Home > Something Like Hate(24)

Something Like Hate(24)
Author: Harloe Rae

I wave away her deflection. “It’s you who slammed the brakes on us ramming straight into business. A slight detour can be accounted for.”

She crosses her arms, but relents. “My dad is a lawyer and built his own firm from the ground up. His grand plan includes my brother and me joining the family legacy.”

Those final words are spat from her mouth with a hostility I can relate to.

“We have that in common, I suppose. My father never forgave me for abandoning his company to forge my own path.”

A furrow dents the smooth skin between her brows. “Is he—?”

“Dead,” I finish for her.

Her mouth opens, but closes an instant later. She’s probably recalling my reprimand after apologizing for trying to use my Nana against me.

I save her from floundering to fill in the awkward silence. “He was old and sick. His life overflowed with luxury and power by most standards. Your sympathy isn’t necessary.”

She toys with a red curl that’s falling over her slender shoulder. A knot in her slender throat bobs with a thick swallow. That slight chink in her armor gets stashed away for later use. “All right then.”

I can sense a shift in the air and lunge to grab at it. “You’re stunning, Savannah. A true vision.”

With a resounding creak, her guard slams into place with barbed wire as reinforcement. The fiery wall in her expressive gaze seals off any hints at that momentary gap. She’s becoming predictable. “It’s just Vannah. Will you never respect my wishes?”

The reflex twerking at the corner of my lip is too much. I allow a crooked smirk to appear. “Probably not.”

Vannah is saved from responding when our drinks arrive. Before the server scurries off, we both request medium-rare filets. I had to swallow the urge to order for her since—in my experience—women don’t know how to have a steak properly cooked. It should come as no surprise that Vannah provided the exact instructions I had waiting on my tongue. The server dashes off to do our bidding, leaving a cloud of dust.

She’s quiet for a moment while drinking her martini. Those emerald eyes study me with a shrewd scrutiny I don’t allow from many. I’m giving her more liberties this evening than most get in a lifetime. She should consider herself fortunate to be in this position, but I’m well aware her pride won’t allow it. That’s something I’m learning to admire about her. Conversations with her remind me of chess—one move in the wrong direction and my entire strategy will be revealed. We’re establishing a cloaked rivalry that will conquer all others. Failing against her isn’t an option.

“You’re honestly planning to purchase those warehouses?”

I sip at my bourdon. “Of course. The plans are already in motion.”

Vannah loses her composure, lurching forward with a gasp. “Really?”

“Do you have such little faith in me?”

“I’m assuming that’s a rhetorical question.”

I clear the alcohol from my mouth with a hearty gulp. “All right, Savannah. I’m going to make this simple.”

“It’s about time.”

The sass in her retort rolls down my back. Curbing that snark will be a great accomplishment.

I stare at her, wishing to eliminate the mere feet separating us. Seducing her would be more effective with touch, but the opportunity will come. “I want you on retainer as my commercial realty broker.”

One side of her mouth hikes up. “Exclusively?”

My chuckle is dark and something to be feared. “I’ll keep you occupied.”

A calculation seems to whiz through her mind. The cha-ching from dollar signs appearing in her vision is almost audible. “Why would I entertain this idea?”

Or maybe that’s just my projection. “I’ll make you a very rich woman.”

“If I only cared about a lucrative salary, I’d be a lawyer at my father’s firm right now.” Cunning wit sparks from her eyes. This girl is no airhead, contrary to what some of her forced mannerisms suggest.

“Then I’ll ensure you’re the most revered agent in the Midwest.”

That gives her pause. She presses a thumb against her temple. “But I thought you were ready to cut ties and move along?”

I sneer at the implication that I’d surrender. “Oh, sugar. That’s a horrific misrepresentation of my earlier sentiments. I’m far from done with you.”

Goosebumps visibly pop along her flesh in a rippling path at my ominous tone. “Why don’t you just go through Vince and request me for your account personally? It would save you the hassle of trying to schmooze me.”

“So, you’ll listen to him?” The coiling in my gut is difficult to cast aside. Jealousy isn’t an emotion I’m well acquainted with.

“Well, yeah. He’s my boss.” She cares too much about her subpar position at Brogen Realty. Vannah revealed that priceless intel by not backing down after our initial blowout.

I drum my fingers on the table. The impatient beat is easy enough to decipher. “Is that the avenue you always take to get clients?”


“What makes me different?”

“We know the answer to that.”

Fine, if that’s how she wants to play. “You’re intimidated by me.”

She tips her head back, a boisterous laugh streaming toward the darkening sky. “Is this a comedy club? I didn’t prepare any jokes.”

“See? We get along well enough.”

Vannah hums. “Ah, you’re being dense on purpose.”

“We should focus on what’s important.” Such as getting her under my thumb by any means necessary.

“Like eating,” she adds.

Twin plates slide in front of us with a trained ease this server will be generously compensated for. He’s gone before I can consider thanking him. Sunset Perch has the kind of competent staff I don’t see often enough in these so-called ritzy establishments. I’ll have to remember this place for future meetings.

Vannah slices through her steak with a hunter’s precision. It’s not lost on me that her eyes never stray to the plate. “You could have any agent for this, Lannie. Why me?”

I dig into my own meal while keeping my gaze on her. “I’ve already answered that.”

“Humor me,” she goads.

“You have the tenacity and skill to be the best in this industry. I want to provide that for you.”

“Just like that?”

“Sure, why not?”

She presses her ruby lips into a thin line. “Because you’re not a selfless, kind person.”

I deflect her shot with a grunt. “You wound me, woman.”

“No, I don’t. You’d require feelings for that, which I do recall you claiming to have none.”

There’s no arguing with that logic. “Be that as it may, I want you for this position. The reasoning doesn’t matter. I prefer going directly to the source, cut out the middleman, and all that. You should be the one to decide, and not because Vince assigns you.”

Her features pinch in consideration. “You want to hear me say I’ll be subservient.”

I nearly choke on my meat. “Is that a possibility?”

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