being held.

I gape at the scene when we step through. Men and women are dressed to the nines, flouncing around with their jewels and drinks.

Large round tables surround the area around the balcony. It’s loud in here, not just from the music playing in the background but the people talking. And not all of it is coming from up here.

Letting Drew’s hand slip from mine, I make my way to the balcony bars, my breath hitching as I gaze at the scene below us. A large square ring sits in the middle of the floor below. Men and women surround the area, barking orders to the two fighters inside the ring.

I grimace at the sight of blood spurting from the guy’s nose. The crowd below cheers, some standing while some remain sitting. The atmosphere is electrifying. The whole place is wired.

The two men in the ring step back from each other, both faces already swelling and bleeding. When the guy in the middle gives them an order and steps back, they go at it again, circling each other like predators.

A pair of arms wrap around me and I lean back into Drew’s embrace. His hands press down on my stomach as he bends, pressing his cheek against mine.

“So, what do you think?”

I don’t answer at first, too mesmerised by their movements. It isn’t just their bodies, or hands, it’s everything from their feet to the way they position their torso. It’s an art form.

I glance into the crowd, watching the faces of those spectating, and they are just as mesmerised. Men look on with envy and frustration. Women ogle, salivating at the mouth, yet some are just as into this as the men. But it’s the women trying to get closer to the fighters who hold my attention. There’s an attraction there that I have seen with women and celebrity crushes.

“It’s making me want to write a book about fighters,” I murmur.

His fingers tighten on my stomach, pulling me closer against his chest. “Do your research as up and personal as you did with your last books?”

I nod absently, watching as one of the fighters are crowned the winner. A team rushes into the ring to attend to them both but it’s one of the women who rushes straight up to the winner, jumping and wrapping her legs around his waist that I’m watching. “She seems happy for him.”

“Maybe you could do one about a gym owner who teaches boxing?”

I grin, tilting my head to the side to look up at him. “That sounds like it could be interesting.”

He nods, turning me in his arms. “And very hot. They could have sex on a weight bench.”

I press my face into his chest. I still can’t believe we did that; that I had been the one to initiate it. When I pull back, his smirk is downright dirty. “You’re messing with me, aren’t you?”

“A little, but I’d prefer it if you watched me rather than some other fighter.”

I giggle at his pout. “If I ever do, you’ll be the first person I come to.”

“Drew, Natalie said you were here,” Wesley announces. We turn, giving him our attention.

“Wesley, you look dashing,” I tell him.

He grins, eyeing me up and down but not in a sleazy way. “And you look absolutely breath-taking, dear.”

Drew reaches out, shaking his hand. “I didn’t think you were coming.”

There’s a gleam in Wesley’s eyes. “We’ve sponsored a new fighter. Tonight will be his first tournament.”

“Which one is it?” Drew asks, pulling out his programme.

“It’s Green. He’s good. I’ve seen him practice.”

Drew arches his eyebrow. “You’ve never taken this much of an interest.”

Wesley steps closer, glancing around to make sure no one will overhear. “Between you and me; me and the guys from work have a little bet going tonight.”

“Aw, will the winner be giving the funds to the charity?” I ask.

Drew presses his fist to his mouth as he covers up his cough. “Yes, Wesley, is that what will happen?”

“Oh, there’s Dean. I must go say hello,” he rushes out before stepping past us. He stops, turning back. “Oh, your sister is here tonight. She asked for the spare ticket.”

“We’ve already seen her.”

He nods. “Enjoy your night.”

Drew chuckles. “You really got him there.”

My brows scrunch together. “What do you mean?”

Bewildered, pulls me closer. “The money isn’t going to Charity. They don’t let them take bets here because they aren’t licensed to.”

My eyes widen, searching out Wesley, who is talking to an older fellow. “He wouldn’t do that, would he?”

“Oh, he is, but his face when you called him out was priceless.”

“I didn’t know.”

“That’s what makes it funnier.”

“What do you do at these things?” I don’t want to bore him or make him wish he didn’t bring me.

“First, I’ll go find our table, then get you a drink. Then it’s just a night of watching the fights and catching up with people. You’ll also get to meet some of the fighters up here.”

My eyes go round. “No way.”

He pulls me to the other side of the room. “Don’t sound too excited.”

“Oh, there’s your dad,” I blurt out, staring at the table up ahead.

“You okay with him being here?”

I give him a side glance. “Of course I am. I wouldn’t mind getting to know him.”

I turn as we reach the table, pasting on my best smile. “Silas, it’s good to see you again.”

Pulling his attention from the lady he was in mid conversation with, he turns to see us. A grin spreads across his face. “Son, Charlotte,” he greets, getting up. I give him a brief hug before stepping closer to Drew. Silas glances down at the clutch in my hand. “No bigger bag tonight?”

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