Home > Wicked (Eternal Guardians #9)(75)

Wicked (Eternal Guardians #9)(75)
Author: Elisabeth Naughton

He wouldn’t look at her. Just continued with his overview of the land, the location of the satyr fortress, and a rundown of their defenses.

And a shiver rushed down her spine, not because she was finally getting what she’d always wanted, but because it suddenly paled in comparison to what mattered most.



Chapter Twenty



It was dark when Zagreus finally made his way back into the castle.

He’d spent most of the day showing the Argonauts the layout of the castle, the grounds, the village, and the kingdom’s border near the stone arch where they expected Pandora and the satyrs to attack first. They had a plan for defense, and everything was prepared. He was confident with his silens and the Argonauts—including Nick, who he was still surprised was helping—they could fend off anything Pandora and Max might come up with. The wild card was his father.

Thoughts of his showdown with Hades swirled in his mind as he moved into the grand hall. A low fire burned, and a few nymphs and silens sat around the hearth, quietly talking, but none bothered him.

Most of the Argolean crew had retired to suites in the castle for a few hours of rest before the attack. Since scouts hadn’t reported any movement from the satyr fortress yet, they had time. But Hades had promised retribution in twenty-four hours, and if he followed through—which still wasn’t a guarantee as Hades was unpredictable—that time would be up just before dawn.

Zagreus’s mind urged him to head back to the stone arch. To wait and watch in the darkness for the inevitable. But he knew that was a bad idea. He needed some downtime so he’d be at his best when the satyrs arrived.

Crossing into the kitchen, he took his time washing and drying his hands in the dark, trying to stay focused on the plan, failing miserably because his mind kept running back to Talisa. To the way she’d looked earlier today, standing at the bottom of the staircase when he’d returned to the castle with the Argonauts, wearing those new clothes the nymphs must have made for her, staring at him with a mix of emotions ranging from relief to shock to abject disbelief.

He hadn’t spoken to her. Not during their planning meeting. Not after when they’d broken into groups and he’d headed out to walk the border with the Argonauts. And in the time since, when he’d helped Rhen sharpen weapons and check armor, then met with his silens to go over their plans all over again, he’d not seen her.

She’d disappeared after their meeting, to where he didn’t know. Part of him was anxious to find her, just so he could make sure she was safe. Another part, though, knew that was a bad idea, particularly after their argument yesterday. Especially considering she didn’t know about the end of his plan. The part her father had agreed to and promised not to share.

He shut off the water, reached for a towel, and dried his hands. His body urged him to go upstairs to his suite, to drop into bed, to sleep for at least a couple of hours. But he’d left Talisa there last night. If she was waiting for him in that room, he didn’t want to do or say anything to agitate her again. She needed to keep her wits about her so she’d be ready for the battle, too.

Dropping the towel on the counter, he moved back into the grand hall and stopped as he glanced toward the stairs and debated his options.

There were too many people in this damn castle. Too many he didn’t want to run into now that everything was done. Too many he couldn’t face one-on-one tonight—like his uncle or Talisa’s father.

He moved back out the main doors and headed across the river toward the path that led up into the mountains. Long minutes later, he ducked under the rocks and into the cave that led to the lookout, knowing up here he’d be able to rest with no one bothering him. Where he’d have nothing but time and darkness as company, two things he knew all too well and hadn’t missed these last few days with Talisa.


Every second with her, from the moment he’d seen her in that club, tumbled through his mind as he stepped out of the tunnel, crossed the cavernous room, and moved up the steep steps. She would hate him when she discovered the deal he’d made with her father, but he didn’t care. All that mattered was that she lived. To know that she’d go on, that she’d have a future to look forward to, one that wasn’t dark or broken or isolated, was worth any price.

He eased up the last step and faltered when he reached the circular room. It wasn’t cold stone and empty space anymore. Candles of different shapes and sizes flickered in groupings on the floor and from candelabras littered throughout the area, all casting a warm glow over the bed against the wall opposite the windows.

The bed that hadn’t been there before. The bed with the white comforter pulled back, mountain of pillows, and the female he hadn’t been able to stop thinking about all day, sleeping softly on her side on the soft white sheets.

She startled as if she’d heard him and sat up. Blinking quickly, she swiped at her eyes and looked his way. “Zagreus…”

The emotion he heard in her sleepy voice tugged at something deep inside him, but he didn’t move his feet, afraid of misreading her, unsure about why she was here and what this was for.

“I was starting to worry I’d made the wrong choice.” She pushed to her feet.

He didn’t know what she meant. And his throat was suddenly too thick to ask.

She was barefoot, wearing a silky white robe that fell all the way to the floor, with bell sleeves that hung past her fingers, and a sash tied to accentuate her waist. But it was her features he couldn’t look away from as she crossed his way. Her long dark hair falling naturally around her perfect face. Her sweet pink lips turned up in a slight smile. And her violet eyes focused only on him.

She looked like an angel. Like his own personal savior. And with the candlelight flickering behind her, like all the light he’d ever needed in the world.

Her steps stilled in front of him. She didn’t speak. Just continued to hold his gaze. In her glittery eyes, he didn’t see anger as he’d seen yesterday. No shock as she’d shown him earlier today. He saw only relief. Hope. And heat. So much heat it awakened something inside him he’d told himself was dead.

“What is all this?” he managed.

“A gift. For you. I had a feeling you wouldn’t want to stay in the castle tonight with all of our guests.”

“You did this?” He glanced toward the bed with its iron headboard and matching side tables also holding candles.

“Yes. Well, Nysa helped me some.”

He wanted to ask how but couldn’t seem to make his lips work. Because she was stepping closer, and all he could focus on was her hypnotic scents of cinnamon and vanilla and orange blossom surrounding him. Her tempting heat seeping into his flesh. And her lips, so soft and perfect now within reach.

“You know,” she said softly, “you have some explaining to do about those guests.”

He knew he did, but his heart was beating so fast, he couldn’t seem to do anything but stare into her mesmerizing eyes.

“My parents were a little bit of a shock.” She smirked up at him. “I won’t lie about that.”

“You don’t have to stay. You can go home with them. We have enough people to protect the kingdom and help your cousin.”

She pursed her lips and eased closer.

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