Home > Love for Beginners (Wildstone #7)(42)

Love for Beginners (Wildstone #7)(42)
Author: Jill Shalvis

Alison slid her a look that said she was probably not yet caffeinated and that Emma was giving her a headache. “I don’t think you understand the difference between want and need,” she told Emma. “Like, I want a nap, but I need to work. Another example—I also want abs, but I need food.”

Emma’s stomach grumbled. “You’re right. We should celebrate. With a big feast.”

“It’s seven A.M.”


Alison shook her head.

Emma moved behind the counter and bent to the shelves beneath. “Hey, I left a bag of sour cream and cheese chips here, but it’s gone.”

“I ate it.”

Emma stared at her. “The whole bag?”

“If it’s not in a resealable bag, then it’s one serving.”

“Oh my God.”

“Hey, I don’t make the rules.”

“You owe me chips,” Emma said. “A whole bag.” She looked around. “And I was serious. I really think we can make something of this. Don’t you?”

“Obviously, or I wouldn’t have dropped my entire savings into it.”

Emma rolled her eyes, but the gesture was wasted on Alison, who kept working.

“Stop staring at me” was all Alison said. “And celebrations are for successes. This is still a wait-and-see thing.”

“Anyone ever tell you that you’re a buzzkill?”

“Many. And I’m so glad I learned about parallelograms in school instead of starting a business. It’s really coming in handy this week.” She looked up from the computer. “Also, subject change—coupons for Paw Pals for new clients. What do you think?”

“Genius,” Emma said, surprised.

“I’m going to remind you that you said that.”

“Actually, we could print a bunch of coupons and put them up all over town. You could even take one to Ryan.”

Alison blinked. “Why would I do that?”

“So he’d have an excuse to come see you here when he brings Killer in on his days with her.”

“Seems desperate.”

“Desperate times . . .”

“I’m not that desperate. I’m never that desperate.”

“If that’s true, I’m going to need the secret,” Emma said.

An alarm went off on Alison’s phone. She looked at it and swore very creatively.

“What is it?” Emma asked, heart kicking. “Simon? Dale?”

“No. I set a reminder for something.”

Emma gave her the go on gesture.

Alison rolled her eyes. “To . . .” She coughed and said, “Remembertobeniceandfriendlyandopen” at the same time.

Emma stared at her. “Was that even English?”

Her partner sighed. “I set the reminder to remember to be nice and friendly and open.”

Emma stared at her, and then laughed. She laughed so hard she had to sit down on the welcome bench and gasp for air.

“Whatever,” Alison said, clearly entirely insulted. “I’m a delight.”

Emma swiped her tears of mirth. “It’s cute that you think that’s true. But why the alarm? Why not just stick with being your usual ray of sunshine?”

“Fine.” Alison tossed up her hands. “Because I know I’m not a delight, okay? And I’m . . . trying to fix that.”

Alison actually seemed genuinely earnest, and Emma’s smile faded. The bigger surprise was that her heart actually squeezed. “Okay, I think it’s sweet that you’re trying. But . . . your execution might be a tad off.”

Alison made a face that said she was aware.

“We both agreed to this for our own various reasons,” Emma said. “We might as well get used to it.”

“Yeah, but . . . it’s weird, right?”

Emma laughed. “Very. Hey, maybe if we told each other something about ourselves now, as adults.”

“Such as?” Alison asked suspiciously.

“How about we share our weaknesses and strengths? I’ll even go first. My weakness is . . .” She searched her brain. She had so many to choose from. “My old need of being a people pleaser still raises its head when I’m not looking. And also that I don’t want to be a burden. On anyone. Not ever again—which still makes it hard for me to ask for help. And by hard, I mean I’m stubborn and sometimes obnoxious about accepting said help. As for my strengths . . . I think that’s my sunshine nature and the ability to make people feel good.” She smiled, proud of herself.

Alison was frowning.

“Your turn,” Emma nudged.

“My strength is that I never admit my weakness.”

Emma rolled her eyes. “Lame. Come on, let’s hear it. Strengths and weaknesses. Or would you rather I say them?”

“Oh, do tell.”

“Your strength is you’re smart as hell and you aren’t afraid to go after what you want. You’re brutally honest.”

“Not exactly flattering, but accurate,” Alison said. “And my weaknesses?”

“Easy. You hide behind a thick armor of sarcasm and cynicism, and that scares people off, which you’re fine with because then you don’t have to deal with them.”

“But not you apparently. I haven’t scared you off.”

Emma smiled. “I’m a product of desperation. I needed you, plain and simple, which sucks for me.” She moved closer, leaning on the counter. “Also, I’m really trying to be cool here, but please tell me something about your uncle.”

“How did you know about him getting hurt anyway?”

Good question. Emma wanted to say never mind, but her need to know that Dale was okay outweighed her pride. “Last night I was with Simon when we heard sirens.”

Alison’s brow nearly vanished into her hairline. “Define ‘with.’”

Oh boy. “We were on the roof when we heard sirens. Simon ran downstairs, so I’m not sure, but from what I can gather, Dale fell.”

“The roof?”


“Uh-huh,” Alison said.

“I think Simon feels incredibly guilty about it.”

Alison blew out a huge breath. “It’s not Simon who should feel guilty. I’m the one who put Dale to bed and then left him.” She looked away. “It’s what I’ve done before, but even though he promised, I should’ve stayed longer to make sure he was really asleep. He’s wily. I should’ve known—”

“You couldn’t have known,” Emma said, putting her hand over Alison’s. “It’s a tough situation. I’m sure neither Simon nor Dale blames you—”

Alison pulled her hand free, stood up, and closed her laptop. “I’m due at Armstrong Properties. I’m covering for Simon today. He had meetings on top of meetings, so I’ve gotta go, but I’ll come back later.”

“Don’t worry about it. I’ve got this.”

Alison’s frown faded. “Thanks.”

EMMA WORKED UNTIL it was time for her late-afternoon PT appointment. She got a little anxious as she parked in the PT clinic lot, hoping last night hadn’t ruined everything between her and Simon.

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