Home > Darkness Betrayed(32)

Darkness Betrayed(32)
Author: Alexandra Ivy

   Xi shoved away the dark memories of his former clan and instead recalled his meeting with Styx. The huge warrior hadn’t been the Anasso yet, but his thunderous power had made him a natural leader. He’d taken in Xi when he’d been lost and broken, keeping him under his wing until Xi was strong enough to stand on his own.

   It was a gift that Xi could never fully repay.

   “No. He said to get my head out of my ass and start doing something productive with my life,” Xi said dryly.

   “That’s when you became one of his Ravens?”

   “No, that took much longer.” Xi had pledged his life to Styx centuries ago, but it hadn’t been until the previous Anasso was destroyed that he had asked Xi to become one of his private guards. “Only his most trusted warriors are allowed to join the Ravens.”

   She slowly nodded, easily sensing how much it had meant to Xi to be a part of the elite guards.

   “So now you have a new clan,” she murmured.

   “More importantly, I have a new family. We might be occasionally dysfunctional—”


   “Okay, we’re often dysfunctional,” he conceded. He wasn’t so blinded by loyalty that he was immune to the provocations, outrageous dares, and sporadic squabbles between the Ravens. You couldn’t have a group of alpha warriors working together without a few broken bones. And sometimes a cracked skull. “But being a part of Styx’s clan has healed a part of me that I thought had been destroyed forever.”

   She turned away, sliding off the bed. Xi would have been disappointed if he hadn’t seen the aching loss that darkened her eyes.

   She longed for a family. Even if she refused to admit it, even to herself.

   “Most of the demons should be settled for the day,” she said in gruff tones, heading for the door. “Time to return to the hunt.”



Chapter 12

   For Brigette, the day proved to be another frustrating search through the endless sprawl of tunnels. She could smell activity in a few of the side passages, but whatever had been done was now tightly wrapped in layers of illusion. Without the help of a fey creature, it was impossible to know what was hidden.

   Of course, she didn’t need any help in sensing the tingle of electricity in the air. It was as if the demons were suddenly on edge. The question was, why?

   The frustration, combined with her hyperawareness of the potential for danger, had Brigette fully focused on her surroundings. No doubt a good thing. The last thing she wanted was the opportunity to dwell on the tall, gorgeous vamp walking soundlessly at her side.

   It would be all too easy to lie to herself. To pretend that Xi’s past gave him an insight into her treachery. And that his determination to see the good in her somehow washed away her sins.

   It’s what she wanted to do. How wonderful would it be to believe that her past could be washed away and she could just be a normal female in lust with the sexiest male she’d ever encountered? Maybe she could even consider leaving her blighted village and…

   No. She abruptly slammed shut the mental door on the images of her and Xi together in a cozy cottage. Even if she wasn’t damned for her betrayal, there was no way she was going to have a happily-ever-after with Xi. He was a Raven. A devoted personal guard to the King of the Vampires. He wasn’t searching for a mate and a quiet existence in some remote lair. And neither was she.

   Was she?

   Threading their way back through the side tunnels as the sun set and the demons began to stir, Brigette halted when she noticed something off about the area.

   Tilting back her head, she took a deep sniff. Nothing. She stepped back, peering down the nearest tunnel.

   There was an icy breeze as Xi moved to stand next to her. “What’s wrong?”

   “The warriors that usually block this area are gone.”

   “Is this where Maryam’s rooms are?”

   “No. I’m not sure what’s in there. They were always careful to keep it heavily guarded.”

   Xi nodded. “A perfect opportunity to see what they’re hiding.”

   She grabbed his arm. “Or a trap.”

   “Quite likely.” He tried to pull his arm from her grasp. “Stay here.”

   “No.” She dug in her fingers.

   He glanced down, obviously puzzled by her refusal to leap at the golden opportunity. “There had to be a reason Maryam kept it guarded. We need to find out why.”

   Any other night, Brigette would have agreed. She’d strolled through this intersection of tunnels a dozen times, hoping to get a peek at what they were hiding. Now she stubbornly shook her head.

   “It doesn’t feel right.”


   She sniffed the air. Most spells had some sort of scent. Still nothing. “I’m not sure. It’s just…” She hunched her shoulders. “Funky.”

   “Funky.” He ached a brow. “Is that a technical term?”

   “It’s a frustrating, what-the-hell-is-going-on term.”

   Xi glanced toward the shadowed tunnel, his brief amusement fading as he used his own powers to search for danger. At last, he firmly pulled away from her grasp.

   “As I said, there’s only one way to find out. Stay here.”

   Brigette made a sound of annoyance. “You’re not in charge, vampire.”

   “No, but I’m the sensible choice,” he insisted. “I can be in and out before anyone realizes I’m there.”

   “You can’t sense magic. We both go.” She stepped forward, convinced that she’d made her point.

   The aggravating leech stepped directly in her path. “One of us needs to keep watch in case things go south.”

   Her lips parted, but she couldn’t deny the truth of his words. Someone had to signal an alarm if the guards returned. Or, worse, to go for help if this turned out to be a trap.

   “You are…”

   He stepped forward, cupping her face in his hands. “I know. It’s part of my charm.”

   “That’s not what I was going to say.”

   He gazed down at her upturned face, his attention lingering on her parted lips. “Then it’s a good thing I did.”

   Brigette told herself to yank herself away from his cool touch. Or knock away his hands. Or even step backward. Instead, she swayed toward his hard body, as if she was drawn there by some unseen magic.

   It was those dark, mysterious eyes, she silently acknowledged. They captured and held her like a magnetic force.

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