Home > Fool for You (Southern Bride #7)(46)

Fool for You (Southern Bride #7)(46)
Author: Kelly Elliott

“And the engagement? Is it…still fake?” my father asked. “I mean, you did put an awfully expensive ring on that finger.”

My heart pounded out of my chest as I turned to face Emmerson. “It’s only been a little over a month, and we sorta went backwards with all of this, but I honestly can’t see my life without Emmerson in it.”

Tears welled up in her eyes, and she threw herself into my arms. I held her tightly and tried to ignore the way my body reacted to her being pressed against me, especially since Malcolm was only standing a few feet away.

“Christ, I knew this day was coming,” Malcolm stated, managing to look happy while still giving me a look that said he could kill me if he really wanted to.

“Oh, my heart is about to explode!” my mom said as she rushed over and wrapped me and Emmerson in her arms. Paislie, my sister, and finally Amy joined in, until Emmerson started to laugh, and they all broke free.

When the woman I had loved for as long as I could remember looked up at me, I placed my hand on the side of her face and whispered, “I meant every word, Emme. Don’t forget the promise you made me.”

One of her tears slipped free, and I brushed it away with my thumb. “I won’t ever forget,” she said.

“What promise?” Hailey asked.

With a slight shake of her head, Emmerson raised her eyes to mine and smiled up at me with the most loving expression on her face that I had ever seen.

Noah cleared his throat. “So, I’m kind of confused. You’re really dating, but you’re not engaged, but you kind of just asked her to marry you, so is the fake engagement a real engagement now?”

Everyone started laughing.

“Something like that, Noah,” Paislie said, kissing her son on the cheek.

My mother clapped her hands to get everyone’s attention. “I made homemade lasagna, so let’s go dig in!”

Emmerson grabbed my hand and held me back while everyone walked into the dining room.

“What’s wrong?” I asked.

“You told me what was in your heart earlier, and I feel like I need to as well.”

I nodded. “Okay.”

She glanced over at everyone in the dining room and then back at me. Chewing on her lip, she looked down at her hands as she gathered her courage.

“A couple of weeks ago,” she started, “when I was in that little bedroom near yours and you asked me what I was doing there…do you remember that?”

“Yes, I remember. What about it?”

“Well, I was daydreaming.”

Laughing, I wrapped my arms around her and pulled her to me, happy I could finally touch her like this and not have to hide my feelings. Of course, if Malcolm saw us, it would be a different story. “What were you daydreaming about?”


I froze. “Wh-what?”

“I mean, not babies right now, but in the future. I was thinking about you and how that room would be the perfect nursery, and a part of me got sad because…well…I want to be the one filling it with babies.”

A rush of adrenaline swept through my entire body, leaving me damn near dizzy.

Emmerson dropped her head to stare at the floor. “I know, I know. We haven’t even been dating for very long, and I’ve got you going to all this wedding stuff. And now I’m talking about babies, and you probably want to run out the door.”

I placed my finger under her chin, lifting her gaze back to mine. “I don’t want to run anywhere, unless you’re right beside me.”

A small smile tugged at the corner of her mouth. “It doesn’t freak you out that I was standing in your house, dreaming about filling it with little Landons?”

“How about little Emmersons?”

Her cheeks turned the most adorable shade of pink.

“No, sweetheart, it doesn’t freak me out. Emme, you have no idea the things I’ve dreamed about when it comes to you. I’ve been so fucking scared you were going to meet some douchebag and fall in love with him and get married. Hell, if you wanted to, I’d marry you tomorrow.”

Her eyes widened in shock. “What?”

“I’d marry you tomorrow.”

“But…but we—”

“Have known each other our whole lives. You make me feel like no one else ever has. I can’t imagine not waking up every day with you next to me.”

It was then that Lady came running into the room barking. It was like she was reminding us that there was food in the other room, and she wanted in on it.

I bent down, picked up the puppy, and gave her a stern look. “Not now, Lady. I’m asking your momma to marry me.”

I set her down and turned back to Emmerson, who damn near knocked me over when she threw herself at me.

“Yes! Yes! Let’s do it!” she cried. “Let’s get married as soon as possible.”

Staring at her with what I was sure was a happy, yet surprised, look, I replied, “Really?”

Emmerson let out a laugh-sob and quickly nodded her head. “Really!”

“Oh my God. Are we going to do this?”

She giggled. “Yes! Yes!”

She grabbed my hand and dragged me through the house and into the dining room. Everyone was already seated and, of course, eating. There was no waiting in this family.

“We’re getting married!” Emmerson yelled out.

No one flinched.

“Okay, I know this is going to sound crazy, but with you two, one can never know,” Hailey said. “Are we getting married for real this time?”

Emmerson jumped up and down. “Yes! As soon as we can!”

“There’s a seventy-two-hour waiting period after you get your license in Texas,” Noah stated.

Everyone turned to look at him, and he shrugged. “Amy and I had a little scare, and I looked up how fast you can get married in the state of Texas.”

“Wait, what?” Paislie said as Malcolm groaned.

“Condoms. How many times do I have to tell you, son. Condoms!” Malcolm pleaded.

“Dad.” Noah rolled his eyes.

“You brought it up,” Hailey said with a laugh.

Paislie stood and walked over to me and Emmerson. “Hold on one second. What’s happening? You just told us you were dating and now…now you want to get married. Why the rush?”

“Yes, why the rush?” Malcolm said, giving me a look that should have dropped me on the spot.

“Daddy, I’m not pregnant, so stop giving Landon the death stare.” Emmerson pointed at her father before she turned her attention to Paislie. “Mom, have you ever just done something crazy? Something that feels so right in your heart, but to everyone else seems insane?”

With a twinkle in her eye, Paislie looked at Malcolm and then back to Emmerson. She nodded.

“Landon and I have known each other all of our lives. A part of me has always loved him in a way that I haven’t ever loved anyone else. And, honestly,” she said, looking at me with tears building in those baby blues again, “I don’t want to wait another second to be his.”

“And I don’t want to wait either. I’ve loved Emmerson for as long as I can remember. Being her husband would truly be the greatest moment of my life,” I said as I met Emmerson’s gaze.

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