Home > Darkly (Follow Me #4)(52)

Darkly (Follow Me #4)(52)
Author: Helen Hardt

   At least she’s not arguing. She knows well when to push and when not to push. Smart woman. I can’t stop my lips from trembling a bit. I almost want to chuckle, except this isn’t funny.

   “I never promised to give up my control outside the bedroom, Braden.”

   “That’s true,” I say, “but you’re forgetting one very important detail.”

   She whips her hands to her hips. “What’s that?”

   “Any place can be a bedroom.”



Chapter Forty-One

   I’m busy thinking about the dozens of ways I can fuck Skye over my desk when another knock sounds on the door.

   “Come in,” I say.

   In walks Claire, her forehead wrinkled. “The Babbler just came out online. I’ve ordered copies but figured you’d want to see this now, so I printed it. Let me know how you want to handle it.” She hands me a paper and then leaves, closing the door.

   I scan the paper. Fuck.

   Braden Black Dating Kansas Native and Budding Influencer

   Boston’s own billionaire Braden Black of Black, Inc. was seen nuzzling a new love interest at the recent MADD charity event. She is Skye Manning, a self-professed farm girl and aspiring photographer who works for mega-influencer Addison Ames. “She’s smitten,” a source close to Manning says. “I’ve never seen her so infatuated.”

   Black, known for his womanizing ways, hasn’t dated anyone seriously since his short relationship with model Aretha Doyle ended last year. “I wish him all the best,” says Doyle. “He and I remain close friends.”

   Black and Manning met at Ames’s office recently and have been inseparable since. They’ve dined together in public several times, and Black will escort her to the Boston Opera Guild Gala this Saturday evening at the Ames Hotel Downtown.

   Aspiring photographer Manning is reportedly thrilled by the attention. Several of Ames’s clients have reached out to her personally, asking for Instagram posts. As she’s familiar with the business, she’s poised to become the next sweetheart of Instagram. “She’s over the moon,” the source says. “Not only is she on the arm of Braden Black, but she’s getting the attention she craves for her work.”

   Black’s office had no comment.

   I have no clue what to say to Skye, so I opt for nothing. I simply hand her the paper.

   She blinks a few times. “What the heck?”

   “Did you think this would stay quiet for long?” I ask.

   “But I didn’t tell her anything.”

   “Do you think that matters?”

   “Why do you keep asking me questions?”

   “Let me put it to you this way. Neither of us said a thing. We didn’t have to. Read the article.”

   She glances down.

   “Nuzzling?” she says.

   “To lean against,” I say.

   She rolls her eyes. “I know what it means, Braden. Jesus. We weren’t nuzzling.”

   “Just read.”

   She gulps. “Braden, I never said any of this.”

   “I know.”

   “And I have no idea who this purported source is.”

   I nod.

   “How can they lie like that?”

   “Easy,” I say. “They found a ‘source’ who’s borderline credible and got them to say what they want. Happens to me all the time.”

   “Not this time. You had no comment. It makes me look like I’m chasing you.”

   I twist my lips to keep from smiling. “And you’re not?”

   “Braden! I’m being serious. I’ve had one call from Susanne Cosmetics, not several calls. This isn’t right. And how do they know we’re going to the opera gala?”

   I chuckle. “Do you really think I announce where I’m going and who I’m going with?”

   “Someone knows. Christopher? Annika?”

   “I trust my staff implicitly.”

   “Then who?”

   “A source, most likely.”

   She looks around nervously, darting her gaze to each corner of the office.

   “You’re getting carried away,” I say.

   “What do you mean?”

   “I know what you’re thinking. The same thing I thought the first time this happened to me. You’re wondering who’s watching you. Who’s listening to you. Who among your circle of friends could have sold you out. The answer? No one.”

   “Then how—”

   “I already told you. They find a source who doesn’t want to be named. Surely you’ve read tabloids before.”

   “Actually, I haven’t,” she says.

   “Do yourself a favor, then. Don’t ever start reading them. It will slowly invade your mind, and it’s not worth it. No one gives the Babbler any credence.”

   “Then why did Claire bring it straight to you?”

   “I have to keep up with what the rags are saying about me. Doesn’t mean I give it any value whatsoever.”

   “Then why—”

   “If anything is said that could affect business, I have to be aware and file the necessary defamation lawsuits.”

   “Well, I want to know who this source is.”

   “Journalists don’t have to reveal their sources.”

   “This isn’t journalism, Braden. It’s gossip. Fabricated gossip.”

   “Potato, po-tah-to, as far as the courts are concerned. Besides, look at the facts. We are dating. We did sit together at the MADD event. We are going to the Opera Guild Gala. And we’ve pretty much been inseparable since we met.”

   “Except they make me sound like a lovesick schoolgirl who’s after Addie’s job. She’s going to have a field day with this.”

   “Maybe she won’t see it,” I say.

   Skye laughs, and I can’t tell whether it’s real or forced. Probably a combination of both.

   “Addie won’t see it? The woman thrives on attention. She googles her name all the time. How will she not see it?”

   I don’t reply.

   “I’m nothing like Addison,” she says indignantly.

   “If you were anything like Addison, do you think I’d have the slightest interest in you?”

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