Home > Heavy Petting (Boys of the Bayou Gone Wild #2)(76)

Heavy Petting (Boys of the Bayou Gone Wild #2)(76)
Author: Erin Nicholas

Charlie snorted. “Well, I mean—Ouch!” Charlie jumped and frowned at Naomi, leaning to rub her leg.

“I think she means Jordan,” Naomi said to Donovan. “She’s wondering if you know who Jordan is.”

It was an unspoken agreement in Autre that everyone protected Naomi’s identity. If people thought they recognized her, the people in Autre generally downplayed it or flat-out lied. If people came to town looking for her, having read somewhere on the Internet that she was from Autre originally, the people in town covered. Naomi was very much living a simple, quiet, out-of-the-spotlight life now. And her town, especially her friends and family, protected that. Charlie had obviously had a momentary lapse.

Donovan looked at Jordan. “Oh, should I know who you are?”

Jordan shook her head. “Not necessarily.”

“She dated Jason Young,” Naomi said. “The country music singer.”

Donovan frowned as if trying to place the name. Then shrugged. “I think I’ve heard of him.”

Jordan nodded. “Yeah. We broke up. Not too long ago. So every once in a while I get recognized.”

“Is he a big deal?” Donovan asked.

Charlie and Naomi both chuckled. “Yeah, he’s a big deal,” Charlie said. “Rising star.”

“We should ask him for help too, then,” Donovan said. “More celebrity power.”

Charlie gave a choked laugh and Naomi frowned at her.

Naomi had done a lot of charity work back when she’d been on her show, but she’d developed anxiety about crowds and big public places toward the end of her career so she no longer did appearances.

“Maybe he could do a benefit concert or even just talk about it in some press conference or something,” Donovan said, still talking about Jason.

Charlie sat up a little straighter. “Griffin’s here. Hey, Donovan, go grab Griffin and on your way past the bar, get us all some refills.”

Donovan looked over to where his brother had just entered the restaurant and nodded. “Okay.” He slid off the stool. But he turned back to Naomi with a grin. “Don’t worry, sweetheart, I’ll be right back. Save my seat.”

As soon as he was far enough away from the table that he wouldn’t hear what they said, Jordan and Charlie both turned on Naomi.

“Oh my God,” Charlie said.

“What?” Naomi asked. She was studying her fingernails.

“I have never seen you moony-eyed over a man.”

Naomi frowned. “Moony-eyed? I don’t even know what that means.”

Charlie pointed at her. “You have a crush on Donovan Foster. Why didn’t you say anything?”

“Why would I have said anything? What am I supposed to say to you? ‘Oh, hey, I’ve seen Griffin’s brother on TV and oh my God’.”

Charlie nodded. “Yes, basically that’s what you could’ve said.”

“Except that I didn’t want you to know.”

“I could’ve introduced you. I could’ve set you up! He’s obviously attracted to you.”

“I didn’t want to meet him and I do not want to be set up,” Naomi said.

Zeke chuckled. “Yeah, why would you want to meet the guy you have a crush on?”

Naomi took a breath and blew it out. “You all know that I like low-key. I have a simple life. And I love it. I don’t want to be set up with my friend’s boyfriend’s brother. Especially when he’s a celebrity. Donovan Foster is not low-key.”

Charlie and Jordan both snorted.

“Celebrity?” Jordan asked. “I’ve never heard of him.”

“Well, he’s a celebrity in some circles,” Naomi said. She actually tipped her chin up and said it with a slightly haughty air.

Charlie and Jordan laughed even harder.

“The man scales the side of the mountains to go down and rescue eagles that have been injured,” Naomi said. “He’s swum out in the midst of sharks to rescue a baby whale. He once had to avoid a pride of lions so he could take a lioness to his rehab facility.”

Charlie shook her head. “This is awesome. I mean, if I had to pick the guy that I thought Naomi LeClaire would have a crush on, it would absolutely not be a larger than life, attention hog, adrenaline junkie like Donovan.”

Jordan shook her head. “I don’t know, it kinda makes sense. He’s into wild animals and she’s always been an animal lover. They totally have that in common. Plus, she understands the TV thing. Plus, he’s hot.”

Charlie nodded. “I mean he does look a lot like his older brother. So he’s definitely good-looking.”

“And charming as hell.” Jordan peered closer at Naomi. “And I think he is absolutely captivated by the idea that you know who he is.”

Naomi waved that away. “A lot of people know who he is. And he was just being flirtatious when he said that women don’t normally know.”

“I don’t know about that,” Charlie said. “I don’t know a ton of women who watch the Go Wild Channel. And even fewer that watch YouTube series about wild animal rehabilitation experts.”

“Well, Ms. Marketing Guru, maybe you need to do some more research.” Naomi said. “Animal videos? Come on. That’s basically why most people start watching YouTube.”

“Yeah, funny cat videos and stuff like that,” Charlie said. “Not specific series that are created for YouTube.”

Naomi shook her head. “I mean, it’s not as polished and produced as his show on cable, but that almost makes it better. It’s gritty and real. They don’t always cut away when something awkward happens, or even during the boring moments. It’s all on there. You really see what it’s like.”

“Does he ever take his shirt off?” Jordan asked, resting her chin on her hand.

Naomi rolled her eyes. But she didn’t say he didn’t take his shirt off.

Jordan laughed. “That answers my question.”

Charlie leaned in. “Do you think if he did something for the petting zoo it would actually matter to his followers?” she asked Naomi. “Like could he help us raise the money online?”

Naomi shrugged. “Possibly. I mean, at least he has the credentials. Like I said, he could talk about rehabilitating animals and tie it into some of the permanent disabilities our animals have.” She looked at Jordan. “I might be willing to do something too,” she said softly.

“No, seriously, Naomi. You do not have to do that. I am not going to make anyone do anything they don’t want to do.” She looked at Charlie. “We will raise the funds we need. Or I’ll go back to substitute teaching and volunteer my time at the zoo.”

“But we won’t be able to do as much then. At least not as quickly,” Charlie said, clearly disappointed. But she looked at Naomi. “But I do not expect you to do anything you don’t want to do. You have put Zoey at the Zoo behind you. We fully support that. We are not trying to get you to change your mind.”

Naomi nodded. “Okay. I just feel bad. You have this amazing petting zoo that you’re trying to grow into more right in my backyard.”

“You don’t owe us anything, Naomi. We’re friends. Your happiness and security come first.”

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