Home > Rebel's Karma (Dark Protectors #13)(7)

Rebel's Karma (Dark Protectors #13)(7)
Author: Rebecca Zanetti

   Karma swallowed. “When it’s over, I’d like to be laid to rest near a river, if that’s okay.” She clasped her hands together. “Unless I’m incinerated. Then maybe the ashes scattered by a river?”

   Max’s gaze went flat, and he froze in place. “What the hell?”

   Garrett frowned and moved closer to Benny. “What exactly did you tell her?”

   “Nothing,” Benny said, eyeing the pale blonde. His pale blonde. “Honey, what are you talking about?”

   She lifted her chin and strode toward the SUV, her skirt swishing around her ankles. “You don’t need to lie to me, Benjamin. I’m ready to meet the queen.” She paused, looking over her shoulder at Max, still safe beneath the eaves. “I do not have any weapons, but it’s permissible for you to search me.”

   Max pivoted, and Benny stopped him with a hand on his arm. “You’re not touching her.” All the same, he did understand the need to protect the queen. Karma had lived with their enemy for a couple of centuries. “I’ll search her. You can watch.”

   He moved toward the woman. “Put your arms straight out.”

   When she did so, facing away from him, he carefully patted her down, making sure not to touch her skin. The allergic reaction could still take place with the material between them, but if he went fast, it’d be okay. Every touch to her curves was torture, and he tried to hide his arousal. “Karma? You’re not going to die tonight.”

   She didn’t answer him. The woman didn’t make a lick of sense. He’d have to sort her out after they got to the lodge.

   He was quick, but by the time he’d patted down her ass, he was on fire. His blood burst through his veins, heating him even more, and his entire body had gone rock hard.

   After the mating mark had appeared three years ago, he knew he had to rescue her. But that was it. He’d never contemplated taking a mate—and it appeared she was in agreement. He should be pleased.

   The beast deep down inside him howled.

   * * * *

   Realm Headquarters was a surprise. The main building looked like a ski lodge, or what Karma figured a ski lodge would look like. She’d been escorted past a wide gathering room and down a lovely hallway to what appeared to be a comfortable waiting area, complete with a silent television on the wall. She sat in a thick, plush chair, her hands clasped loosely on her lap.

   Benjamin sat next to her, shifting his bulk as if he couldn’t get comfortable. “Why do you think you’re going to die?” he asked.

   She eyed the wide double wooden doors across the sparkling floor. Why was Benjamin acting dumb? “I know about the queen and her experiments,” she said calmly. The Queen of the Realm was well known for torturing subjects in the name of science. The Kurjans had been graphic when depicting the atrocities the queen had performed on enhanced females as well as immortals in her quest for knowledge.

   Queen Kayrs was a monster.

   Benjamin groaned. “Well, she is a little obsessed, I admit. But if you just give her what she wants, she usually leaves you alone for a little while.”

   What if what she wanted was to hear Karma scream? To see how high her pain tolerance really was—an experiment Karma understood was one of the queen’s favorite pastimes. “I am weak when it comes to pain,” Karma admitted. “Before this happens, could you reassure me that Rose is safe?” Karma would always wonder if she’d made a mistake, helping Benjamin rescue the toddler from the Kurjans three years ago.

   “Of course she’s safe,” Benjamin said.

   To get through the next few minutes, Karma had to trust that he was telling the truth. “I would have liked to have seen her again.”

   Before Benjamin could answer, the doors opened, and a petite female rushed out. She wore ripped jeans, tennis shoes, and a T-shirt with what looked like a cartoon dog on it. A white lab coat hung on her slender frame, unfastened. Oh. It figured a lab assistant would prepare Karma for the experiments. It was late, probably after midnight. Perhaps she’d be left alone until the queen arose. No doubt the woman slept late.

   Benjamin stood.

   The lab tech went to him for a quick hug before stepping back. “Benny. It’s so good to see you.” The female’s thick black hair was in a smooth ponytail, and her blue eyes sparkled happily. She truly was stunning.

   The oddest and most out-of-place sense of jealousy attacked Karma.

   Benny patted the woman’s back. “You, too. Emma? This is Karma.” He gestured to Karma.

   Karma stood. “Hello.” This Emma felt like a good person, although she was much too familiar with Benjamin. Maybe she’d help Karma end all of this quickly. To think the Kurjans wanted her mate bond destroyed by the virus the Queen of the Realm had discovered. Karma wouldn’t survive that long.

   Emma held out a hand, her eyes focused and intelligent. Seeking. “Karma. It’s lovely to meet you.”

   Karma hesitated and then accepted the handshake. She’d forgotten other species shook hands as a greeting. When the tech released her, she stepped back, her knees against the chair.

   Emma’s eyebrow rose. “Honey, if you don’t want to do this tonight, we can meet up in the morning. Maybe after you’ve slept?”

   A side door opened, and a male stepped out of what appeared to be a conference room. Unrelenting power emanated from him. “That’s fine, but I want her scanned first. Weapons, tracking devices, anything else.” He had black hair, burnished silver eyes, and a body made for war.

   Karma’s knees weakened. On all that was holy. It was the King of the Realm. She’d seen pictures of him at Kurjan headquarters through the years. Was she supposed to curtsy? If she did, she’d fall on her face. Besides, her legs were frozen.

   His expression softened. “Karma, I’m Dage. I apologize for all that you’re about to go through.” Amusement and resignation glimmered in his otherworldly eyes.

   Karma couldn’t speak. How could they joke about the atrocities that were going to be inflicted upon her? She wanted to rail at him, to yell and maybe attack. But why invite more pain? Oh, she’d been in the presence of power before, but the Kurjan generals paled compared to this leader. Primitive power cascaded around him, dancing through the room, no doubt coming directly from him.

   Benjamin nudged her. “Go with Emma and get things started. We need sleep.”

   Dage lifted one very dark eyebrow. “That’s fine, but I’d appreciate it if you came with me, Benny. Garrett is already in my den, and we need to have a discussion. If nothing else, I’d like to know why he looks like he hasn’t slept in months.”

   Karma fought to keep her face calm. If Benjamin deserted her, she would be truly alone. Where could she run?

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