Home > Something Like Hate(63)

Something Like Hate(63)
Author: Harloe Rae

“I’m not getting on that.” His upper lip curls at the Segway parked next to mine.

“Throwing in the towel so soon? Had I known all it would take is a ridiculous mode of transportation, this little charade could’ve ended days ago.”

“You’re only doing this to make me look stupid.” He can’t prove that, but it’s one hundred percent true.

That’s right—Landon Winters is being reduced to common folk status. Oh, how the mighty fall indeed. He should be blaming himself for giving me free rein.

A giggle tickles my throat. “I don’t see the issue.”

He frowns. “There has to be a more dignified path back into your good graces.”

“Afraid not.” I have the courtesy to wince.

“Savannah.” His tone borders on pleading. For him, anyway.

“Lannie,” I retort.

“Let’s go to Hawaii instead.”

I pause at that extremely lofty—and ostentatious—counteroffer. The ocean mist spritzing my face would be quite refreshing. Damn, that’s tempting. Then the bubble bursts when I refocus on our current surroundings. He’s not sweeping me off my heels that easily.

“That’s very generous, but I want to show you my city.” I stick my bottom lip out, letting a slight wobble take effect. My pout is capable of making grown men crumble. I’ve witnessed it on several occasions.

Landon’s thumb rubs at my protruding plea. “It’s cute when you steal my lines.”

“I’ve learned from the best.”

He drags his aviators down the bridge of his nose. The sole purpose is so that I can watch him ogle me. “Your attire can hardly be considered appropriate for traipsing around on a motorized stick horse.”

I glance down at my designer skirt and towering pumps. “Do you have a problem with my outfit?”

His mouth crooks into a devilish smirk. “Not at all. In fact, I’m interested in seeing how it looks scattered on the floor.”

With a tsk, I boop him on the nose. “You’re not getting out of this.”

He nips at my finger. “I prefer to explore all avenues before conceding.”

“Our rental window is ticking. Stop stalling and put on your helmet.” I pass him a shiny dome for his melon.

Landon makes no move to put it on, scowling as if the sight alone offends him. “I can’t believe I’m doing this.”

“Me either, to be honest. I was mostly kidding, but we’re invested now.”

“This wouldn’t be happening if I didn’t love you.”

I freeze as that word rolls from his tongue like the most tender caress. “What’s that now?”

His snort pings off my shock. “Oh, please, Savannah. As if you weren’t aware by now.”

“You love me.” I state that as an indisputable fact. It sounds better than peanut butter mixed with chocolate.

“Shut up and kiss me.” He grips my chin and tugs until our lips connect.

But that isn’t nearly enough.

Landon hauls me against his chest with an arm banded around my waist. I fall into him, tangling my legs with his. My palms land on his shoulders, digging in as he exhales a growl. He grips a palmful of my ass, clutching tight in possession. I moan into his mouth while clawing at him. It’s been too long since I’ve tasted his special blend, all minty fresh and mine.

His tongue goads mine into a knotty battle as we drift deeper into this lustful haze. I want to really feel him without all these pesky clothes in the way. As if reading my mind, he bunches more fabric in his hand. The heated air whispering across my upper thigh snaps me from the fog.

I detach from him with a gasp. “You’re too sexy with all those smooth moves.”

“That was nothing, sugar. I’m just getting warmed up.” He leans in for another kiss.

I dodge his lips. “Quit distracting me.”

“But I’ve missed you.” The twinkle in his gaze is almost my undoing.

There are enough wits remaining in my erratic mind to consider ditching this half-baked idea and find somewhere suitable to get naked. But we’re committed, dammit. If we happen to pause for a pitstop after five minutes, that’s totally acceptable.

The sun chooses that moment to send a streak directly into my eyes. I lift a palm to shield my gaze while continuing to gawk at him. “You really love me?”

“Yes.” Landon murmurs the confirmation against my mouth. “I would’ve told you last week had I known confessing my love would get this reaction.”

“Maybe you should’ve.” I wiggle impossibly closer, crushing his evident arousal between us.

He thrusts forward. “Does this mean I’m off the Segway hook?”

“Nope.” I pop my lips around the word.

His forehead rests against mine. “Damn, I was confident you’d be ready to consummate our relationship at the earliest convenience.”

“We’ll get to that point very soon. Also,” I peek up at him from under my lashes, “I might love you too.”

I’ve been denying the inevitable long enough. It’s best to put us both out of our misery and admit the truth. Landon Winters—by some strange miracle I haven’t grasped yet—has captured my heart. I didn’t see this coming.

He was right about the line between loathing and lust being super thin. Then I went and fell in love.

With a long exhale, he brushes our noses together. “You don’t sound convincing.”

“Don’t ruin the moment.” I bounce on my toes to kiss him again. “I love you, Lannie. Not sure exactly when it happened, or how. You snuck up on me when I least expected to fall. I’m not used to being blinded with a positive twist. You’re proving to be a game-changer.”

His restless pursuit is endearing, albeit a tad stalkerish. I’m choosing to view it as determination and proof that he’s committed.

“Did you hear that, everyone?” His voice booms toward fellow Lake Calhoun enthusiasts and sightseers. “This woman loves me!”

There’s a smattering of applause and a few cheers—but mostly, a bunch of puzzled looks. I can’t help but laugh at him.

A thought niggles into my brain. “What happened to your rules?”

“They’re no longer of consequence. I found my loophole.” The intensity in his gaze leaves little doubt that he’s referring to me.

There’s a hitch at the corner of my mouth as I offer him a shy smile. “You’re a little sweet under all that… assholishness.”

“Is that even a word?”

“Not sure, but it’s more than fitting. Just like our date. Saddle up, partner.” I tap the handlebar.

Landon clips on his helmet and steps onto the pedaled platform. “I better get laid for this.”

“Don’t worry, big guy. I’ve got you covered.” I rub his arm, adding a little squeeze before mounting up.

Then we’re off at a breakneck pace of twelve miles per hour. These suckers are far from speed demons, but I still feel like we’re flying. We zip past walkers who are enjoying a leisurely stroll. A park stretches wide on our right. Dogs are chasing tails while kids race around the playground. A group of college kids are throwing frisbees and some women my mom’s age are steadfastly focused on their yoga. It’s quite a versatile group. Remembering my role, I wave a sloppy arm in that direction.

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