Home > No Escape From War (Trouble for Hire #1)(30)

No Escape From War (Trouble for Hire #1)(30)
Author: Cynthia Eden

“The vic on the beach wasn’t strangled.”

Now War did glance Odin’s way.

The blond shrugged. “I did some digging. Actually arrived at the scene before you did. When I heard on the scanner about the body being discovered—a female victim, so close to Rose’s place—I wanted to make sure the guy we’re after didn’t strike out at someone else.”

Wasn’t that what they’d all feared?

“No wounds were on her neck. At least, not that I saw. I got a few more details from the cops before they me shut down, but this death seems unrelated. A fucking tragedy…” His gaze swept toward the waves. “But not a murder by our guy.”

Rose was still speaking as she motioned toward the waves.

“Got my tech friend to try and learn more about the photo sent to you. He’s working on it but—”

“I figured out who sent it.” War had just forgotten to tell Odin. “A PI named Gary Strom. Real piece of work. He likes to peer in windows and take pictures of people.”

Odin rocked back on his heels. “Want me keeping an eye on him?”

He measured his buddy. “I’d appreciate it.” He wanted to say more. To ask how Odin was doing. This was the first time that Odin had actually appeared interested in working on anything lately. He’d been drifting too much. Living in the past and the pain there. “I could use a partner on this case.”

Odin’s blond brows rose. “Partner?”

“If you’re going to be sticking around town, maybe you should consider joining the PI business with me. Clients have been increasing, and I need the help.” The PI side business had started as a hobby. War had been used to spending his days and nights in battles. Giving up the adrenaline, suddenly being a civilian who didn’t live on the edge—it had been one hell of an adjustment.

So he’d looked for something to capture his attention.

Decided to try a few side gigs. Discovered he had a knack for the job.

Odin didn’t reply. War figured that meant his friend was thinking things over. He wouldn’t push. Odin wasn’t the type of man you could push.

War’s attention shifted back to Rose and her crew.

“Got it!” The cameraman backed up after making his announcement. “I’ll take a few scene shots, but we should be good here.”

Rose blew out a breath and nodded.

“She ok?” Odin asked.

“Rose is a lot stronger than she looks.”

“Good to know.” Then, “You ok?”

No, man, I’m falling in deep again, and I don’t know what the hell I’ll do if she walks on me. “Great. Couldn’t be better. Fantastic.”

“Shit. You had sex with her.”

Those words—accurate words—had his stare whipping back to Odin. “Don’t push on this. Don’t say anything that makes her feel uncomfortable.”

Odin rubbed his chin. “I was doing a little spring cleaning at your place.”

Talk about a conversational change, but… “Since when?”

“Found something interesting in your kitchen drawer. Seemed weird, you know, having an engagement ring shoved in with your spoons.”

Fuck. His buddy had found that? A swift glance to the right showed Rose closing in. “Not a word.”

“Left it there. But you might want to move it, you know, if you’re planning on having company—other than me—over soon.”

Yes, he made a mental note to do just that. Move the ring.

“Drowning victim.” Rose exhaled on a long sigh. “I learned that she’d checked in to a hotel on the beach just two days ago. She’s here with her sister.” Rose looked toward the water.

He could see the sadness on her face. The stories got to her. The people did. He knew it. He’d witnessed it plenty of times before when he watched her reports on the news. Emotion would quaver in her voice. Pain would flash on her face. That was the thing about Rose—she actually cared. No if it bleeds, it leads bullshit with her. The people mattered.

That was why he knew the murder of Barbara Briggs must have ripped her apart.

But as he watched, Rose straightened her shoulders. Her gaze darted to Odin. Her left brow quirked. Her lips parted—

“Odin has a new job,” War told her quickly. Do not mention the ring. He would cross that bridge soon enough. “He’s gonna be keeping an eye on our buddy Gary.”

“The PI?” She blinked.

“Um. I don’t like the guy. Like it even less that he’s so tight with Dylan. I think we need to examine his life a little bit more.” A hell of a lot more.

Odin gave a quick salute. “On it.” He turned and walked across the sand.

Rose pulled out a pair of oversized sunglasses and perched them on her nose. “Does he talk more when it’s just you and him?”

Ah…about that. “Odin is shy.”


“No, seriously, he is. Growing up, Odin was always bigger than everyone else. Stronger. He was always worried about hurting people who were weaker than he was, and when it came to girls…” He shook his head at the memory. “The man still can’t talk well with them. He says awkward shit when he tries. Does awkward shit. So he now has a method where he says as little as possible.” A wince. “By the way, that’s why he screwed up with you that first night. I know he sounded like a dick, but he was trying to look out for me, in his way.”

He couldn’t see her gaze, but her head had angled toward Odin’s departing form. “But he said he was the charming one.”

Another wince. “I told him he was charming. That he could be charming. Trying to build up the guy’s self-esteem, you know? He had a tough time of it on the last mission.” Memories Odin didn’t want to face. “And now he’s here and alone—”

“He’s not alone.” Considering. Quiet. “He has you.”

Damn right, he does. “I don’t care about blood, that man is my brother. I’d do anything for him, just like he’d do the same for me.” No hesitation.

“Then I will very much try to see his charming side.”

He squinted at her, but her voice wasn’t mocking.

“If he inspires so much devotion, then I am sure the man has many good points.”

“When the other kids picked on me…” Why was he telling her this? He’d kept so much from her because War didn’t usually see the point in revisiting the past. But maybe…keeping all that from her had been the reason they didn’t make it the first time. “Other kids gave me a rough time. Called my dad a loser. Said no one wanted me. But Odin was there. When they came at me, he stood between me and them until I was strong enough to fight my own battles.”

Once more, her head turned as she seemed to look after Odin. But he was gone.

“We should go, too,” War murmured. “There are some things at your station that I need to take care of.”

“Things you have to take care of? Are you going to share with the group?”

The group?

“Me,” Rose clarified.

War winked. “Figured that.” He stepped closer to her. His knuckles slid over the edge of her cheek, just beneath the sunglasses. “You are so beautiful.”

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