Home > Undercover Wolf(71)

Undercover Wolf(71)
Author: Paige Tyler

   How many more people were going to try to squeeze into her office? The room had been crowded before with the four large cops, but now it was nearly claustrophobic. “These officers aren’t with the task force. They’re here to tie up a few loose ends on a case from back in June.” Before her boss could ask which case, she quickly made the introductions. “Officers, this is Louis Russo, the chief medical examiner. And this is Hugh Olsen and Nadia Payne, two of my fellow assistant MEs.”

   Her gray-haired boss immediately reached out to shake hands with Trey and his teammates as she continued with the introductions. Hugh merely nodded stiffly in greeting while Nadia offered them a cool smile. No surprise there.

   While Samantha loved working with Louis, who was a brilliant pathologist, a willing mentor, and completely above the politics that sometimes made working in the ME’s office a pain in the butt, she couldn’t say the same about Hugh and Nadia. They were both smart and capable at their jobs, but spending so much time among the dead had made them cold and detached. Almost like they didn’t know how to interact with the living anymore. The only time either of them pretended to care was when Louis was around to see it. To say they’d been pissed when Louis had assigned Samantha to the Butcher task force was putting it mildly. The way they saw it, this was the kind of case that could catapult their careers to the next level and put them directly in line for chief ME when Louis left. The fact that there were people actually dying out there thanks to this psychopath didn’t seem to register with them at all. Hugh, in particular, had campaigned heavily for the assignment, and when Louis gave it to Samantha, he’d nearly exploded. Since then, he never let a chance to bash Samantha pass him by. Nadia was more circumspect about it but equally bitter. Luckily, Louis never listened to their crap.

   The moment Hugh and Nadia figured out they weren’t going to be able to undermine Samantha—or hear anything about the serial killer case—they both left her office, mumbling something about needing to catch up on paperwork. Louis left soon after they did, asking Samantha to stop by his office before she left for the day so they could go over whatever she had learned from the Butcher’s latest victim.

   Thirty seconds later, Connor, Hale, and Trevor headed for the door, too, saying they’d be waiting out by the truck. And just like that, Samantha found herself left alone with Trey. It occurred to her then that it was the first time that had ever happened.

   “Not very subtle, are they?” Samantha asked with a soft laugh.

   Getting to her feet, she moved closer, mesmerized by the way his presence still seemed to fill the room even with only the two of them in it. Samantha found it impossible not to stare up at him. To say he was the most gorgeous man she’d ever seen was an understatement.

   “No, I guess they aren’t,” Trey murmured, gazing down at her, his low, sexy voice drawing her in even closer. “Sorry we chased off your coworkers like that.”

   “Did you hear me complaining?” she countered. “Anything that gets me out of talking to Hugh and Nadia is all good in my book.”

   Trey snorted, his lips curving into a smile. Samantha had an overwhelming urge to rub her face against his like a cat just so she could feel that scruff on his chiseled jaw against her skin.

   “Yeah, I couldn’t help but pick up on the bad vibe between you and those two,” he said. “If you want to use up one of those favors, I happen to have a few friends in the federal government. I could have them sniff around their background, see if Hugh cheats on his taxes or Nadia hacks into their neighbor’s Netflix account.”

   Samantha was too caught up in Trey’s blue eyes to answer right away. Sometimes they seemed darker in color, like the sky at night. Other times, they reminded her of the sky on a sunny day. She wondered if it was possible for eyes to change color like that, to lighten and darken with one’s mood. Maybe she should ask for permission to lay on his chest for a few hours to study them just to see if she was right.

   But while lying atop Trey certainly sounded like fun, Samantha realized maybe she needed to start with something a little less familiar.

   “If I’m going to use up one of my favors,” she said softly, keenly aware of Trey leaning in even more, then closing his eyes and inhaling. Like he was trying to breathe in her scent. “It wouldn’t be for snooping into either of their backgrounds.”

   “What would you use it on then?” he asked, lifting his gaze to hers. Oh yeah, his eyes definitely darkened a bit more, like the ocean in the middle of a storm.

   Inspiration hit then, and Samantha didn’t even pause to wonder if she should do it or not.

   “I’d use it to have you take me out to dinner,” she said before she could come to her senses and chicken out.

   From the way Trey gaped, Samantha could tell she’d thrown the big cop for a loop. Fear and doubt immediately started creeping in, making her think she’d royally screwed up. Maybe Trey was one of those men who was more comfortable doing the asking instead of being asked. She didn’t like to think someone who was clearly so strong and confident would be insecure over something like that. But maybe she’d read him all wrong.

   “Are you asking me out on a date?” he said, and she was relieved when she saw a spark of interest there in those mesmerizing eyes. Like he suddenly found a game he unequivocally liked.

   She stepped closer, smiling as his eyes darkened again. “Actually, I’m using one of my favors to have you ask me out. That way, I can be progressive and traditional at the same time. That doesn’t bother you, does it?”

   He grinned, his expression making her pulse skip a beat. “Definitely not. I’m a huge fan of progressive traditions. Dinner tomorrow night work for you?”

   She had to force herself not to pump her fist in excitement. “It does.”

   “Good. Should I pick you up at your place? Say seven o’clock.”

   She nodded, then watched in disappointment as he turned and headed for the door. Not that seeing him from behind was a bad view or anything.

   “Hey,” she called before he disappeared into the hallway. “I didn’t give you my address.”

   Trey paused long enough to give her another one of those smiles that turned her knees to Jell-O. “At the risk of sounding like a stalker, I already know where you live.”

   He was out the door before Samantha could say whether it made him seem like a stalker or not. But in all honesty, it wasn’t like she could complain very much since she already knew where he lived, too.



Chapter 3

   When Trey got the call from his commander/pack alpha at five o’clock in the morning telling him to get to the McCommas Bluff Landfill, he’d assumed it was going to be another body dump. And when he’d pulled up the map on his phone and realized the landfill was only a couple miles from the Trinity River site where they’d found the body a few days ago, he’d been even more sure. So he was a little stunned when he reached the front gates of the landfill and didn’t see a single member of the press or the normal collection of morbid gawkers who liked showing up at any scene that might belong to the Butcher. Trey found it hard to believe the DPD could have kept something like this quiet. No matter how hard they tried, word always seemed to get out.

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