Home > The Mixtape(26)

The Mixtape(26)
Author: Brittainy C. Cherry

Cam stared, looking horrified. “Yes! They do! Oliver!” she hollered, marching away from me and my extended hand that she never shook. “There’s a strange woman in our house!”





Oh my gosh.

I hated Cam Jones.

It didn’t take long for me to realize that Cam Jones wasn’t the sweetheart I’d seen online. “Cruella de Vil” seemed like a more fitting title for her. I wouldn’t have been surprised if she kicked puppies during her free time. Each day she came to me with an even more bizarre request. When I made her eggs, she’d tell me she didn’t want them scrambled. When I cooked her hard boiled at her request, she’d toss them out and order me to make scrambled.

Each time she ate my food, she grimaced and only took a few bites. “This is why it’s important to not just hire anyone from the street,” she muttered once, after spitting out my chili-lime chicken salad—which, by the way, was fantastic. She was just too much of a jerk to admit that I’d created something delicious.

Oliver, on the other hand, devoured every meal I’d created, and he’d compliment me on them in his very few words way. “Fantastic.” “Brilliant.” “Great.” “Seconds?”

That was a chef’s dream word—“seconds.”

What bothered me most about Cam wasn’t how she treated me; it was how she treated Oliver. I had thick skin growing up with the parents I had—not much bothered me, especially from Cam, because it wasn’t personal. It couldn’t have been personal because she didn’t know me. Her hatred and crude remarks said more about her than they did me. Yet with Oliver things were different. They knew each other—at least they should’ve. They’d been together for years.

He seemed so far removed from her, yet whenever she interacted with him, it was as if she were speaking down to him, as if he was the scum on the bottom of her shoes. She made comments on his appearance, on his vocals, on his talent. She judged the way he drank water, the way he wrote, the way he wrinkled his nose when he seemed displeased. Everything Oliver did, Cam seemed to have a complaint for. I was shocked she didn’t mention the way he breathed as an annoyance.

Or the way he fiddled with his hands.

Or the way his eyes looked so lost whenever he blinked.

Or the way his soul seemed drenched in despair.

I didn’t know Oliver personally yet, but I did notice all those things. I didn’t find them annoying in the least. All I wanted to do when I saw the lost man in front of me was wrap him in my arms and tell him everything was going to be okay.

That might’ve been the mothering instinct in me—wanting to protect all the broken souls and let them know that they were loved. That was what I tried to do for Sammie. It didn’t really work out in that situation, so I decided to keep my distance from Oliver.

Oliver never questioned her rude remarks or judgmental ways. He simply took them on as if he deserved her negative commentary. Or maybe he’d gotten to the point that he tuned her out so well that her comments didn’t affect him. Either way, it wasn’t okay, especially with everything that Oliver had been through over the past few months. If anything, she should’ve been his strength for when he grew overwhelmed.

She’d belittle him in front of me, too, which felt even more demeaning. Luckily, whenever she felt sassy toward me, it was always just the two of us. Yet a part of me did wonder how Oliver would react if he witnessed it.

“Why didn’t you tell me?” I asked Kelly one afternoon as she sat in the living room, going over some paperwork.

“Tell you what?”

“About Cam,” I grumbled, hating that I had to speak her name.

She stopped her work and looked up with a sparkle in her eyes. “That she’s a terrible human?”

“Oh my gosh! Yes! You knew?”

“Oh, absolutely. I just figured I was too sensitive, though, so I kept it to myself. Plus, you seemed so excited to meet her that I didn’t want to kill that dream for you.”

“Consider the dream killed. She’s evil.”

“Yeah. She’s not really my favorite person, that’s for sure.”

“So, she’s really always like this? Flat-out mean? I’m stunned by the way she treats Oliver too. And he just takes it.”

“The past Oliver would’ve stood up to her for some of her latest comments. I think he’s holding on to a version of her that doesn’t even exist anymore. Plus, now, after losing his brother . . .” Her words faded off again after bringing up Alex. It seemed that every time Kelly mentioned him, a part of her spirit began to crack. “He’s just not fully himself anymore. It’s like he’s not even completely here, so Cam’s comments hardly affect him.”

“That’s too bad. He shouldn’t have someone making his life harder right now.”

“Nothing about Cam is making Oliver’s life easier, that’s for sure.”

“Is she rude to you, too?”

“All the time. She isn’t nasty to me in front of Oliver, though. She’s not that stupid. Because while Oliver won’t stand up for himself toward her, he will stand up for others. That’s just the person he is. So, Cam is very sneaky with her attacks. She knows exactly what she’s doing.”

Which made her that much more dangerous, in my mind.





As the days moved forward, Cam only became worse. Her sense of entitlement was so insane to me.

“Honestly, it’s embarrassing how bad you are at your job,” Cam remarked one Friday afternoon right before I was about to leave to get Reese from camp. My gosh, I was looking forward to the weekend away from her. “This juice tastes like dirt!”

Well, you did ask me to only put beets and celery in it, but okay.

I pushed out a fake smile. “I’m sorry to hear that. Would you like me to make you another one? Maybe one with apples and watermelon?”

She shivered at the thought. “No. That’s too many carbs. I can’t believe you messed this up. It’s literally two ingredients.”

“I did what you asked me to do.”

“And still, you failed. I swear, it’s hard to find good help these days. I should have Oliver fire you.”

My chest tightened from the threat, but I wasn’t scared. If anything, I was annoyed by her constant threats of having Oliver remove me from my position. She’d been saying it since my first day on the job. Kelly said it was because Cam was intimidated by how beautiful I was, which made no sense to me. She was one of the most beautiful women I’d ever seen.

On the outside, at least. Her insides very much resembled the devil.

“Here.” She frowned in disgust, holding the cup out in my direction. “Get rid of this trash.”

Geez. She sure had a Grammy-winner attitude, for never having had a Grammy nomination.

Bite your tongue, Emery. Bite your freaking tongue.

I kept that same fake grin against my lips as I walked in her direction. The moment I reached out to grab said cup, Cam flung the juice in my direction, coating me from head to toe in the red beverage.

“Are you fucking kidding me?” I shouted, my voice filling the space. I was never in the nature of snapping, but my gosh, she was pushing all of my buttons.

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