Home > Charlotte(74)

Author: Lisa Helen Gray

“We are together.”

My lips twitch. “As your boyfriend.” Something lurks in the depth of her eyes and I feel like I’ve lost her for a moment. I gently shake her, ducking my head to meet her gaze. “Where did you go?”

Blinking, she regains focus. “This isn’t a trick?” she whispers.

The heartbreak in her voice has me picking her up by the waist. She wraps her arms and legs around me as I walk over to the bench not far from the bike. I take a seat, keeping her on my lap. “Charlotte, this is no trick. I’m not him. I won’t hurt you. I’m not saying I won’t fuck up or get on your nerves, but you never have to be scared of me.”

“I’m not scared of you,” she whispers brokenly.

“Then what are you scared of?”

She gazes over my shoulder, seeming lost in thought. When she turns back, her eyes are glistening with tears. “I’m scared this isn’t real. I like you. Really like you. But what if it’s all a dream? What if I’m being blind to what’s really happening again?” She exhales. “I want children, Drew. I want a husband.”

“This is real.” I grab her hand, placing it on my chest. “Feel that. It’s real. And Charlotte, I’ve never once said I didn’t want those things. But we are new. We have all the time in the world for those things.”

Landon had already mentioned what she wanted, so I have been prepared for this to come out. It isn’t that I’m telling her what she wants to hear. I’m telling her the truth. I don’t know what tomorrow will bring. No one can. But I’m willing to try. And if we end up married and having kids, I won’t balk at the idea. Charlotte is someone I can see a relationship lasting with; a relationship that grows and doesn’t dwindle or become stuck in a rut.

She hiccups. “But what if I don’t?”

“What do you mean?”

She presses down, getting comfy. “Have time. My mum, not many know this, but she struggled to get pregnant. She had a condition that caused her egg count to be low. Her mum wasn’t the best mum— she didn’t deserve kids— but she struggled to get pregnant which is why my mum was an only child.”

Realisation dawns. “You’re worried you’ll be the same.”

She nods, wiping under her nose. “I am. It’s not hereditary, but that fear is there. The older Mum got, the more she struggled. After the third attempt of IVF, she fell pregnant with Jacob. If she had left it longer, the worse her condition would have gotten. At my age, she was already married. She had a plan. But I’m not married, Drew. I don’t have that head start like she did.”

“Have you ever gone to see a doctor?”

“No. I’ve been too scared.”

“I’m all in, Charlotte. I swear. But I can’t promise tomorrow. No one can. I’m not going into this thinking it’s temporary,” I admit, keeping her attention on me. “But you also can’t live your life rushing. It’s meant to be lived.” I’m hoping my next words don’t offend her. “You also shouldn’t be with someone because you think it will happen, Charlotte. You’ll end up with the wrong person.”

She flinches, ducking her head. “I know. I think it’s why I pushed and pushed myself to give Scott my all. I thought I wasn’t trying hard enough.”

“With me, just be you. I like you.”

“I’m nutty, crazy; I like glitter, I wear fluffy kitten jumpers, and I can’t bake. Well, I did bake something good the other day, but it seems it was a fluke.”


She startles. “It doesn’t bother you?”

“Charlotte, you have many contributions to who you are and your personality. Not one of them bother me. The nutty, the crazy, and all those other things you listed, just add to who you are. And I happen to really like who you are.”

“And you want us to be together? Like a real couple?”

“If you are ready for that,” I agree.

She bites her bottom lip. “I do. I want you. I always want you.” She groans. “I’m not saying this right.”

“I think you’re saying this perfectly,” I muse, wagging my eyebrows.

She pushes my shoulder lightly. “Not what I meant,” she tells me, unable to keep the smile off her face. She loses it just as fast. “I’m scared.”

“You were scared to get on the bike.”

She shivers as the wind picks up, blowing her hair around her face. “I know.”

I run my hands up her thighs. “And what did you feel once you got used to it, once you trusted me to keep you safe?”

“I loved it.”

“So trust me now to take care of you with this and not hurt you.”

I watch as her resolve breaks. “I do really like you. And you’re so pretty to look at.”

My lips twitch. “Thank you.”

“Boy, Drew, is that you?”

We jump at the sound of the loud, booming voice. Turning to my uncle, I grin. “Uncle Malcom,” I greet.

Charlotte squeaks, sliding off my lap to stand. I follow, taking her hand. “Uncle?” she whispers.

I pull her toward the food truck that is sheltered from the elements in an alcove. My uncle leans out of the front window, a big grin on his face. He holds so much resemblance to my dad that you would never guess they have different mothers. The only difference between the two are my dad is always covered in oil and my uncle is covered in food grease or fat.

“Malcom, this is my girlfriend, Charlotte. Charlotte, this is my uncle, Malcom.”

Charlotte’s fingers clench around mine and I tilt my head, finding her staring up at me with so much wonder and awe.

Malcom wipes his hand down his blue and white apron, and holds his hand out to her. “I’ve heard a lot about you from my brother. Said you were the best doll he’s ever partied with.”

I groan. “Dad would say that. She didn’t wake up in his bed nagging at him.”

Charlotte pulls her hand back. “It’s so good to meet you.”

He flashes his teeth at Charlotte. “No starting a brawl up here, doll. It’s a long way down if one gets going.”

Charlotte’s breath hitches. “It was a misunderstanding. I swear. One minute she was there in my face, the next…” Her eyes glaze over. “It really was a misunderstanding. And everyone else, um, just got caught up in it?”

“I bet,” he tells her, before leaning back. “What are you guys having? I can have Bruce whip you up something good.”

“Charlotte’s a vegetarian,” I tell him, knowing he’ll love the fact.

“I’m sorry. If I ate it, I would totally order something. I swear,” she rushes out, most likely not wanting to offend him.

“Me too, sweetheart,” Malcom grins. “This is the veg truck. The one next door is meat.”

Her eyes widen as she scans the area where people are sat eating. “But they are all queuing here.”

“Best burgers about, that’s why.”

She smiles. “Then I’d love a burger, please.”

“Be five, ten minutes. I’ve just got to get these orders done first.”

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