Home > Tangled Games (Dating Games #5)(42)

Tangled Games (Dating Games #5)(42)
Author: T.K. Leigh

Almost like someone doesn’t want us to be seen together. Doesn’t want people to think we’re actually going to be married.

Doing my best to push down the negative thoughts, I turn my attention back to the canals in front of me, marveling at the sheer number of people riding bikes here. When I sense a presence looming beside me, I look to my right, expecting to see one of the waitstaff approaching with our tea.

Instead, my gaze falls on a suit-clad body, debonair smile, and enigmatic blue eyes.

“Anderson? What are you—”

“Shh,” he hushes me before I can finish. “How about some role play?” He winks.

Role play? Here? Sure, we once did just that at least once a week in New York to keep things fun, meeting at various spots in the city and pretending to fall in love as different people all over again. But how is that going to help our situation? I’m not interested in falling in love with a stranger.

I inhale a sharp breath, the realization washing over me.

“Or perhaps real play might be more appropriate right now,” he says.

“Real play?” I repeat.

He nods slowly, keeping his hopeful eyes locked on mine. “Yes. Real play.”

I blow out a small laugh. “I think that’s exactly what we need.”

“As do I.”



Chapter Twenty-Two




“My name’s Gabriel.” I extend my hand, pleading with Nora to take it. Like she holds my entire future in her hands.

In a way, she does.

Finally, she places her hand in mine. “Nora.”

“Nora,” I croon in a husky voice that sends a visible shiver through her. She can try to deny it all she wants, but her body still responds to me the same way it did the first time our eyes locked in that Chicago diner. “That’s a beautiful name.”

Gaze trained on her, I gradually lift her hand to my lips. Her complexion reddens, chest heaving with her increasing breaths. When I brush my mouth against her knuckles, I swear a tiny moan escapes her throat.

God, that sound does things to me.

I release my grip on her before I can’t resist the temptation to yank her from the chair and pin her against the wall as I give her a taste of precisely what she’ll miss if she leaves. But I don’t, remembering the part I’m here to play.

“Would you like some company?” I gesture to the empty chair.

“I’d love some.”

“Wonderful.” Unbuttoning my suit jacket, I lower myself into Esme’s chair. “I get the feeling you’re not from around here.”

“What makes you say that?”

“Just a hunch, although that adorable American accent of yours is a dead giveaway.”

She’s about to respond when the owner of the café approaches. Noticing me beside Nora, he straightens, my presence obviously taking him by surprise. But he recovers quickly and bows.

“Your Highness.”

“Good to see you, Lewis.”

“Here are the tea, scones, and sandwiches Her Highness ordered, sir.”

“Lovely. Thank you.”

“Of course.” He gives Nora a smile and, after another quick bow toward me, retreats.

I grab the pot and pour liquid into the two small teacups before adding a bit of sweetener to both. I slide her cup and saucer toward her, ensuring the handle points in the correct direction.

“A toast.” I lift my teacup.

“With tea?”

“Why not?”

“What shall we drink to?” She raises her cup.

“What do you say to second chances and fresh starts?”

A shy grin tugs on her lips, her eyes gleaming. “I think it’s perfect. To second chances and fresh starts.”

We clink teacups and take a sip. After returning my cup to its saucer, I grab her plate, serving her a few finger sandwiches from the three-tiered presentation.

“I should probably tell you,” I begin once I have a plate of my own, “I’m kind of a big deal around here.”

“Is that so?” She places the cloth napkin over her lap.

“I can see why you wouldn’t know, considering you’re not from here.”

“And why are you a big deal?”

“Truthfully, it’s rare that I lead with this information. Not because I’m trying to hide who I am,” I add quickly. “I simply don’t want it to cloud someone’s opinion of me. Most of my relationships have been…superficial. People only tend to spend time with me because of who I am. To this day, I can count on one hand the number of authentic people in my life.” I narrow my gaze on her. “The number of people who know the real me.”

She averts her eyes, a hint of remorse tugging on her expression.

“But something tells me you don’t have a superficial bone in your body,” I continue, pulling her attention back to me. “That despite who I am, you’ll decide whether I’m worth your time based on my merits. Nothing else.”

“I’d like to think I’m not one-dimensional enough to only want to be with someone because of any alleged clout they may have. Trust me. I was raised by one of the most superficial women out there. The last thing I want is to turn into my mother.”

“Fair enough.” I straighten, inhaling a deep breath. My stomach flutters, hands growing clammy.

Why am I nervous? She already knows the truth. But I’m desperate for this to go right. Desperate for today to be the first page in this new chapter. Not the end of a story cut too short.

“Here goes nothing.” I take a deep breath and lift my eyes to meet Nora’s. “I’m a prince.”

Silence fills the air between us. I barely even register the background noises of the city around us, my confession lingering. Much like it did when I told her the first time.

And just like that first time all those months ago, she makes light of my admission.

“Is that just some cheesy pickup line? If so, you’ve got your work cut out for you, buddy, because I’ve heard better.”

I throw my head back and laugh. “Trust me, gorgeous. I wish it were just some cheesy pickup line. But it’s true. My name is Gabriel Anderson Joseph Xavier Wellingston, and I’m next in line to the throne here in the beautiful country of Belmont.”

“Is that right?”

“‘Fraid so.”

“Then tell me, Prince Gabriel….” She edges closer, the gentle breeze wafting her perfume toward me.

It reminds me of the miles we drove together in a Jeep Wrangler with the top down. For weeks after our adventure ended in heartache, I smelled her everywhere. I thought it was the penance I was forced to pay for my sins. That I’d forever be tormented by my brief slice of heaven while I roamed the depths of hell.

“Why is a prince talking to a girl in a sidewalk café? I imagine you must have no shortage of women vying for your attention.”

“That’s certainly true. And I’d be remiss if I didn’t mention that quite a few people in my inner circle already have a strong opinion on who I should…associate with.”

“Associate with?”

“Date. And eventually marry.”

“You make it sound like a professional connection. Not a romantic one.”

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