Home > Something Like Hate(46)

Something Like Hate(46)
Author: Harloe Rae

“After,” I promise. I’m not sure if that vow is for me or her.

“We’ll see.” Her voice is flat and bland as she drops her gaze.

“Savannah.” I reach for her hand again, threading our fingers. Even I can offer tender contact when necessary. “I didn’t mean to ruin the moment.”

“It was bound to happen eventually,” she mutters. “Don’t worry about it, Lannie. I know where we stand. The Haters Club, right?”

My chance to make amends is stolen from me as we reach our destination. The planetarium is already teeming with activity when Karl steers to the front entrance. An attendant rushes to open my door, sweeping into a low bow like we’re the king and queen. The performance these organizers insist on providing is a tad over the top. I imagine most of this crowd loves being doted on, though.

“I suppose this counts as a private tour.” Vannah’s whisper reaches me while I offer a hand to help her from the low seat.

“With a hundred others included.” Not nearly secluded enough for my liking. Every man at the event will be breaking his neck to get a look at her. She’ll be on my arm, though.

“Could be worse, like a baseball stadium.” Her throaty laugh sends a ripple through me.

Or a fucking boat cruise.

But this isn’t the time to digress about stupid shit.

As predicted, heads snap in our direction as we exit the limo. Hushed murmurs follow us inside, growing in intensity as we enter the throng. Vannah rolls her shoulders back, accentuating the sway in her hips.

“You’re going to create a buzz that’ll last all year.” The warning should shake her from this rebellion.

A gleam twinkles in her eyes and she blows me a kiss. “Good.”

We stride forward, linked at the elbow. Vannah’s smile is bright enough to battle the sun. She’s determined to make a scene, push my limits, and shove until I snap. There’s no chance I’ll lay claim to her, but that doesn’t mean another guy can swoop in and try his luck. Fuck that. She’s mine tonight. I’ll chase every other bastard off if need be.

She shoots me a sly grin, tacking a wink on top. “I like to consider myself a conversationalist. Providing them with a topic to discuss is my due diligence. This will be fun.”

There goes our fun discrepancy again. “You don’t owe them anything. The vultures in this circle can be brutal.”

She tosses her head, sending red curls to cascade from left to right. The motion exposes her naked back. This is further proof that her gown is a torture device against men. “Have you met me? I can handle it.”

She certainly can, which is a talent most will never achieve. Why the fuck am I concerning myself over her anyway? This woman is getting under my skin and I need to get her out.

A familiar face rushes over to accost us before we’ve even found a place to stand. “I never thought I’d see the day, Winters. You’re finally settling down.”

Synchronized croaks catapult from us in the same second as if we planned the shocked display. Vannah recovers with a demure grin pointed at our intruder, who’s currently invading her personal space. He’s probably trying to ogle her breasts. Not that I blame him, but that doesn’t stop a sneer from curling my lip. I haven’t feasted on her tits yet. This joker certainly isn’t getting an eyeful before me.

I cough loud enough to redirect his gaze. It has the desired effect as he looks at me while I finish adjusting my tie. “Always a riot chatting with you, Danvers.”

He preens like that’s an actual compliment. Hell, my hand stings from the backhand. “We’re sharing the top slots for donations again this quarter.”

“That’s compelling news. If only I had a drink to properly commensurate the occasion.”

He pays my subtle hint little mind. Too busy eye-fucking Vannah. “Who is this lovely woman on your arm? I wasn’t aware you were bringing a plus-one.”

Does he have nothing better to do than check on my status?

But again, I can’t ridicule him too aggressively. She looks good beside me, drawing more attention than I already receive on my own.

“This isn’t a date.” The vehement rebuttal in her voice is a strike to my ego. Lucky for me, I have plenty to spare.

“Savannah Simons is my… property investment advisor.” My pause is pregnant on purpose, entirely for raising suspicion.

“We’re together strictly for business-related services,” she adds.

His eyebrows wag in an undignified fashion. “You don’t have to lie, honey.”

Vannah narrows her eyes, the flames rising to the surface in those green pools. “I’m not, trust me.”

“She’ll come around to accepting her place eventually.” He pats me on the shoulder.

I shift sideways until his arm drops away from me. With another measured step, I turn to my non-date. “By the way, this is Charles Danvers. He’s also a founding sponsor.”

“It’s lovely to make your acquaintance.” The blatant fib pinches her mouth.

“Likewise.” His gaze passes over her in a slow perusal that has me moving to act as a shield. “You always have the best at your disposal, Winters. Let me know when you’re ready to share her.”

Vannah shudders beside me and parts her lips with a gasp. I snarl on her behalf, the noise loud enough to drown any peep she planned to make. “That I do, but this one isn’t going anywhere.”

Charles rocks on his heels. “Ah, I see.”

“Be sure you do. If you’ll excuse us, my lady is parched.” I hide my curling fist behind Vannah’s ass. The storm roaring in my gut won’t be concealed for another minute against that douche.

She doesn’t protest as I steer her toward the bar. “Trying to pass me off as your girlfriend?”

A grunt streams from my flaring nostrils. “I avoid answering pointless questions. Besides, even if I were, no one would believe me.”

“Yeah, that guy seemed shocked. He was… pleasant.”

“You mispronounced disgusting.”

Another shiver wracks her limbs. “I wasn’t going to degrade one of your friends.”

I grip her elbow, stopping us in our tracks. “That pig definitely isn’t connected to me beyond these events.”

He’d been quite close to my father. The similarities have never been lost on me. For whatever reason, Charles believes I’ll swoop in and replace his fallen comrade. I should probably be more discouraging if this recent interaction is any indication.

Vannah exhales, the breath whooshing from her. “Speaking of, were you aware of this posh shindig when you invited me to Chicago?”

I pass her a flute of champagne, taking the bourbon for myself. “Yes, it’s been on my calendar for a year. I hadn’t decided to attend, though. It’s not like I would’ve been missed so long as my donation arrived. They host an event every season in our honor, but it’s really an excuse to collect more money. Works like the well-established system this fundraiser is.”

“That’s super for the cause. For once, I don’t mind your wealth being flaunted.” She sips from her glass. “Although, this is beyond the normal realm of treating an associate to a night on the town.”

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