Home > Blindside Hit A Toronto Wolverines Novel(3)

Blindside Hit A Toronto Wolverines Novel(3)
Author: Michaela Grey

“Hey,” Johnny said, eyes narrowing. “Isn’t that….”

“Adam Caron?” Etienne said. “Yeah, I think it is.” He couldn’t look away. Adam was even better looking in person than on the ice, his dark hair falling over a high forehead into big, dark blue eyes. He was grinning at something one of his companions had said, those full, kissable lips curving into an infectious smile that somehow lightened Etienne’s mood just by looking at it.

“Is that—are those the fucking Freeze?” Broussard said, craning his neck to see.

“So it would appear,” Theo said. He sounded faintly starstruck. Logan patted his shoulder, lips twitching. “I’ve only ever seen Adam skate,” Theo said. “Goddamn he’s hot. Ow!” He rubbed his thigh as Broussard glared at him. “I’m allowed to think other guys are hot, Rob. It doesn’t mean I’ve suddenly stopped thinking you’re hot.”

“Speech, speech!” someone shouted.

Adam laughed and shook his head.

“Didn’t he just get called up permanently by the Wolverines?” Johnny asked.

“That must be why they’re celebrating,” Liam said. “Let’s invite them over.” He was out of his chair and heading for the other table before anyone could stop him.

“Gosh, I love how impetuous he is,” Johnny said into his beer. “That never backfires ever.”

Liam was talking to the other group, which turned as one to inspect their table. Rudy and Johnny waved as Etienne tried to figure out how to make a run for it, but it was too late. All six men were on their feet and following Liam back over.

“Rudy!” Adam said, eyes sparkling. Rudy jumped to his feet to greet him.

“I honestly wasn’t sure you’d remember me,” he admitted.

“Have you seen you skate?” Adam demanded. “Of course I remember you!”

“Adam and I attended a training camp together last year,” Rudy told the table.

“And you’re just now telling us this?” Liam said, sounding betrayed.

“Join us?” Rudy asked Adam.

For several minutes, it was a mad scramble of finding chairs and rearranging to make sure everyone had room enough to sit down, and when the dust settled, Adam was sitting next to Etienne, crammed in so tight their legs were pressed together under the table.

“Hi,” Adam said, offering a hand. “Adam Caron.”

Etienne stifled a laugh. “I know who you are. Etienne Brideau. I play for the Thunder.”

Adam nodded sagely. “I’ve heard your name.”

“You have?”

Adam had clearly worked his way through more than a few beers. His eyes were glassy, cheeks flushed, and he swayed ever so slightly when he moved.

“Mm-hmm,” he said, leaning toward Etienne. “The new left wing. Footwork like Astaire and a right hook like Ali. You’re going places.” He grinned. “Like me. I’m going places. I’m going to the Wolverines. Did you hear?”

“Yeah,” Etienne said. His head spun, and he didn’t think it was the beer he’d barely touched. Adam Caron—the Adam Caron—had heard of him. Had heard good things about him. He dragged himself together. “Sorry, uh—congratulations, man, that’s amazing news.”

Adam’s smile widened. “Thanks. I’m celebrating.”

“I can tell,” Etienne said, fighting a smile.

Adam leaned in, lips to Etienne’s ear. “I saw you watching me. Do you want to celebrate with me?”

Etienne froze. He hadn’t heard right. There was no way Adam Caron had just hit on him. But Adam was smiling at him from an inch away, the intent clear in his eyes.

“Isn’t there… someone else you’d rather, uh… celebrate with?” Etienne managed.

Adam pouted, pushing out that full lower lip. Etienne wanted to suck on it. He tore his eyes away, clearing his throat.

“You don’t want to?” Adam was asking.

“Oh, I do,” Etienne said, and Adam’s smile returned, bright enough to light the room. “But I just—” He gestured helplessly, at the people around them and then himself. So many better options, he was trying to say, but he couldn’t figure out how to put it into words.

Adam put a hand on Etienne’s thigh, making him jump. “My place is just a block away,” he breathed.

Somehow, Etienne found himself following Adam from the bar as his friends laughed and shouted encouragement.



On the street, Etienne’s common sense returned with a rush and he stopped.

“This is crazy,” he said.

Adam was on him before Etienne could react, shoving him up against the wall and slamming their mouths together. He tasted like beer and peanuts, breath hot and tongue demanding. Etienne gasped and Adam pressed closer, hands roving across Etienne’s chest and down toward his waist.

Etienne made a muffled noise of protest and caught Adam’s hands before they could dip lower. Adam growled, fighting him, and they scuffled briefly before ending up with Adam’s back pressed to the wall, wrists pinned to the brick.

Adam’s eyes were huge, blown dark with lust, and he whimpered, twisting in Etienne’s grip but not trying to break his hold.

“You like that?” Etienne said, squeezing his wrists harder.

Adam made a desperate, needy noise and nodded. “Please, I want—”

“You want to feel good?” Etienne murmured. He leaned in and nipped sharply at Adam’s earlobe, making him jerk.

“Want you,” Adam panted.

You don’t want me. Etienne was a convenient warm body, someone willing to give Adam pleasure. A sure thing. But right now, Etienne wasn’t going to think about that. Not with Adam squirming against him, lips bitten red and eyes pleading for Etienne to do more.

“Not here,” Etienne said. He took a step back, steadying Adam when he stumbled.

Adam straightened. “My place.” He set off at a quick pace, realized Etienne wasn’t beside him, and looped back to grab his wrist. “My place,” he repeated, tugging.

“Okay,” Etienne said. He didn’t fight the smile as he fell into step beside Adam, who walked briskly despite his obvious inebriation.

Adam’s “place” was a huge stone building with a doorman and gleaming marble floors.

“Good evening, Mr. Caron,” the doorman said, pressing the elevator button and holding the doors open for them.

“Thanks, Bill,” Adam said.

“Penthouse?” Etienne asked once the doors were shut.

“Not yet,” Adam said. He was looking at Etienne, eyes raking up and down his body until Etienne felt laid bare, stripped naked standing there with all his clothes on.

“I’ve seen you play,” Etienne said, in a desperate attempt to change the subject.

Adam didn’t answer, leaning back against the mirrored wall and biting his lip.

“You’re really good,” Etienne said. The elevator was moving so slowly.

Adam raised an eyebrow. “Must be why I’m going to the Wolverines.”

“Well no,” Etienne said, unable to resist. “If you were really good, you’d be going to the Kingfishers, or maybe the Birds. Riptide, even. But the Wolverines?” He shook his head, grinning.

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