Home > Undercover Duke (Duke Dynasty #4)(60)

Undercover Duke (Duke Dynasty #4)(60)
Author: Sabrina Jeffries


“Nothing,” Sheridan said. “That’s all it was. A scheme gone terribly awry.”

“I suppose you could call it that.” She turned away from him. “And we both know how much you hate schemes. And schemers.”

“I do, that’s true,” he said softly. “But I could never hate you.”

Her heart hurt, and his words only soothed the hurt a little. “I know you will never believe this, but Mr. Juncker lied about my interest in him. I never told him such a thing.”

“I know.” He came up close to put his arms about her waist.

“You believe me?”

“Yes. And I believe him. He did lie to me . . . at first. As you said, Juncker enjoys annoying Thorn and all his friends and relations. He’s a prankster, that one. But when I looked at him as if I might throttle him, he quickly admitted the lie.” He lifted an eyebrow. “Mr. Juncker has a strong tendency toward self-preservation.”

Breaking free of his hold, Vanessa turned on him. “Are you telling me, that when you came in here just now, you knew I’d never had an interest in him?”

“I did,” he said, though he suddenly looked wary. “But I had to hear it from you. I don’t trust Juncker.”

“Yet you believed him at first.” She bore down on him. “When he said I was in love with him.”

Sheridan held his hands up. “Not entirely, sweetheart, I swear. Before he even admitted the lie, I began to consider a few things—like the fact that you only started talking about Juncker when I was paying more attention to your mother than to you. And the fact that you flirted with me long before Grey mentioned Juncker in connection with you.”

“That wasn’t enough to convince you?”

“Well, you did change the subject last night when I asked about Juncker. You seduced me to take my mind off of him. And honestly, you didn’t give me many other signs that Juncker might be wrong.”

“Many other signs. Truly?” That really annoyed her. “I agreed to marry you.”

“Only because we ended up caught in each other’s arms.” He cocked his head. “And that happened because you were letting Juncker kiss you with great enthusiasm. Or have you forgotten that?”

“I haven’t.” She crossed her arms over her chest. “Have you forgotten that you didn’t show up for the visit you promised? That you left me to Mr. Juncker after saying you would accompany him? I assumed I had lost you. If I’d ever had you. I kept trying and trying to get your attention, and after our kiss at the theater, you didn’t so much as give me a buss on the cheek. So yes, when Mr. Juncker asked to kiss me, I agreed. I figured why not? If I couldn’t have you, what difference did it make?”

“I’m sorry.” He seemed to look at her through new eyes. “I had no idea you were chasing me all that time.”

“And if you had known it, would you have spent time with me?”

He dragged his fingers through his hair. “Perhaps. I’m not sure.”

“Meanwhile, after we married, I eagerly shared your bed. Twice. And the second time was after I’d found out you’d only been showing me attention because you needed to interrogate my mother. That was well before you went to visit Juncker and believed his nonsense. How much more proof did you need that I cared about you?”

He caught her by the waist. “You’re right. I should have trusted you. I was just—”


“Yes.” He bent his head to kiss her temple. “It made me insane thinking he might have your heart.”

“It’s fine that your late fiancée has yours,” she whispered, “but it’s not all right that I might have chosen a different man before you?”

“Vanessa . . .” he said in that placating voice she hated.

“I have always wanted you, Sheridan Wolfe. Not because you’re a duke, and not because you’re Grey’s brother, although that’s certainly a consideration. But because you are you. And if that’s not enough for you—”

“It is, my sweet duchess. I swear it. I’m happy we’re married. I know that’s hard for you to believe, but it’s the truth.”

He took her into his arms and began to kiss her.

She tore her lips from his, not quite ready to forgive him. “The servants are expecting us to eat dinner at the appointed time.”

“Are they?” he murmured and continued trying to kiss her.

“Sheridan! I just got dressed!”

“I’ll help you get dressed again,” he said in a husky voice. “But I desperately want to make love to my wife.”

To be honest, she desperately wanted the same thing. “All right,” she whispered against his lips.

With a laugh, he backed her toward her bed and she let him. She had no self-control at all when it came to Sheridan.

He still hadn’t said he loved her, but then she hadn’t said she loved him either.

Did she love him? She very much feared that she did. He was the only man she’d ever really wanted, and it had taken her years to find him. He was the only one who stood up for her, who shared her love of books and understood her love of gardening. The only one who made her blood roar and her heart leap. But he’d already told her once he had no intention of being in love again, and she didn’t know how she’d bear it if he said those same words once she’d bared her heart to him.

She would just have to show him how she felt and hope that one day he would share her feelings.



Chapter Twenty

Two days later, Sheridan sat in his study in the London manor house, poring over the estate accounts in preparation for the dreaded meeting with Bonham that afternoon. He’d put it off longer than he should have.

Yesterday, the rest of his family had returned to London, including his mother, who would still be living with them for the time being. But she probably wouldn’t be around much. She planned on heading off to Carymont tomorrow to see how Beatrice and Grey were doing, since Beatrice still hadn’t had her baby. No doubt she’d be visiting the others frequently.

He didn’t mind that in the least. Having one’s mother around while one was adjusting to married life was very trying. But as soon as Mother left—and the meeting with Bonham was over, he could enjoy spending time with Vanessa. He might actually have a chance to do something with her other than swiving. Not that he minded the swiving. Leaning back in his chair, he smiled to himself.

“What are you smiling so secretively about, my darling?” Vanessa asked as she bustled into his study.

“I was merely thinking about last night. And the night before that. Oh, yes, and the night before that. And the—”

“I know what you’re trying to do, Sheridan Wolfe, and you will not seduce me into telling Bonham you’re indisposed or anything like that. When he comes this afternoon, you’ll need to be prepared.”

“Damn. Unbeknownst to me, I married a nagging woman,” he said in mock alarm. “Ah, well, I suppose I’m stuck with you now.”

“Very amusing.” With a lift of her impervious and very lovely eyebrow, she came around to his side of the desk to look out the window at the courtyard garden. “I can see why you said you liked your study. The garden behind you gives you a nice glimpse of the outdoors.”

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