Home > Kurt (The K9 Files #12)(39)

Kurt (The K9 Files #12)(39)
Author: Dale Mayer

When she finally could breathe, she whispered, “I only ever have a kiss like that from you. That is the way it always was with you. I could forget anything and everything as soon as you touched me.”

“You think it was any different for me?” he asked. He smiled and kissed her and again, and very quickly it wasn’t enough, and little bits of clothing were tossed to the floor. The bedding joined them, and even Sabine sat up and looked at them curiously. When Kurt told her that it was all right and to lie back down again, she chose the pile of bedding and curled up and went to sleep.

Laurie Ann looked at Sabine, smiled, and said, “I guess we already have a ready-made family, don’t we?”

“Between Jeremy and Sabine, I would say so,” he said with a laugh. He stopped, stared down at her, his fingers tracing the stretch marks on her belly.

She immediately tried to cover them up.

He looked at her in surprise. “Those are not things to be ashamed of,” he said, his voice thickening. “To even imagine that my baby was in here.” He shook his head. “To see you ripening with my child,” he said, “I’m so sorry I missed that.”

“Me too,” she said. “It was one of the loneliest feelings in the world and yet, at the same time, one of the best because I could feel him inside me, and there was such an amazing bond, such an inherent connection that I never thought to ever have with a human being again,” she said. “Pregnancy was a very special emotional and physical relationship with Jeremy before he was even born.”

“Have you ever thought about having more?”

“I wanted more. I still want more,” she said, “but I don’t want to do it alone again.”

He looked up, smiled, and murmured, “Well, I was kinda hoping to have a permanent spot in your life.”

Her eyes twinkled. “Well, you’ve always had a permanent spot in my heart,” she said, pulling him toward her. “I don’t think that’s a problem at all.”

“You too, huh?”

“Oh, yeah,” she whispered, “me too.” And she pulled him closer so she could kiss him the way she’d wanted to for so long. A hunger inside her just wouldn’t be assuaged any other way but by this man. As she pulled him to her, she cuddled his erection between her thighs and then wrapped one leg up high around his hips and ground herself against him. He shuddered in her arms before rolling over, so he was flat on the bed, and she was high and astride. He looked up at her, smiled, and said, “You always did love to ride.”

She chuckled and leaned forward, her fingers busy as she explored his new wounds, scars, stitches, the prosthetic, yet noting his heavier, more muscular, broader build, including his bigger thighs. She marveled at the boy who had become a man. She murmured as she straddled his erection, her hands sliding up and down his shaft. “You’ve definitely filled out.”

He chuckled. “If that’s what you call it.” And he moaned when her hands turned devilishly tight and slippery. “Don’t do that, sweetie. I won’t last.”

“I won’t last at all,” she said, “and, after just a short ride here, I plan on neither one of us stopping afterward.” And she repositioned herself, ever-so-slowly lowering on his shaft. He groaned and tried to push up higher, but she kept him down, her thighs tight around his hips as she controlled the movement on her own. He lay, shuddering and sweating, on the bed before her, until she was finally seated as deep as she could.

He groaned and whispered, “Dear God, please ride.”

“Oh, I’m planning on it.” And she slowly lifted and lowered herself, gaining momentum, using his shoulders for balance, as his hands locked onto her hips while she pistoned up and down at a speed just out of control. When she finally cried out, her body twisting as the explosions rippled through her, he gave a shout, flipped her over onto the bed, and drove into her once, twice, three times before he came, surging and groaning above her, his body shaking with his own release, before he finally collapsed on the bed beside her.

She smiled, realizing it was still the same, still as good as ever.

In between gasps, as he tried to regain his breath, he murmured, “What’s that smile for?”

“It feels the same,” she said, “the same crazy can’t-get-enough-of-you feeling.”

“Good,” he said, “because it’s the same for me. Always has been.”

“I was worried that all those women would tease you away from me,” she said. “Yet you never wandered.”

“There was absolutely nothing they could give me that I couldn’t get right here,” he said, “and I got it even better. I wanted you and only you.”

“Same,” she whispered. “I’m so glad we found each other back then.”

“And I’m so damn glad,” he continued, “that we’ve reconnected now.” He pulled her up close and said, “Now go back to sleep.”

“Aye, aye, cap’n,” she murmured and closed her eyes and drifted off to sleep.


Kurt lay there, watching Laurie Ann sleep, loving to see her so open and honest and yet so trusting in his arms. It was a special feeling, and one he’d forgotten. He’d had a lot of short relationships since her but nothing really serious. He hadn’t realized what he had been missing until he had found it again. Life worked in mysterious ways, and he was the first to admit that he didn’t understand how any of it worked, but he was just so damn grateful right now that she was here with him.

He closed his eyes and just rested, knowing that the day would start soon enough. He could use a little more sleep, if it was there to come, but he also didn’t want anything else bad to happen to them. He just wanted good things for them from now on. If that was possible. And he sure hoped so because it seemed like they had had a rough ride to begin with. And today they would have the family barbecue at the house, if they were allowed back in again.

He frowned, thinking about that, and then pushed it away because it was too early to contact anybody and just drifted off to sleep. He thought he heard a sound, opened his eyes for a moment and then went back under again. Nothing and nobody seemed to be here, and Sabine wasn’t worried.

When he next opened his eyes, the sun was a little higher, but a weird stillness was in the air. He frowned, lifted his head, and saw Sabine sitting at the door, her ears up, staring at the door itself. He immediately slipped free of the covers and got up and walked around to where she stood. In a low murmur, he whispered, “What’s the matter, girl?”

She just looked up at him, and her tail wagged ever-so-slightly. But there was no give in her stance. He quickly dressed in his boxers and jeans and a T-shirt, put on his socks and shoes. He didn’t know if she needed to go out or if something was out there, but he wouldn’t take a chance.

At the door, he opened it ever-so-slightly, and she bounded through. He took her around the motel, out back, and she took care of business. He wondered if that’s all that she had been after. As they returned to the room, she was ever wary. “Was somebody here last night? What’s the matter, girl?” As he reached the door, Sabine stopped and looked down at the parking lot. With these two-story motels, an outside staircase allowed direct access to the rooms.

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