Home > Come Back to Me (Waters of Time #1)(74)

Come Back to Me (Waters of Time #1)(74)
Author: Jody Hedlund

Marian’s heartbeat did a crazy dive in her chest. So St. George’s Tower was the location.

She had no idea what Harrison planned to do with the information she’d disclosed to him before she’d departed. All she could do was trust he’d be cautious and wise with his investigation. Likewise, she and Will would need to be careful with the holy water so its power wasn’t abused.

“Thad brought a small container of the water home to me.” Will started to release her and stand. “I shall retrieve it for you this instant.”

“No.” She clung to his hand. “I don’t know if I’ll need it.”

“I shall give you a dose to be safe.”

She shook her head. “If I start to feel sick, then we’ll know.” The question was, did the wellspring still retain the curative properties that it once had? She suspected it did, but she could test a dose on herself to find out.

He hesitated above the bed, towering there, majestic and fierce, every bit as darkly handsome as she’d remembered. “I can’t lose you again.” The hoarseness in his voice told her of the agony he’d suffered the past few days.

“God willing, we shall be together forever.” Marian prayed it was so.

“God willing.” His statement was not only the benediction on the past but also the commencement of forever.

She slid her fingers through his and suddenly wanted nothing more than to feel his arms around her. She longed for him to hold her, to rest her head against his chest, and hear his heartbeat all the rest of the night, telling her this was real, that this was no dream, and that she would get to be with him for the rest of her earthly life.

“I shall leave you to your slumber.” He made a move to leave, but she tightened her grip.

“Right now, there is one thing I need more than rest or holy water.” She was embarrassed by how sultry her voice sounded.

“What is that?”


He didn’t move, but his breathing quickened.

She flipped aside the coverlet that had shielded her body. Then she scooted over, making room for him on the bed.

Still he hesitated.

She tugged his arm. “Please, Will.”

“I want you to recover.”

“Don’t you know you have the power to help me recover?”

“How exactly?”

“Hold me,” she whispered.

He released a soft moan. “Marian.”

“And kiss me.”

His muscles were taut and radiated need.

“The five days are over.” Once the bold words were out, she felt herself flush. She wanted him to know she was ready to be his wife, that she was committed to their marriage, and that she wouldn’t hold back anything from him anymore.

Her words drew him. Irresistibly, as she’d guessed they would. With a growl, he lowered himself to the mattress next to her, his weight making it sag and causing her to roll against him, right where she wanted to be.

He wrapped his arms around her, his palm on her lower back, pressing her intimately and igniting sparks in her belly. His mouth found hers, and for an infinite moment his lips plied hers, meshing their lives, their souls, and their time on earth.

When he broke away, her breath came in gasps. She wanted more.

He gathered her fully into his arms, tucked her face into the crook of his neck, and then rested his chin on her head. “Soon. Very soon. But not tonight.” His hammering heartbeat told her he wanted to ignite their passion as much as she did but that he would refrain because of her health.

She melded into him, sighing her contentment at being home in his arms.

“My love for you, it fills me and consumes me.” He stroked her hair. “It does not wane but grows stronger with each passing day.”

The declaration filled her with the same sweet joy as earlier. She understood it wasn’t easy for a man like Will to tell her his feelings. He was better at showing his devotion than speaking it.

“I love you too.” She pressed a kiss into the scruff on his neck.

“A feeling, Marian? Or a choice?”

She could sense her answer was important to him, that he wanted an honest reply from her as he always did. “It’s both. My love for you is deep and abiding so that when I’m not with you, I’m restless and needing you, and when we’re together, I cannot get enough of you. But whether here or there, near or far, I have committed my life and love to you and you alone.”

His lips lingered warm and soft against her forehead. “I, the same, Marian. I love you with my body, soul, and mind.”

She rested her head against his chest, both feeling and hearing the steady thump of his heartbeat. This man. This time. This place. This was her destiny. This was exactly where she was meant to be. Forever.



~ 33 ~

December 22, 1381

Chesterfield Park, England

Marian gathered her fur cloak tighter and then blew into her cupped hands. Over the past months, she’d grown accustomed to many things about living in the past, but she wasn’t sure she’d ever adjust to the lack of central heating. Even the warmth emanating from the hearth fire didn’t penetrate the chill that had descended with the cold rains at the onset of the winter solstice. The chill now lurked in every corner and crept out to taunt her.

She rubbed her hands together but then paused to gaze at the wedding band Will had commissioned for her—a delicate gold with leaves spiraling throughout, a forever reminder of the Tree of Life that had given her new life here with the man she loved.

Her new life. She let her gaze sweep over the great hall from the bench where she stood in an attempt to hang a few greens on the mantel in preparation for Christmas. When the maidservants had brought her the pine boughs, they’d been surprised when she insisted on doing the decorating herself. And though she’d relinquished many duties to their capable hands, this was one she wanted—no needed—to do for herself.

As the festive day approached, Marian realized that many of the modern customs had not yet been introduced. Although she would miss putting up a Christmas tree, stringing lights, watching her favorite holiday movies, and wrapping presents, she didn’t miss the commercialized stress and busyness of the season. In fact, she appreciated the simplicity, which allowed her time to focus on all the many things for which she was grateful.

If only she didn’t miss her family so terribly. At times, like now with the approaching holiday, the ache went deep. Her thoughts returned to the previous Christmas when they’d all been together at Chesterfield Park. How radically life had changed in so short a time. What would Ellen do this year for Christmas without her and Dad?

“Lady.” A young serving girl crossed from the front entry, the fresh rushes muting her steps and stirring the scent of the holly Marian had mixed in. The expectancy on the girl’s face gave Marian pause.

She had news.

Marian tensed as the girl finished approaching. The slowness of getting and receiving information was another challenge Marian had yet to adapt to. Messages took days, if not weeks. News was difficult to ascertain. Marian was learning to be more patient and to live with a measure of uncertainty, but when it came to Will, the inability to hear from him for long stretches was sometimes unbearable.

She loathed the weeks that duty took Will away from her. Those days and nights were long and lonely. But she’d taken to spending that time in her new apothecary—a room off the kitchen where she experimented with various herbal remedies, including developing some of her own medicines.

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