Home > Shadow Storm (Shadow Riders #6)(62)

Shadow Storm (Shadow Riders #6)(62)
Author: Christine Feehan

Vittorio’s attention was centered on her in the way Stefano’s was on Francesca. Maybe even more so. These men were strong and deadly, every one of them, and yet they had a tremendous weakness. He looked to the last of the brothers.

Taviano. Taviano had claimed Nicoletta almost immediately, from the first time that she had come to live with her foster parents, Lucia and Amo Fausti. She’d been a broken teen, wild and out of control. The Ferraro family had protected her, claimed her as their own and built a circle around her to keep anyone else out.

Taviano was a replica of Stefano in many ways. He had the same build, those same blue eyes. Emmanuelle said he was an excellent chef. Val knew he designed engines for race cars along with Vittorio. He seemed to be quite brilliant, a trait the Ferraro family shared. His choice had always been Nicoletta. She’d grown into a woman, much more confident and much like Emme and Mariko. Val guessed she could go into the shadows and was trained in their work as an assassin as well.

Stefano came over to them and dropped into the luxury seat on the other side of him. He gave Valentino a wolfish smile. “You’re studying the members of the family as if they’re your enemies. Sizing them up for weaknesses.”

Because he was holding Emmanuelle’s hand, Val felt the instant tension coiling in her, the sudden rigidness in her fingers and the pulling tightness in her tendons. He stayed relaxed and used his thumb to brush caresses over the back of her hand, trying to convey to her that all was well, not to worry.

“It’s a habit I’m afraid I’ll never be able to break. I developed it after my parents died in a car bombing.” He gave a casual shrug. “Perhaps before that. I don’t remember. It feels like I’ve always done it.”

Stefano held out his hand to his sister, palm up, indicating he wanted Val’s phone. Emme looked up at Val for permission, and he wanted to kiss her. She’d never done that before. She’d always obeyed Stefano’s commands without thinking about it, at least around Val. He gave a slight nod and she placed the phone in Stefano’s palm.

“I do the same thing,” Stefano admitted. “That’s what keeps us and our families alive. In this case, marrying Emmanuelle makes you famiglia. We take that very seriously. I would imagine that you do, too. Until you prove disloyal to us, and we would take that very seriously as well, we are famiglia. That means something, Valentino. So when you study us, do so through the eyes of famiglia. We will do the same.”

He typed in a message and then handed the phone back to Val. “Francesca is very excited. She hasn’t been out of the house for a while. We left Crispino with a sitter, Velia, another cousin of ours out of LA. You’ll meet her soon, I’m sure. She and her brothers will help when needed. In the meantime, Francesca can have a bit of a well-deserved breather.”

Val liked that they all took such good care of their women. “When you’re out in the open, at clubs, the races, charity events, do you act the same with your wives?”

“You mean in front of the cameras?”

“In front of your enemies?”

Val continued to brush his thumb back and forth along the back of Emmanuelle’s hand. If he showed the bosses of the other crime families that he felt the way he did about Emme, he would be putting such a target on her back. Most of the families felt the way Parisi did, that women gave them children, heirs, but they weren’t part of the business. They took mistresses and went to the clubs to play.

A couple of the families were like Giuseppi’s, believing family was off-limits and wives were sacred. They were careful and didn’t allow others to know how they felt, afraid of kidnappings and even torture or rape if they failed to cooperate with demands. Val knew if anyone had Emmanuelle, he would give away everything he had to get her back. He’d put a bullet in his own head if it would guarantee her safe return.

“We’re … more cautious. We do look like playboys. Our former images have given them some protection. They go nowhere without bodyguards. Francesca doesn’t always like it. Neither does Grace. Both feel it stifles them at times. Francesca does quite a bit of the work in the neighborhood for our famiglia. Going to an elderly woman’s home with several intimidating bodyguards can be irritating. I get that.”

“But it doesn’t change a thing,” Val said. It wouldn’t change it for him.

“No. It has never stopped me from sending them with Emmanuelle, either, even though she is perfectly capable of protecting herself. It hasn’t stopped Emilio and Enzo from sending bodyguards with me. Or, I imagine, Dario from sticking close to you.”

Valentino gave a derisive snort. “Nothing can stop Dario from doing anything his mind is made up to doing. I think if you killed him and he was already in hell, he’d just come back and do it anyway.” He glanced down at his phone to see what message was sent to his cousin.

I was forced to take you off the most wanted list. Reluctantly. You are now famiglia. You will be expected to come to all family dinners and socialize. That means more than grunt.

Val did his best to keep a straight face. He couldn’t look at Dario. He passed the phone to Emmanuelle. Who knew Stefano had a sense of humor?

“You know it can’t work that way in my circle. The moment I show a vulnerability, the sharks circle. They’ll be out for her blood.”

Stefano nodded. “Perhaps that is true, but if that is so, Valentino, they are not your allies. She will bring out your enemies faster than anything else.”

Val’s temper swirled hotly. Anger burst through him. “I don’t use my wife as bait any more than you would use yours.”

“Emme isn’t Francesca. Emmanuelle has certain abilities that Francesca doesn’t have. Her allegiance is to you. Do you plan to keep her in your kitchen? She’s your partner in the same way our women partner with each of us. She’s what you need. You’re what she needs. Don’t be a prideful fool because you’ve been taught women should have one place in your home. You’ll ruin the best thing you’ve ever been handed if you do that.”

Val knew what Stefano was telling him was the truth. Emmanuelle had already told him that. He’d listened. He’d tried to let her idea of a true partnership sink into his brain. His first step had been to acquire her by any means possible. Marry her. Get her commitment. Emme didn’t go back on her word. Once she took her vows, she would bend over backward to make things work between them.

He didn’t want Emmanuelle in danger. That was the bottom line, but just by marrying her he was putting her in danger. The marriage would give him so much. He would be strengthening his position in the five families immediately. He would be allies with the infamous Ferraro family. The other bosses would fear going up against him. He had already sent a huge message to everyone that he was in charge, and he wasn’t fucking around, sitting on his ass, waiting for Giuseppi’s murdering brother to come at him again. He was going after Miceli.

He had also signaled it was business as usual. He had insisted his capos pay their debts to him and do it immediately or tell him why they couldn’t. Even in the midst of a war with his uncle, he ran the Saldi empire with an iron fist. He’d weeded out the traitors and was still looking for others. He was bold, merciless, ruthless, and considered one of the most lethal but fair in the business.

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