Home > Shadow Storm (Shadow Riders #6)(11)

Shadow Storm (Shadow Riders #6)(11)
Author: Christine Feehan

She felt her brothers’ shock. Stefano dug his fingers into the side of her waist. She didn’t look at him, or at Vittorio. She could only look at Val. Was there some way to undo it? If so, was it like the riders? Would she forget him? Did she want to forget him?

“Not going to talk about anything that would give you an excuse to run away from me again. Too tired right now, Emme. Give me a couple of hours, babe.” His voice trailed off.

Stefano tightened his hold on her for a moment and then jerked his head toward the door. Vittorio got up, starting to remove the IV from his arm. Mariko came out of the shadows and did it for him, using a much gentler technique than he would have. She remained behind, watching over Val while Stefano led Emme out of the room.

Emmanuelle felt a little like she might be going to her doom. She kept her chin up while she explained to both brothers about how each time she was near Val, and their shadows touched, those little ropes insisted on tying themselves around her shadow, binding her to him, almost as if she was a prisoner. She’d learned to be careful, but the pull between them was so strong that often she didn’t pay as much attention as she should.

“Why didn’t you tell us?” Stefano demanded.

“I tried to tell you,” Emme said. “Often, especially when it first happened. I was terrified. Every time I brought up Val, you were furious, Stefano. You yelled at me before I could find the right words to describe what was happening. I tried over and over to tell all of you that I couldn’t stay away from him, but you acted like I was some helpless female caught up in him because he was hot. No one would take the time to listen to me. Eventually, I’ll admit, I gave up. More, I didn’t want to say anything because I knew I was in love with him and I was afraid of what you’d do. It only just occurred to me that maybe Dario saw something in Nicoletta like Taviano did. Is that possible, Stefano? Can the Saldis bind a rider to them differently, but still bind them?”

Stefano and Vittorio exchanged a long look. Stefano put his arm around her shoulders. “I don’t know, honey. I’ve never heard of such a thing. I’d have to ask a council member. I can ask Alfieri without going into details. I’m sorry I didn’t listen to you, but you know you should have told us.”

Alfieri Ferraro was a distant cousin from Sicily who sat on the International Council of Shadow Riders. He would know, or have access to those who would know, the answer to the question if anyone would. The feud between the Saldis and the Ferraros had started because the Saldis had taken offense when the Ferraros refused to align themselves when asked. They had openly opposed the Saldis and had helped others against them. In the end, the Saldis had made a concentrated effort to wipe them out, every man, woman and child, to stamp out the very existence of the Ferraros. Few other than the shadow riders had escaped, dispersing across the world, vowing to come back stronger to find a way to prevent a massacre from ever happening again.

Emme nodded. Stefano was right, especially if it proved that the Saldis could bind female riders to them for some purpose and Nicoletta and Grace had been unknowingly in danger. Her phone vibrated, and she yanked it out quickly, saw the text and groaned.

“Eloisa just drove up with Henry. Great. That’s all I need. I’m going back in the room with Val. I can’t face her right now, Stefano.”

“She came to help defend him and Giuseppi,” Stefano reminded. “No matter what she says or does, she is famiglia, and when push comes to shove, she will fight at our side.”

That was true, but Emmanuelle didn’t want her there.




Eloisa walked through the door, Henry right behind her. Emmanuelle tried not to stare at her normally elegant mother. Tonight, Eloisa wore dark trousers with slashes of gray through them. A wide belt held multiple loops. Hanging from those loops were so many kinds of weapons, but each was encased in something that prevented them from knocking against one another, so they remained silent.

She had on a black-and-gray top with long sleeves that clung to her body like a glove. Across her front diagonally was a strap holding multiple weapons. Around her neck was a black scarf that looked as if it might actually be a hood. Behind her, Henry was dressed and armed similarly.

“Eloisa, Henry,” Stefano said. “It’s good that you came. “Giuseppi is unharmed, but Dario and Valentino are both in bad shape. They’ve been investigating a human trafficking ring these last couple of years, certain Miceli was behind it, and unfortunately, they were right. He’s been bringing in teenage girls and auctioning them off to the highest bidders. Giuseppi tried to shut it down, and Miceli turned on him. Valentino fought off an army so Dario could get the old man out alive. That’s it in a nutshell, but we expect Miceli to try to finish them.”

Eloisa nodded briskly. “Does Giuseppi have anyone he can count on?”

“From what I understand,” Emmanuelle answered before Stefano could, “he thinks he does, but Dario isn’t as certain. Dario said that Miceli has been bribing even men Giuseppi has had in his organization for years. The younger ones like the money and access to girls that Miceli promises. He said there are a very few that are loyal to Val, but not many they trust with Giuseppi’s life.”

Emmanuelle braced herself for her mother’s biting, sharp tongue. Anything to do with Valentino Saldi had always been ugly between them. Eloisa glanced at Henry and then to Stefano and Vittorio.

“At least they had the good sense to call on us. Where is Giuseppi?”

“He and Dario are in the guest bedroom down the hall,” Stefano said, indicating it with his cell phone. “I can send you all the particulars. We’re all keeping in touch that way.”

Henry’s phone chimed first and then Eloisa’s.

“You gave blood, Vittorio,” Eloisa observed.

“He would have died otherwise. He was shot multiple times,” Vittorio clarified.

“Say what you want about that boy,” Eloisa said. “He does love his father. He would do anything at all for that man.”

She said it as if Val couldn’t love anyone else. And maybe he couldn’t. Emmanuelle already knew Giuseppi had ordered Val to get her to fall in love with him so he could learn the Ferraro family secrets. There had been another woman in his bedroom, and he’d actually said that to her. He’d compromised a young girl, made her fall in love and continued duping her. And then there was the binding of her shadow. He had known all along, and he had deliberately sought her out for that as well. Was that something Giuseppi had ordered?

If Miceli knew and went after Grace because of it, and Dario had looked at Nicoletta because of her abilities, then Giuseppi had known. Someone had to have clued in Dario and Valentino. She couldn’t look at her mother or Stefano another minute. She needed to be alone.

“I’ll go outside and look around, Stefano. I know we’ve got people out there, but it might be good to have one of us looking out as well.” She sent him an imploring look. She just needed to breathe fresh air. Be alone. Just for a few minutes.

“Good idea, Emme. Stay in the shadows. Let Enzo know.”

“Of course.” She nodded at Eloisa and Henry without really looking at them and stepped into a shadow, letting it carry her right out the door.

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