Home > Freed (Fifty Shades as Told by Christian #3)(22)

Freed (Fifty Shades as Told by Christian #3)(22)
Author: E.L. James

   “I believe it does.”

   “And I can tell you’re very pleased with yourself.” Her grin mirrors mine.

   “Miss Steele. I am. I make an excellent cup of tea.”

   She sits up, and to my disappointment pulls up the covers to conceal her naked breasts. She can’t seem to stop grinning. “I’m so impressed. It’s such a complicated process.”

   “Indeed, it is,” I reply. “I had to boil the water and everything.”

   “And dip the tea bag. Mr. Grey, you are so competent.”

   I laugh and narrow my eyes. “Are you belittling my tea-making skills?”

   She gasps in mock horror and clutches imaginary pearls. “I wouldn’t dare,” she says and, reaching over, takes the cup.

   “Just checking—”

   A knock on my office door brings me back to the now. Andrea pops her head around the door. “Mr. Grey, your tailor is here.”

   “Oh, great. Show him in.”

   I need a new suit for the wedding.

   Marco handles the company portfolio as well as our Mergers and Acquisitions. This morning he’s taking the senior team through GEH’s latest additions to our shareholdings. “We now own twenty-five percent of Blue Cee Tech, thirty-four percent of FifteenGenFour, and sixty-six percent of Lincoln Timber.” I’ve been listening with half an ear, but my attention is momentarily piqued by that last piece of news. This is a long-term project of mine, and I’m pleased we now own a majority stake in Lincoln Timber through one of our shell companies. Linc must need the money. Interesting.

   Revenge is a dish…

   Enough, Grey. Concentrate.

   Marco moves on to his latest list of potential acquisitions. There are two companies that he is especially keen to pursue. He’s running through the pros while my mind strays to the weekend and Ana.

   Ana is at the helm of The Grace as we glide over the sparkling ocean, past Admiralty Head on Whidbey Island. Her hair is flying in the wind and glinting in the sun. Her smile could melt the hardest of hearts.

   It thawed mine.

   She looks beautiful. Relaxed. Free.

   “Hold her steady,” I shout over the rush of the sea.

   “Aye-aye, Captain. I mean, Sir.” Ana bites her lip, and I know she’s teasing me, as usual. She salutes when I give her a bogus scowl, and I go back to tightening the bowline, unable to hide my smile.

   Marco mentions a solar energy company that’s struggling to find investment.

   An enticing aroma of batter and bacon welcomes me with open arms as I enter the galley. My girl is making pancakes. She’s dressed in a T-shirt and far-too-short denim shorts, and her hair is in pigtails.

   “Good morning.” I wrap my arms around her, pressing her back to my front, and skim my lips down her neck. She smells so good, of soap and warmth and sweet, sweet Ana.

   “Good morning, Mr. Grey.” She angles her head, giving me better access to her throat.

   “This takes me back,” I murmur against her skin, and tug one of her pigtails.

   She giggles. “That seems a lifetime ago. These, however, are not cherry-popped-by-would-be-Dominant pancakes. These are Independence Day pancakes. Happy Fourth of July.”

   “There’s no other way I’d like to celebrate than with pancakes.” I kiss her beneath her earlobe. “Well, I can think of one way.” I gently tug her pigtail once more. “You always get an A.”

   “Christian,” Ros says, her tone abrupt. Seven pairs of eyes are all directed at me. Shit. I stare blankly back at Ros, ignoring everyone else, and tilt my head to one side.

   “What do you think?” She’s barely disguising her irritation, and I assume this is not the first time she’s asked.

   Come clean, Grey. “I’m sorry, I was miles away.”

   Her lips form a thin line and she glances at Marco, who gives me a warm smile and proceeds to give me an executive summary of what he’s just outlined.

   “Okay,” I respond when he’s finished. “Let’s go after Geolumara. They could be a worthwhile addition to the energy division. We need to widen our footprint in green energy.”

   “The others?”

   I shake my head. “We should consolidate. Let’s concentrate on Geolumara. Send me all the details.”

   “Will do.”

   “We need a decision on the Taiwan shipyard. They are eager for a response from us.” Ros looks pointedly at me.

   “I read the impact assessment.”


   “This is a gamble.”

   “It is,” she acknowledges.

   “But everything in life is a gamble, and at least as a joint venture we’ll share the risk and it might secure the future of the shipyard here.”

   Ros and Marco nod.

   “Let’s move this forward.”

   “I’ll get the team on that,” Marco says.

   “Good. I think that’s it. Thank you, everyone.”

   They all rise, except for Ros. “Can I have a quick word?” she asks.


   She waits until everyone leaves.

   “Well?” And I wait for her to chastise me for my daydreaming.

   “Woods has withdrawn his legal threats. We’re all good.”

   “That’s not what I was expecting you to say.”

   “I know. Honestly, Christian, it’s like you’re on your honeymoon already.”

   “Honeymoon? I haven’t even thought about a honeymoon.”

   Shit. Something else to organize.

   Ros scoffs. “You’d better get on it.” She shakes her head. “I know I’d whisk Gwen away to Europe.”

   I’m surprised by Ros’s candor—she rarely discusses her home life, although I know she has a domestic partnership with Gwen. Frequent attempts to legalize gay marriage in Washington have been thwarted. I make a mental note to talk to Senator Blandino about this when we next meet; surely she can apply some pressure to the governor and help push this agenda? “I thought Ana and I might stay somewhere near Bellevue overnight. We’re both working.”

   “Grey, you can do better than that.” Ros screws up her face in mock disgust as she starts to gather her papers together.

   I laugh. “Yes, I can. And what’s more, I’ll have fun figuring out what to do. Europe, you say.”

   Ana’s always wanted to see Europe. England especially.

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