Home > Rebel's Karma (Dark Protectors #13)(51)

Rebel's Karma (Dark Protectors #13)(51)
Author: Rebecca Zanetti

   Karma couldn’t swallow over the lump in her throat.

   Linda popped up next to her, and she fought a yelp. The ghost looked the worse for wear, if that was even possible. “We have a problem.”

   “I know,” Karma murmured. “They’ve taken the Seven hostage.”

   Mercy angled her neck to stare at the air around Karma. “That is so weird. I can’t see or hear anything. Did she track the guys?”

   Linda leaned forward, her eyes blazing. “I didn’t see anybody, but I discovered General Jaydon’s plans. He’s going to duplicate Ulric’s ritual and make himself invincible.”

   Karma swayed on her feet. Her head spun. “What?” Her voice trembled.

   Linda’s hair shook around her too-pale face. “Yes. He’s going to murder a hundred enhanced females, and the way he made it sound, the younger the better. His obsession will get our girls killed.”

   Mercy cleared her throat. “What did she say?”

   Linda struggled but soon disappeared from sight.

   Oh, God. Now Karma really didn’t have a choice about going back. She had to save her girls. “Nothing. Linda has been watching the encampment but didn’t see the Seven.” Karma was going to have to call Terre herself. He’d trade her for the Seven, even if he had to go around Dayne to do it. “It’ll be okay, Mercy. Trust me.”

   * * * *

   Benny woke up strapped to a chair in what appeared to be a cement-block building lacking any windows. A lone bulb hung from the ceiling, barely illuminating the room, while a heavy-looking wooden table rested again the opposite wall. He tested the bindings holding his arms behind his back and then the ones securing his ankles to the metal chair, which seemed to be attached to the floor. His head pounded, and the coppery taste of blood lingered at the back of his tongue.

   “You’re awake.” The voice sounded young.

   He turned his head to see a Kurjan teenager lounging on the dirt floor with his back to the wall, a game console in his large hands. The kid had long black hair, greenish eyes, and a bored expression. “Who are you?”

   “Who are any of us?” The kid grinned and set the game aside. “You’re one of the Seven.”

   “I am,” Benny affirmed. “Even have the multiple cuts across my hand to prove it.”

   The kid nodded. “I saw. Those happened in the ritual, right? When you became brothers?” He cocked his head, the intelligence in his eyes obvious.

   “Yeah. Deep enough to scar.” Benny looked around for an escape route, but there was only one door. “Why no windows?”

   “Who needs windows?” The kid glanced at his watch. “It’s after dark, and clouds have covered the moon, so there’s nothing to see.”

   Benny’s chin dropped. “I was out all day?”

   “Yeah. Those sedatives are a little strong.” The kid stood and stretched his neck. He had to be a few inches over six feet tall—maybe more. He seemed to be around sixteen or perhaps a year older.

   “Who are you?” Benny asked. “You should always give your name before you torture somebody.”

   The kid yawned. “My name is Drake, but I’m not going to torture you. It’s not my thing.” He slapped Benny on the shoulder and loped toward the door. “While torture is certainly part of the world in which we live, I’d rather do anything else. Life’s too short, right?”

   “I’ve found life to be pretty long,” Benny admitted, testing the ties at his wrists again. Pretty damn solid.

   “Well, that’s probably about to change.” Drake glanced over his shoulder at Benny. “It appears that you’re the most expendable in the group right now.”

   “I figured,” Benny said. It was odd to meet the next generation of the enemy. The kid was calculating and arrogant. “Where are my friends?”

   Drake shrugged. “Garrett is with my dad, Dayne. Logan is with Jaydon, and Sam is unconscious again.” He sighed. “You get my Uncle Terre, and I have to tell you that the scent of Karma is all over you. I’m guessing that since your mating mark is still dark, you didn’t mate her. But you’re definitely going to pay for touching her.”

   “Why is that?” Benny asked softly, the animal deep down swelling.

   The door opened. “Because she’s mine.” Terre strode inside, the red tips of his black hair sharp and bloody-looking. His face was paler than the kid’s and his eyes more purple than green. He was several inches taller than Drake, and his chest was broad and muscled. “A fact we are going to discuss at length.”

   Drake strode toward the door. “Good luck, Benjamin Reese. It was nice to meet you.” Then he was gone.

   Terre shut the door. “My nephew is bored by such banalities as torture. He’s a strategic genius, however, and I have no doubt he’ll someday be responsible for bringing down the entire Realm.”

   “I can see he’s a thinker,” Benny agreed, testing his ankles this time. Nope. Solidly in place. “I’m extremely disappointed that you resorted to using sedatives like you were big game hunting. The Kurjans of old never would have admitted their fighting weaknesses in such a manner.” True story. “It’s just so wimpy of you.”

   Terre placed a black bag on the table and drew out a cattle prod. A short one with a wide head. “We’re in a bit of a time crunch, unfortunately.” He turned toward Benny and ignited the burning end. “Remember this?”

   Benny lifted a shoulder. “Sure. Although I believe I didn’t tell you jack shit last time we were together. In fact, if I remember correctly, I ended up escaping along with a very pretty blonde. What was her name?”

   Terre’s lips peeled back. “Right. I smell her all over you. Don’t tell me it was just a one-night stand.” Fury burned in his face, turning his way-too-white cheeks a blood-colored red. His movements were jerky and his breathing harsh. “Where is she?”

   Interesting. It was telling that Terre’s first question was about Karma and not the Seven. Benny forced a smile. “Unfortunately, the lovely blonde is buried beneath a ton of rubble. That’ll teach you to bring down mountains.”

   “Liar,” Terre said, almost conversationally. “I’ve been concerned about that, but her scent is fresh on you. Very.” He casually placed the burning poker on Benny’s knee.

   Benny sucked in the pain and fought a growl as the smell of his burning flesh filled the too-small room. “She borrowed this shirt the night we spent together. Or was it daytime? You know, I think it was both.” His voice remained level, although the pain in his leg was lancing down to his bound ankles. “Yeah. That’s right. It was all day and all night.” He met Terre’s gaze evenly. “Why did you have to bomb our mountain and kill her?” If nothing else, he’d get Karma free of this bastard.

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