Home > Freed (Fifty Shades as Told by Christian #3)(161)

Freed (Fifty Shades as Told by Christian #3)(161)
Author: E.L. James

   I open my eyes.

   Where am I?

   The Heathman.


   Grim reality intrudes, but I turn my head and am comforted to see Ana curled up beside me, still slumbering. From the light filtering through the curtains I know it’s early. I lie still for a moment, making a mental list of all that I need to do today.

   It’s her birthday.

   And Ray is lying injured in the hospital.

   It will be a delicate balancing act, to celebrate and commiserate all at once with her.

   I slip out of bed carefully.

   Don’t wake the wife!

   When I’m showered and dressed, I move quietly into the living room and let Ana sleep. I have to make a decision on whether to proceed with Ana’s birthday dinner, so my first task of the day is to call the ICU. I speak to one of Ray’s nurses, who reports that he’s spent a comfortable night and that his vitals are good. She then hands me over to the attending physician, who explains that all is as it should be and we should remain optimistic. At this encouraging news, and Dr. Sluder’s report yesterday, I decide to go ahead with the dinner.

   In the meantime, I need her gifts—both of which are in Taylor’s hands. I check my watch—7:35 a.m.—and text Taylor, who’s staying somewhere in the hotel.

   Good morning.

   Do you have Ana’s present?


   Yes, sir.

   Shall I bring the box up?

   Please. She’s still asleep!

   A few moments later there’s a gentle tap on the door, and Taylor is his usual smart-suited self on the other side. “Hello,” I whisper, mindful of sleeping beauty. I prop the door open with my foot and join Taylor in the corridor.

   “Good morning,” he says, whispering, too. “Here.” He places a beautifully wrapped package, all pale pink paper and satin ribbons, in my palm.

   “Nice wrapping. Your handiwork?” I raise a brow, and Taylor flushes.

   “For Mrs. Grey,” he mutters, and I know this is reason enough. “Here’s the card that came with the box.”

   “Thanks. I’m taking a gamble and going ahead with the small dinner party for Ana. We’ll need to coordinate the arrival of our guests today.”

   “Andrea has been keeping me up-to-date, and Sawyer is here. Between the two of us I think we’ve got this,” he says.

   “And we’ll have the new car, so Ana and I won’t need ferrying around.”

   “I took the liberty of bringing both keys.” He holds up the R8 key. “The spare is with the valet.”

   “Smart thinking.” I slip the key into my pocket. “I think we’ll be at least an hour. I’ll text you when we’re ready to leave so you can bring the Audi around to the front.”

   “I may not get a signal in the garage. I’ll liaise with the concierge and he can call me at the valet station.”

   “Okay. I’ll give him a sign when we’re in the foyer. How was she?”

   “The R8?”

   I nod, and his broad grin tells me all I need to know.

   “Great.” I grin back. “I’ll see you later.”

   He turns on his heel and I smile at his departing figure. Have I ever had a whispered conversation in a hotel corridor before? With Taylor? Ex-Marine? I shake my head at the ridiculousness of the two of us, and step back inside the suite.

   When I check on Ana, she’s still out for the count. I’m not surprised; she must be shattered from yesterday. I have time to e-mail Andrea.

   From: Christian Grey

   Subject: Ana’s Birthday Dinner

   Date: September 10 2011 07:45

   To: Andrea Parker

   Good morning, Andrea.

   I want to go ahead with the surprise dinner for Ana.

   Please confirm with the hotel and organize a cake (chocolate!).

   Keep me informed about the travel arrangements for everyone.

   Sawyer and Taylor are here so will be able to do airport pickups.

   Coordinate with them.


   Christian Grey

   CEO, Grey Enterprises Holdings, Inc.

   What else do I need to do?

   Sitting down at the desk with Ana’s gift in my hand, I stare at the blank card. Fortunately, I know exactly what I want to say.

   For all our firsts on your first birthday

   as my beloved wife.

   I love you.

   C x

   I slide the card into its envelope and turn to my laptop. Ana will want something a little dressier for dinner, and bearing in mind what she said yesterday, I’d rather pick a dress for her myself than send Taylor. I check out the Nordstrom website and discover that the local store has a “buy and pick up” service. And it’s two blocks from The Heathman.


   I start browsing.

   Twenty minutes later I’ve purchased everything Ana will need; I hope she likes my choices. I text Taylor to let him know, and he texts me back that he’ll send Luke to Nordstrom when we’re out visiting Ray.

   Time to wake Ana.

   She stirs as I sit down on the edge of the bed, and opens her eyes, blinking in the morning light. For a moment she looks relaxed and well rested, but abruptly her expression changes. “Shit! Daddy!” she exclaims in alarm.

   “Hey.” I stroke her cheek, so that she looks directly up at me. “I called the ICU this morning. Ray had a good night. It’s all good.” She thanks me as she sits up, looking relieved. Leaning in, I kiss her forehead and, closing my eyes, inhale her scent.

   Sleep and Ana.


   “Good morning, Ana.” I kiss her temple.


   “Hi. I want to wish you happy birthday. Is that okay?”

   Her smile is uncertain, but she caresses my cheek, her eyes bright with sincerity. “Yes, of course. Thank you. For everything.”


   “Everything,” she says with conviction.

   Why is she thanking me? It’s bewildering. But I’m anxious to give her my gift, so I ignore the feeling. “Here.”

   Ana’s eyes dart to mine, shining with excitement as she takes the package and opens the card. Her expression softens as she reads it. “I love you, too.”

   I grin. “Open it.”

   Returning my smile, she unravels the ribbon and gently removes the wrapping paper, revealing the Cartier leather box. Her eyes widen when she opens it to find a white-gold bracelet with charms that represent our firsts we’ve experienced together: a helicopter, a catamaran, a glider, a London black cab, the Eiffel Tower, a bed. Her forehead creases as she examines the sugar cone, and she glances up at me with a bemused expression.

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