Home > Charlotte(99)

Author: Lisa Helen Gray

She breathes it into mine.

Last night was the first time someone other than my dad and Nora has ever stood up for me. People take one look at me, see someone tall, muscled and intimidating, and think I can handle myself. And I can. But that isn’t the point. Those things don’t contribute as to why I can. I had to learn myself after years of dealing with guys bigger than me wanting to brag about taking me down. I’ve had friends who thought the same, and left me to handle drunk dickheads. Strangers weren’t innocent either. None of them step in when someone gets out of line with me.

It has been that way my entire life. Sometimes it did benefit me. Some guys who are out to cause trouble take one look at me and fuck off. However, that wasn’t the situation I was in when it came to my family last night.

Charlotte knew I could handle the situation, and yet stood firm and strong as she put my family of vipers in their place because they hurt me. She didn’t care that she could get stung. For the first time, I wasn’t alone.

I wish she hadn’t been put in that position, but I can’t deny how proud I felt in that moment, witnessing her strength and courage. It was a moment I’ll never forget, and I’ll make sure she knows that the minute we get home and I get her under the sheets.

“I take it todays visit didn’t go well?” I drawl, leaning back in my chair. He has been going to see the list of women my dad tracked down, and today, was the last girl on the list.

He throws himself down in his own chair, throwing his phone onto the desk. “Yes and no. It’s the same story. The same manipulative story.”

“Is that why you look like you’re about to tear the roof down?”

The lethal stare he gives me doesn’t faze me. I’m used to it and have faced down bigger men than him. Only, he has an advantage on them—none of them could fight like him.

“No, I want to tear the fucking roof down because for one single moment, I had a sick thought and blurted it out.”

I sit up at seeing the revulsion in his expression. “What do you mean?”

He runs his fingers through his dark, shaggy hair. It has grown over the weeks. So much is monopolising his time that he hasn’t even had time to get a haircut.

“I said: how didn’t anyone see him for who he truly was.”

I grit my teeth. “Mate, what the fuck?”

“I know. I didn’t mean it like that. I didn’t mean to imply they were stupid not to have known what he was like. But I couldn’t stop the words from slipping out. Aunt Kayla ripped me a new one but she didn’t need to. I’m doing it to myself.”

“Tempers are flaring,” I remind him.

“It doesn’t make what I said okay.”

“It doesn’t. But you also know deep down it wasn’t their fault. It was his.”

“How is she doing? I’ve popped in a few times but she always pastes on a smile and tries to distract us by throwing baked goods at us.”

I grin. “Good, right?” And they are. I don’t know what went wrong with that cake she made me the first time, but my girl can bake. Sometimes. “And she’s doing fine. It’s on her mind but that’s to be expected. She’s strong though, and I think she just wants to prove that to you guys.”

He nods, relaxing at my reply, but then his brows pinch together and the look of utter disgust shines back at me. “And no, they aren’t good. They taste just as vile as before.”

Huh. “Are you sure you’re eating the same things as me, because the muffins she baked me to bring to work this morning tasted amazing.”

“No,” he huffs out. “But it seems its only you who she makes them good for.”

I grin wider. “Nope. Lily had the other batch and was eating the last one when I left.” He turns pale suddenly. “What?”

“Did you stay last night?”


He shakes his head in disgust. “I’m going before I deck you.”

“What?” I ask as my phone begins to ring. He’s keeping me in the dark about… I chuckle at the realisation of where his thoughts were going.

Every time she’s baked something good, we’ve spent the night together. It seems when Charlotte is truly happy, she can bake. I wonder if she has clicked on too and that’s why she is insatiable in the bedroom. I would tease him but he looks ready to vomit all over our office and I’m not cleaning that shit up.

“Even if it tastes good next time, I’ll never be able to stomach it, not knowing what gave her the inspiration for it.”

I glance down at Nora’s name and for a second, I think about ignoring it. I pick it up, still chuckling as Landon gathers his things. “Nora?”

“Drew,” she trembles, a sob breaking out.

My entire body tenses. If her mother has done something to her, nothing will stop me from reporting her this time. “Nora, what’s going on?”

Landon stops at the door at my tone, raising an eyebrow at me, but I can’t answer him.

“I’m at the library. You need to get here. Right now,” she whispers, her voice trembling, and I know she’s struggling to remain strong. “T-there’s a, there’s a woman here. She’s poured petrol all over the books downstairs and is having a stand-off with the others.”

“Charlotte’s library?” I ask, and Landon steps forward, his hands clenched into fists. “Are you okay? Is she okay?”

“Yes, Charlotte’s library,” she snaps. “And she’s here. I called to ask her where a book was and she came over. I shouldn’t have called her. I should have just laid into that receptionist and searched for the books myself. I—”

“Nora,” I demand lightly, pulling her attention back to me before she truly loses it.

“This woman has a knife. The receptionist is unconscious,” she whispers, her breath hitching. “And I don’t know what to do. I don’t know what to do.”

I place the phone on loudspeaker as I grab my keys from my desk drawer. “It’s going to be okay. I’m coming,” I assure her. “Who else is there?”

“Harriet and Olivia, Marlene and two other girls showed up. They just told Charlotte they figured out who the wife is when everything happened.”

“Madison and Hayden?” Landon asks as we rush out of the gym.

“Yes, I think that’s what they are called. I think it’s the girl Hayden who keeps mouthing off to her. I like her.”

I pull open the door to my car, dropping the phone on the dashboard. “I’m coming. I’m on my way.”

“Wait, if Nora’s on the phone, where is she?”

Nora makes a noise in the back of her throat. “Having a cup of tea and eating popcorn whilst I watch it all unfold,” she barks.

Landon’s eyebrow arches. “She sounds like she’s related to my sister.”

It was a protective retort. She’s scared out of her mind and is lashing out. “Nora, where are you?”

“I’m upstairs. Charlotte told me to run and hide. She told me before she knew what was even going to happen,” she tells me and stops for a moment, choking back a sob. “Drew, I’m scared. I don’t know what to do.”

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