Home > Her Scottish Scoundrel (Diamonds in the Rough #7)(20)

Her Scottish Scoundrel (Diamonds in the Rough #7)(20)
Author: Sophie Barnes

Which was perfectly stupid.

In fact, wanting to look her best for him – no, that wasn’t quite right — wanting him to find her attractive was possibly the most idiotic notion she’d ever had. But it was the truth. She couldn’t deny it. For some absurd reason, Mr. MacNeil had stirred a need within her, a need to be seen as more than a spinster, a need to be desired. And heaven help her, she wanted to affect him as he’d affected her the other day in the rain.

Continuing toward the parlor, she glanced at the hallway clock. It was ten to six. The guests would be arriving soon. Her stomach tightened into a knot of anticipation and then she entered the room where her parents had already gathered together with—

Charlotte stopped. Mr. Cooper was already here? She’d not heard him arrive, which meant he must have done so quite a while ago. Stiffening her spine, she clenched her jaw and tried not to let her annoyance show. She’d hoped Mr. MacNeil would show up first and offer support, but clearly that was not to be.

Don’t worry. He’ll be here soon.

“Charlotte, my dear.” Her mother’s voice drifted toward her with musical gaiety. “Come meet our guest.”

The man with whom her parents had been conversing stood and turned. Remaining where she was, Charlotte allowed herself three full seconds in which to assess him. At roughly the same height as she, Mr. Cooper appeared to be…not nearly as hideous as she would have liked. In fact, one might even say he was handsome, if one was being honest.

Blue-eyed and fair with chiseled features, the fortunate man also possessed a lean body. Dressed from head to toe in expensive evening attire, Mr. Cooper cut a striking figure. And with his fortune taken into account, Charlotte believed him capable of making most women sigh with pleasure and flutter their eyelashes while in his presence.

Of course, his Achilles’ heel here in England would be his profession. The ton did not take kindly to men who engaged in trade. No, it was far more desirable for a peer to marry his daughter off to someone who chose to while away his hours at his club doing absolutely nothing at all. But for a spinster with no marital prospects, Mr. Cooper would be considered a catch.

Charlotte squared her shoulders and did her best to school her features. In her estimation, Mr. Cooper had just become an even bigger problem. One that would take much more effort to be rid of since no sane woman in her position would refuse him marriage in the event he proposed. Her parents would never understand or forgive her. They’d probably have her committed for being mad. Especially if she kept insisting she’d rather have Mr. MacNeil.

Of course she wanted neither, but that was beside the point.

Forcing a smile, she approached Mr. Cooper. “It’s a pleasure to make your acquaintance, sir.”

“Indeed,” he murmured with a twinkle in his eyes and a smile of appreciation upon his lips, “the pleasure’s entirely mine, Miss Russell.”

Executing a perfect bow, he reached for her hand, raised it, and kissed the air immediately above her knuckles. Kindness emanated from his gaze as he straightened and offered his arm. With no choice but to accept his escort unless she wished to be rude, Charlotte placed her hand in the crook of his elbow and let him guide her to one of the seats.

“You’re quite a jewel,” he murmured, his breath breezing across the side of her neck in a manner that should have produced a sensual shiver if she’d been remotely attracted to him.

Instead, she felt nothing. Not one iota of pleasure or any desire for added closeness. On the contrary, she was relieved when he released her and she could add distance between them. “Thank you,” she said while lowering herself to the armchair. “I trust your journey to England went well?”

“It was pretty uneventful. The weather was good for most of the crossing, and my cabin so comfortable I hardly needed to venture beyond it.”

“You did not stroll about the deck?” While Charlotte had never been aboard a ship, she imagined it would be an adventure. She’d want to savor the endless view of the ocean, the chance to meet other travelers, and all the unfamiliar sights, sounds, and smells.

“Lord no. That would have meant running into other passengers, many of whom would have recognized me, which would have led to unwanted conversation while distracting me from my work.”

“So you remained in your cabin for three weeks?” Charlotte asked, incredulous. “Without getting any fresh air or exercise?”

“There was a window,” he said with a touch of defensiveness seeping into his words. “And one needn’t wander about in order to get some exercise, Miss Russell. In fact, with a bit of creativity one needn’t much space. Besides, it was only for three weeks and now that I am here, I fully intend to ride and fence and visit that Gentleman Jackson place I’ve heard so much about.”


“Charlotte,” Papa said with an arched brow, “I daresay the subject has been exhausted. Perhaps we can move onto something else? Like Mr. Wright’s apparent tardiness?”

Charlotte glanced at the clock on the fireplace mantle. It wasn’t quite six o’clock yet. There were still a couple of minutes to go.

“You must forgive our daughter,” Mama said, addressing Mr. Cooper. “She’s invited a friend – a rather…um…interesting fellow. Not the sort of person we’d generally associate with and certainly no one of consequence, but she does have a soft heart and being charitable toward others is—”

“Mama,” Charlotte hissed without any attempt to act civil or to hide the sudden, almost explosive anger, building inside her. “Mr. Wright is my fiancé. I’ve told you as much so I’d very much like it if you wouldn’t treat him like dirt beneath your dainty slippers.”

“That’s quite enough,” Charlotte’s father growled. “Apologize to your mother at once.”

Charlotte had no intention of doing any such thing. She’d stand behind her opinion even if she did regret the hurt in her mother’s eyes.

Mr. Cooper looked dismayed. “You’re already engaged?”

“Nonsense,” Charlotte’s mother gasped, finding her voice amid the tension now filling the room. “A misunderstanding, my dear Mr. Cooper, I assure you. Charlotte has not yet been spoken for and is consequently looking forward to a potential courtship.”

“Hmm…” was Mr. Cooper’s response. He studied Charlotte with quiet interest, much like she imagined he’d ponder a new investment opportunity.

Increasingly vexed, Charlotte glared at her mother. If she’d been a main course, she would have been force fed to Mr. Cooper by now. What a sickening thing to acknowledge of one’s own parent.

“Mr. Wright has arrived,” Everet, the butler, intoned from the doorway.

The mere mention of that one particular name caused a leap of delight within Charlotte’s breast. She straightened her posture, then spoke to the servant before her mother or father did something horrid like ask Everet to turn Mr. MacNeil away – an option she wouldn’t put past them. “Do show him in.”

Six o’clock on the dot, she noted while sending her father a smug look of satisfaction. Lord Elkins scowled with distinct displeasure and Charlotte returned her attention to the door. One moment later, the handsomest man she’d ever laid eyes on appeared. Her mouth fell open. She carefully rose to her feet while clutching the armrest. Good heavens. It couldn’t be. And yet it most certainly was. Clean shaven and with his hair trimmed in a manner that still left a few stray locks falling over his brow with roguish abandon, he didn’t look the least bit out of place in the parlor.

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