Home > Rebel's Karma (Dark Protectors #13)(56)

Rebel's Karma (Dark Protectors #13)(56)
Author: Rebecca Zanetti

   She exhaled. “You don’t know that. Terre promised to bring them to where we’re meeting in three days. I’m supposed to call to get a location when I get free of you. That is the only way we’re going to find them, and you know it. You have to let me go.”

   “Not a chance.” If he let her go, she’d end up mated against her will by the Kurjan who’d happily burned Benny’s knee nearly off. The guy liked dishing out pain, and something told Benny that he didn’t care who was on the receiving end. “He’ll hurt you. You know that, right?”

   She swallowed. “I do know that, but I’m still hoping I can escape with my girls. I’m their mother now, Benjamin. That means I do whatever I have to do in order to keep them safe. To get them to safety. Surely you understand that.” Her voice trembled and nearly ripped his heart in two.

   “I do understand,” he said, tearing his shirt over his head. It was bloody and damaged, so he tossed it across the room into the small garbage can. “It sounds like I have three days to find them.” He could work with that.

   She looked at his chest and licked her lips. “Yes. I told Terre it would take me that long to get there, but I was guessing. I’ve never driven a car, and I was thinking of borrowing one from you.”

   “Stealing,” he said, shucking his pants. After one night with the Kurjans, he respected her even more. She’d survived for years with them, and she’d kept her ability to love. She must love those kids deeply. He’d never met anybody like her, and he had the feeling she could see right through him to the darkness at his center. But he couldn’t help wanting her anyway. Badly. “I need a shower. Do you want to join me? If not, we’ll talk over dinner.” God, he hoped she wanted to join him, but he understood if she needed some space. He had yelled at her, and at the moment, they weren’t exactly agreeing on anything.

   “I could use a shower.” She reached for the top button on her shirt.

   He covered her hand. “I’ve got this.” Her hand dropped, and he gently slid each button free, brushing his knuckles along her smooth skin each time.

   Tension spiraled between them. He was done holding back with her. From the first time he’d touched her, years ago, he’d known they would end up here. She’d survived his temper and his bite, and now she could have the real him. He ripped the shirt off, making her gasp. Then he grasped the nape of her neck, taking control, giving himself what he wanted.

   Her second gasp was one of need. Yeah, he thought so. His holding back on who he was and what he wanted wasn’t good for either of them. “This is going to be my way, sweetheart.”

   Her smile was full of feminine challenge. “Is it?”

   * * * *

   Karma knew better than to poke the beast, but the freedom she felt with Benjamin was better than any aphrodisiac. She hesitated only a second before reaching for his muscled chest and scraping her nails over it. He was amazing.

   His smile held warning as he grasped her skirt and smoothed it down her legs, partially bending over to do so.

   Her breath caught. “Benjamin.” Grabbing his rib cage, she tugged. “Turn around.”

   He paused and then did so, revealing his back. A tattoo of an intricate shield covered the wide span of muscle from his neck to his behind with his ribs lightly outlined and bonded together.

   “The Seven marking,” she murmured, her hands wandering over the incredible sight. Oh, it wasn’t a tattoo. Instead, a shield had formed when he’d survived the ritual of the Seven. “It’s beautiful.”

   “Forged in blood and bone,” he said, turning. “I’m done holding back, sweetheart. I’m not nice or easy or casual. I’m just me. You in or out?”

   “In,” she breathed.

   He smiled, and the masculine promise in his eyes set wings to fluttering through her body. Then he cupped her chin, his big hand warm against her skin. With a small movement, he tilted her entire face up. He paused, studying her. Claiming her with just his look. Then he took her mouth.

   The second his lips touched hers, that electricity he always seemed to generate burned through her. Hot. Wild. Free. This time, he wasn’t holding anything back. He gave her everything, hard and deep, consuming her until it was only the two of them and right now. Right here.

   He shoved her bra and panties away, flipped on the shower, and then dragged her in before the warm water had turned to hot. His mouth took hers again, and all she could do was feel. He was rough and aggressive in a way she’d only imagined before, his dominance as natural as breathing to him. The control he always exhibited came out in another way, demanding something from her.


   She felt freedom in that demand and leaned into him, letting the heated water cleanse them both. He pulled her up on her toes, his mouth moving from her lips to her jaw to nip and attack, holding her exactly where he wanted her. For the first time, she forgot all about pleasing him.

   There was only the pleasure he demanded she feel. Blood thundered between her ears, making her head ring. Her clit fired hot and needy, and the hard wall of his body was unyielding against her softness. He held her in strong arms, so powerful and just what she needed.

   He roughly caressed her body, down and back up, filling his hands with her breasts and lightly pinching.

   She gasped and leaned closer, wanting that small bite of pain. There was no hesitation and no insecurity. He didn’t let her stop and think or worry about anything. In the space of a thought, Benjamin took control of them both, and it surprised her how much she’d needed him to do that.

   There wasn’t time to be concerned. For now, her body melted into his, and she let him do what he wished. Need burst through her with a tornado’s force.

   “So beautiful,” he murmured, licking along the shell of her ear.

   She shivered and scraped her knuckles right across the hard ridges of his abdomen and then lower. She swallowed, hesitating.

   “Don’t stop now,” he murmured, reaching around her to clamp both hands onto her butt. “I love your ass. Have since the first time I saw you in those jeans three years ago.”

   Now there was a reason to wear jeans. She’d been looking for one. He kneaded her, and she moaned as delicious ripples cascaded right to her sex. “You’re beautiful,” she countered, finally reaching for him. His shaft was long and thick, and she kept her hold gentle as she slid her hand along his smooth skin. So smooth. She could spend all day exploring his incredible body. Maybe she’d do just that.

   He nipped the soft spot between her neck and shoulder, staking a claim. His fangs pierced her skin, more powerful than any lightning strike, sizzling right to her sex. As if he knew her body better than she did, he pressed a knee between her legs, forcing her to ride him.

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