Home > Rebel's Karma (Dark Protectors #13)(23)

Rebel's Karma (Dark Protectors #13)(23)
Author: Rebecca Zanetti

   Mercy swallowed loudly, her eyes dark. “I really don’t like the tone of your voice.”

   “Karma’s going to like it even less,” he admitted, feeling like a dumbass. Anger crashed through him, and he turned, punching a hole in the wall. Pain ripped through his knuckles and felt good. Real. “I was nice to her. Acted like a perfect gentleman. I even fucking stopped fucking swearing,” he bellowed. “Could I be any more of a moron?” He would’ve beaten the shit out of anybody else if they’d done something so stupid. At least he’d gone with Garrett’s plan and brought her here.

   Garrett watched him impassively with an empty bottle of Jack next to him. As usual these days. “Listen. This might not be her fault, and you know it. Just ease up. Let’s figure out how to use what we’ve learned to our advantage.”

   Logan lifted the phone to his ear. “Let’s call in Quade and Sam. They’re the best strategists I’ve ever seen.”

   Benny extended his fingers, gratified to find that one had broken. “All right. Let’s do this.”

   * * * *

   Morning brought nicer weather. Karma dressed in a light lilac skirt that reached just above her ankles. Maybe she’d slowly make her skirts shorter until she felt more comfortable revealing her legs. Brown boots and a white sweater completed the outfit. After she’d braided her hair and pinched her cheeks, she strode out to find Benjamin on the deck with a table already set for breakfast. She hurried outside. “I should be making breakfast,” she offered shyly.

   His smile held so much charm it was hard to breathe. While not classically handsome, he was tough and strong. Masculine. Yes, that was it. Benjamin Reese was all male. “Come sit down.”

   She did so, carefully spreading the napkin across her lap. Though this escape from the Kurjans was temporary, she felt free. She smiled and focused directly on his intelligent eyes, noting there was more green than usual in those depths. “This is kind of you, Benjamin.” Oh, how she wished she knew how to flirt. Then her gaze caught on the windy river just beyond the grass yard behind him. “Your home is beautiful.”

   His smile deepened. “You’re beautiful.”

   The compliment struck deep, warming her until her fingers tingled. She didn’t know what to say. “Thank you.” For so long, she’d been just like a piece of furniture that nobody really noticed. She reminded herself that was good. Less notice meant less getting hit. Even so, the feeling of being appreciated as a woman was pleasurable. She reached for the coffee to pour two cups. “What are we doing today?”

   He dished out scrambled eggs and toast. “I thought I’d show you around. The area is pretty in the autumn, so we can explore outside. Then I can show you the headquarters and our computer room. It’s pretty impressive.” He sounded proud.

   Oh no. She couldn’t let the Kurjans see the Seven’s military setup. Benjamin must be trying to impress her. He wasn’t thinking clearly. “I would have thought the computer room was private.” Perhaps she could help him.

   “Yeah, but you’re one of us now. I mean, with this and all.” He held up his hand, palm out. The marking—an R with jagged barbs around it—looked even darker than the last time she’d seen it. His marking.

   Panic heated her throat. The Kurjans would have just seen the mating mark. There was no way to hide that from Terre now. What would he do? “I don’t understand.”

   “Well now.” Benjamin tossed his napkin on the table and plucked her right out of her chair while hardly stirring from his.

   She yelped and stiffened, landing on his hard thighs with a whoosh of surprise. “Benjamin,” she whispered.

   He smiled and settled her on his lap. “I’m thinking we should explore this marking and the whole situation. Oh, I know I said I couldn’t mate, but you’ve been so sweet, you’re hard to ignore.”

   Sweet? Ignore? She perched as stiffly as she could. She had never, in her very long life, sat on a male’s lap. His thighs were hard. Very. The arms around her were steel ropes. The scent of him, masculine and citrusy, cascaded over her along with heat generated by his dangerous body. “This is inappropriate,” she whispered, warmth flashing into her face.

   “Who cares?” He leaned in, his nose barely touching hers.

   Her nipples hardened against her plain bra. Her lungs just up and quit working like outdated kitchen appliances. And her sex softened and pulsed. “I care.” Did she? Her body was on fire, and she liked it. Really liked it. What were these feelings? Oh, she’d had sex centuries ago. She’d been attracted to males before. But this was…intense. Direct and needy.

   His nostrils flared. “Oh, baby. I can scent your arousal. Free and wild…like a summer storm.”

   She reeled. They were out of her realm of experience, and she wanted more. Curiosity and something deeper, something that ached inside her, had her placing her palm against his heart. The sheer rock wall of his chest excited her. “Benny,” she whispered.

   “There you go.” He tugged the band off her braid and tangled his hand in her hair, releasing the rows to let her curls free.

   She protested, trying to stop him. “Wait. My hair.” Having it bound was necessary in the Kurjan nation, and it also gave her a sense of protection.

   “It’s beautiful.” His voice thickened as the mass tumbled around her shoulders. “God. So soft. Captured sunshine.”

   She blinked, moved by his tone. Her breath panted out. Her gaze dropped to his firm mouth.

   His lips curved into a smile. “I knew we were on the same page.” Gently and deliberately, he tangled his fingers at her nape, twisting her hair until he controlled her head.

   Her eyes widened.

   He tugged back, elongating her neck. Then he licked from her clavicle up to her jaw, pausing over her mouth. Tingles cascaded from his tongue, shivering through her.

   She held her breath, her entire body jolting with shock.

   Then he kissed her. A gentle glide of his mouth against hers. Not enough. She moaned, struggling to get closer. To take his mouth.

   He held her in place with one hand. Then he smiled against her, his lips firm and the taste of fresh coffee wafting her way. “Patience, baby. You need to learn some.” The dominating tone did something unexpected inside her, spinning her out of control and making her pant with need.

   She swallowed, holding still. She had no choice. But she could speak. “Either kiss me or let me go.” Her voice was breathy and didn’t sound like her. At all.

   Surprise flared in his eyes and then was quickly banked. “Ask nicely.”

   The words took a moment to penetrate. Ask nicely? She wanted him. Right now. But he had put her on his lap, and he had started this. Every inch of her wanted to ask nicely. She might be as useful as discarded furniture, and she might not have one ounce of control in this world, but a very long time ago her mother had told her she was stubborn. It turned out her mama had been right. “No,” she whispered. “Kiss me or let me go.”

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