Home > The Lies She Told (Carly Moore #5)(75)

The Lies She Told (Carly Moore #5)(75)
Author: Denise Grover Swank

“He’s going to see Louise,” I said.

“That or to search her land. Maybe he’s looking for that toolbox too.”

“We can’t follow him down that lane to her house,” I said. “He’ll see us.”

“I can drive down the road and park back a ways, so we can follow him when he leaves.”

“Yeah,” I said, grabbing my purse and digging inside. I pulled out my small digital camera and turned it on, relieved that it had twenty percent battery. “But first you’re going to drop me off on the side of the road.”


“I’m going to go through the woods and watch what he does. If nothing else, I can get a photo to show Marco.” I pointed to the county road. “Turn here. I’ll tell you when to stop so I can get out.”

“I don’t like this plan,” Hank said, sounding wary.

“Well, it’s the best one we’ve got. I need to know if he’s working with Louise, or here to threaten her.” I gave him a tight smile. “I’ll be careful. I promise.”

“Take my shotgun.”

“I’m not taking your gun!” I had a handgun, but I hadn’t put it in my purse. I’d planned on spending the day with Marco, and we hadn’t planned on doing anything dangerous.

“Take it,” he barked. “If you don’t want the shotgun, take my revolver from the glove compartment.”

I opened the drop-down door and found an ancient-looking six-barreled handgun that looked like it had come straight from the Wild West.

“It’s old,” he said. “It was my grandfather’s, but it’s aim is true. It’s got a kick, so be prepared.” He motioned toward it. “Take it.”


“The only way I’m letting you out of this car is if you take the gun.”

I grabbed it and popped open the barrel. All six chambers were loaded.

“You know how to use that thing?”


He made quick work of explaining how to cock the hammer and avoid shooting myself in the foot.

I could see the entrance to Louise’s property up ahead.

“Stop up there,” I said. “Drop me off next to that big tree.”

He slowed down, but he still didn’t look happy about it.

“I’ll be fine, Hank. My plan is to not be seen. I’m more worried about you.”

“I’ll turn around, then wait for you down the road. And don’t you spare a worry for me. I’ll have my shotgun to keep me company.” He pulled to a stop in the middle of the road. “I think it goes without sayin’, but be careful.”

I reached for the door handle. “I will.”

He grabbed my wrist. “I can’t lose anyone else I love,” he said, his voice breaking. “I need you to be careful, girlie.”

I leaned forward and hugged him. “I’ll be fine. Unfortunately, I know this property well.”

I kissed his cheek and, before he could say anything else, opened the door and got out. I crossed in front of his car, across the other lane, then slid into the woods.

There was a lot more growth than there’d been the last time I was out here, so I had to pick my way around vegetation. As I neared the edge of the tree line, I could make out two vehicles parked out front. The black truck and an old, rusted silver Honda. There was no sign of the truck driver or Louise.

I set the gun on the ground and turned on the camera, zooming in on the truck. It was pointed toward the cabin, so I only had clear view of the driver’s door. I needed to get a look at the passenger side to check if it had any smudges of paint from the truck Jerry was driving. The problem was the cabin was about twenty feet from the creek, and any tree cover was across the way. If I wanted to get a look at the other side, I’d have to step out into the open. It wasn’t worth the risk.

“You’re out of control!” a man shouted from inside the cabin.

A woman’s voice responded, but it was so muffled I couldn’t make out what she said.

“We’re no closer to finding that gold than when we started!” he bellowed.

She responded again, but I couldn’t make it out.

“She’s stirrin’ up shit, is what she’s doin’,” the guy said. Then he appeared on the front porch.

I snapped several photos. It was the same guy who had come to see me at Marco’s house. His dark brown hair brushed his shoulders, and his jaw was covered in a scruffy beard.

His foot crashed through a rotten piece of wood on the porch. For several seconds, he swore up and down, most of it aimed at Louise, who came out the front door.

She laughed, but it sounded bitter. “That’s what you get, you stupid shithead. You just had to go and kill ’im.”

While I’d already known, or at least strongly suspected, he was Jerry’s killer, it was still caught me off guard to hear her say it so baldly.

“You said it got her motivated,” he countered as he pried his foot out of the hole, then stumbled down the steps to the yard.

He had absolutely no remorse.

Then I realized what he’d said. He’d killed Jerry to get me motivated. He hadn’t done it to stop me. He’d done it to keep me going.

“Besides,” he added. “You know he had to go. He knew too much. Are you any closer to findin’ what he took?”

Jerry had taken something that belonged to Louise? Was it the location of the gold? How would he have gotten it?

“I could have gotten it out of ’im,” she whined as she followed him down the steps. “I have my ways.”

“That’s disgusting,” the man said. “He was an old man.”

She sidled up to him and lowered her voice suggestively. “Someone’s jealous.”

“He was old.”

“Your daddy’s old.”

He made a retching noise. “I don’t wanna hear about that.”

She wrapped her arm around his neck and gave him a deep kiss. It took everything in me not to lose my breakfast. I took a couple of photos, although I had no idea what I’d do with them.

“You get on to work,” she said, then swatted him on the butt.

He glanced back at the cabin. “How can you stand to live out here?”

“It ain’t forever,” she said. “Once I get the gold, I’ll be livin’ in a mansion.”

“Can you get a mansion with only ten million dollars?” he asked.

“Of course, you idiot. Now go.” She gave him a shove.

He got into the truck and turned it on. He gave her a long look, then backed the truck up, giving me a perfect view of the dented and red-streaked front panel over his tire. I snapped a few more photos to give to Marco.

Louise stood in front of the house, watching him go, then got into the other car and drove away.

I started to turn around to leave, but I decided to take the opportunity to search the inside of her cabin. I doubted she’d have anything inside that could help me, but it was worth the few minutes it would take.

As soon as I heard her car on the road behind me, I picked up the gun and ran over to the cabin and climbed the steps, surprised to find she’d left the front door standing wide open.

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