Home > Her Scottish Scoundrel (Diamonds in the Rough #7)(55)

Her Scottish Scoundrel (Diamonds in the Rough #7)(55)
Author: Sophie Barnes

“I understand he helped save you from a terrible danger once?” Charlotte took a sip of her tea. “Forgive me if I’m being too forward by bringing it up, it is only that Blayne hasn’t told me much about the life he led before. When he and your husband worked together, that is.”

“It’s quite all right. You may ask me anything you like. If there is ever a question I do not wish to answer, I will let you know.” Regina leaned back in her chair. “Are you aware of how Carlton and I met?”

“I’ve heard you ran away from an unwanted marriage and ended up living with him at The Black Swan for a while.”

“Yes, that is true. My behavior was rather scandalous, I’m afraid. Some ladies still cross the street when they see me coming in order to avoid having to greet me.”

“How dreadful.”

“Is it really?” Regina chuckled. “Such women are poor company to begin with, and I am better off without having to waste precious minutes conversing with them about the weather. Instead, I consider myself immensely fortunate to be the wife of a man who is principled, though I must confess I would like to see him wear a superfine coat for a change instead of the velvet he always favors. But that is an inconsequential detail and I am getting away from your question. You see, there are some terrible people in the world, and I was unfortunate enough to meet some of them during my time in St. Giles. I was kidnapped together with several other women, girls even, as young as eight.”

“Dear God, that’s awful.” A chill raked Charlotte’s spine. “What did you do?”

“I was trapped. Restrained. There wasn’t much I could do, besides pray for Carlton to find me before it was too late.”

“Too late?”

“We were to be auctioned off to men so awful not even your worst kind of nightmare would manage to conjure such evil creatures.” Regina’s eyes dimmed, losing some of their brightness as she related the horrid ordeal. “Luckily Carlton and Blayne came to find us with the rest of the crew. They rescued us. I’ve no regret about the men they killed in the process.”

“No,” Charlotte murmured. “Of course not. I’m glad those men weren’t just arrested and forced to face trial.”

“Actually, several of them did, including the man who kidnapped me since I prevented Carlton from killing him.” When Charlotte frowned, Regina explained. “Things had calmed down. The fighting had ceased and those involved had been apprehended, so that man’s death would have been outright murder at that point. I just couldn’t allow Carlton to risk his soul like that.”

“I understand.”

“My husband still doesn’t,” Regina said. “He maintains that I should have let him mete out his own kind of justice. I disagree. So the subject remains one of contention between us.”

“And the villains?” Charlotte quietly asked.

“Oh. They were all hanged by their necks outside the Old Bailey a few days later.”

Expelling a sigh of relief, Charlotte sank back against her seat and drank some tea. As gory as the account might have been, it didn’t put her off at all. Instead, it made her wish Blayne was there so she could hug him and kiss him for selflessly risking his life in order to save the innocent.

“Forgive me if this next question may sound a bit foolish,” Charlotte said, “but what exactly should I call your husband? I mean, you refer to him as Carlton, but I know that’s not his real name, so I’m not quite sure which to use.”

Regina chuckled. “It’s not easy, I’ll grant you. Even I had trouble figuring that out for a while but in the end we decided that Carlton Guthrie, while assumed, is the name he’s become accustomed to after using it most of his life. He only ever uses Valentine Sterling, Duke of Windham, when he’s out among his fellow peers or introducing himself to someone for the first time. But here in this house he is either Carlton or Guthrie. He won’t mind which part of the name you choose to refer to him by.”

“I think I shall call him Guthrie, then,” Charlotte said. “According to what you have told me, I do believe I’ll like him a great deal.”

Regina offered Charlotte a biscuit. “I think you will find that the men who once ruled St. Giles are the most likeable ones in existence.”



After enjoying a late luncheon with Regina, Charlotte took her time settling in, reflecting on her current situation, and penning a letter to her mother. Her only regret was the rift she had with her father. She wished he’d been more understanding, more supportive, and simply more able to ignore the social strictures for once. Of course, she realized it was a lot to ask, but she was his daughter for heaven’s sake. She did not need to have children of her own yet to know she would do anything in the world to secure their happiness.

Folding the letter she’d written, she set it aside and after enjoying a lovely bath, dressed for dinner. Daisy, who’d accompanied her to Windham House, helped. Charlotte knew she would soon have to make new arrangements for the loyal servant since she wasn’t sure she would be able to keep on paying her salary. At least not if she and Blayne were to put every penny they owned toward the countryside home they wanted.

Deciding to mull over the matter at greater length before making a decision, Charlotte thanked Daisy for her assistance and went to meet her hosts in the parlor. She entered the room and sucked in a breath when she spotted Blayne. He sat on the sofa across from Regina and Guthrie, while a third gentleman Charlotte had not yet met occupied an armchair.

Blayne’s eyes shifted toward her, brightening the moment their gazes met. A smile touched his lips as he quickly stood and came toward her.

“Ach, luv,” he murmured, not breaking his stride until they were so close she’d be in his arms if she took a step forward. “Ye look bonnie this evening.”

Bowing his head, he placed a kiss against her cheek, so achingly tender and slow it burned its way under her skin. Fearing her legs might buckle, she instinctively grabbed his arm.

“Steady now.” His low chuckle rumbled through her, stirring to life every yearning she’d pushed aside while dealing with more practical matters. “Yer swooning will have to wait until later when we’re alone.”

“Devilish scoundrel,” she muttered under her breath while mortification heated her cheeks.

“Aye. I cannae deny what I am,” Blayne whispered against her ear while steering her toward the rest of the group. “And I must confess I look forward to showing ye just how devilish I can be once we’re married. But first,” he added, raising his voice while Charlotte did her best not to go up in flames, “I must introduce ye to Regina’s brother, Mr. Marcus Berkly. From what I gather, the two of ye havenae yet met.”

Mr. Berkly gave a short bow. “It is a pleasure to make your acquaintance, Miss Russell.”

“Likewise, Mr. Berkly.”

“Do call me Marcus. Everyone else here does and once you marry that hulking Scotsman by your side, we’ll practically be related. Isn’t that so, Guthrie?”

“Indeed,” Guthrie said. “No other man has ever been more like a brother to me than Blayne. I am immensely pleased to see him get settled and very happy to welcome you to our family, Charlotte.”

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