Home > Come Back to Me (Waters of Time #1)(67)

Come Back to Me (Waters of Time #1)(67)
Author: Jody Hedlund

With her nursing experience, Ellen spent all her time caring for Marian and finalizing the burial arrangements for Dad. After Harrison was safely home and recovered, he relayed the details of what had happened, showing Ellen all Dad’s notes and summarizing his and Marian’s conclusions.

“Harrison believes Dad’s research has merit.” Ellen was poised gracefully in a wingback beside Harrison’s wheelchair. Though she wore no makeup and hadn’t styled her long, straight hair, she was as stunning as always. “But I’m not sure I can buy into all the talk about crossing time barriers and miracle cures.”

Cupping her hands around the mug, Marian savored another sip of dark-roast brew. “I know it sounds completely far-fetched. But Dad was right all along about the Tree of Life. The water in the ampulla contains residue that has been in contact with the life-giving qualities of the tree.”

Ellen’s brows narrowed above her tired eyes. “The original tree from the Garden of Eden?”

“Legends passed down for centuries indicate that seeds from the original tree were preserved and scattered throughout the Roman Empire for protection from the invading barbarians. Two of the seeds were brought to England, and one was hidden here in Canterbury. While we don’t know exactly how the seed ended up in the ground—whether someone planted it or threw it out, whether it germinated or simply remained a seed—we do know that the life-giving qualities from the seed affected a water source.”

“And did you find the water source your dad was seeking?” Harrison’s eyes had grown intense behind his spectacles, so intense that for a second Marian hesitated. Harrison hadn’t mentioned anything yet about the piece of clay she’d put with the flask. He apparently hadn’t figured out the clue. Should she tell him?

But what about the worldwide, life-altering ramifications such a discovery would have? Did she want to be responsible for the good as well as the bad that could come from resurrecting the Tree of Life, something God had deemed as dangerous after Adam and Eve sinned and were ejected from the Garden of Eden?

Maybe her dad’s mission to uncover the wellspring was ill-fated. Maybe it was time to let his research die with him. But could she give up helping Ellen now that she had a chance?

She focused on the steam swirling up from her coffee, her thoughts tangling and twisting just as swiftly. “I have an idea of the location. But it’s just speculation.”

Harrison nodded and sat back in his wheelchair. He didn’t press her further, but the determined set of his mouth told her he wouldn’t let the issue drop for long.

Her gaze traveled around the room as it had already a dozen times since awakening. Deep inside, she hoped for a glimpse of the past—an open shutter, the burgundy tapestries, or even the rushes on the floor—something to assure her Will was only a breath away. But as before, she saw nothing but the contemporary furnishings.

Swallowing her disappointment, she brought her attention back to Ellen and Harrison. “Tell me how you managed to get the ampulla out without getting caught this time.”

After what had happened to Harrison after his first visit to the crypt, he’d been extra cautious about going a second time. He gave Marian one week as she’d instructed in her notes. Then he made arrangements with the cathedral supervisor to allow Drake to come in during the middle of the night.

Harrison planned a series of decoys to throw anyone off Drake’s trail. The manservant made it into the crypt without any altercations. But on his way out, he was attacked and brutally beaten. Since the hiding spot had been empty, Drake didn’t have any ampullae for his attacker to steal. Even though Harrison was furious over Drake’s injuries, he also worried Marian’s lack of follow-through meant she’d gotten herself into trouble.

Of course, by that point Jasper had arrived at Chesterfield Park. When he started asking lots of questions, Harrison hadn’t known for sure if Jasper was trustworthy and so tried to remain evasive.

Harrison pushed his glasses up on his nose before glancing sideways at Ellen. “When the chap began to pay Ellen too much attention, I admit, I wasn’t keen on it.”

Marian watched the play of emotions cross Harrison’s face—first tenderness, then embarrassment. She sat up straighter. Had Harrison been jealous of Jasper? Did he care for Ellen as more than just a friend and sister-figure?

“At first I didn’t realize Jasper was flirting.” Ellen hugged her arms to her chest but was unable to contain a shiver. “I thought he was being nice to me because I was your sister. And I assumed we were both sad about your condition. But when he tried kissing me one night, I decided I didn’t like him—not if he could cheat on you so easily.”

Harrison shrugged out of his suit coat and draped it around Ellen’s shoulders. She offered him a smile of gratitude, and he returned the smile, his attention lingering, as though he couldn’t quite get enough of her.

Harrison did care about Ellen. Marian’s gaze darted back and forth between the two. Why hadn’t she figured that out before? Especially after seeing his home lab and realizing how hard he was working to find a cure for VHL.

Was Ellen aware of Harrison’s feelings?

As though sensing Marian’s scrutiny, Harrison fiddled with his bow tie. “Jasper obviously fabricated his reasons for coming. It’s a shame I didn’t work out his duplicity sooner.”

“If anyone should have figured it out, it should have been me. Now after overhearing his call, I have no doubt he’s working for one of Mercer’s competitors.”

“Once you warned us not to trust him, I phoned Sergeant Huxham, my private investigator, straightaway. She searched the manor and located several bugs. I confronted Jasper, and of course, he denied knowing anything about them, but I asked him to leave nonetheless.”

Marian swallowed another mouthful of dark brew. Each sip was heavenly. “So then we have no idea how much information Jasper gleaned during his visits or how much he heard through the bugs?”

Harrison cleared his throat, but before he could answer, Ellen spoke in a rush. “I didn’t mean to share as much as I did. But I may have mentioned the holy water and something about the journeys into the past. Only because I thought it was all so silly, and I needed someone to commiserate with me.”

Marian’s pulse stumbled a beat. If the wrong people discovered that crossing time was possible through the use of the holy water, the trouble wouldn’t end, it would only escalate.

“I’m sorry, Marian.” Ellen’s expression radiated misery. “I know you and Harrison believe Dad’s research, but you have to realize how ridiculous it all sounds.”

“I know.”

“What if you simply had very realistic dreams?” Ellen’s pretty blue eyes pleaded with Marian to agree with her.

But Marian couldn’t. What she’d seen and experienced had been all too concrete. She pressed one of her hands against her chest to the pain radiating there. How could her heart ache so desperately for Will if he didn’t exist?

“Ellen, love.” Harrison reached for Ellen’s hand, enfolding it within his. “If Marian didn’t cross into the past, how else could we explain the presence of the ampulla in the crypt during that last visit?”

Ellen seemed to welcome Harrison’s hold as if it was the most natural thing in the world. “I just don’t know, Harrison. I can’t wrap my mind around it. There has to be some other explanation.”

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