Home > Something Like Hate(68)

Something Like Hate(68)
Author: Harloe Rae

A knowing gleam enters his gaze. “Oh, I remember when—”

I press a finger to his lips. “Storytime isn’t necessary. Mom already shared in abundance.”

He chuckles. “She’s good at that.”

The amusement is infectious, tickling the corners of my lips. “Unfortunately.”

Minutes before the procession began, my mother was kind enough to entertain me with sordid tales of her special day. A daughter doesn’t need to hear about her father’s unbridled lust or how the sight of him in a tuxedo makes her mom purr. She even demonstrated for added impact. I gagged while attempting to change the subject. Audria, who just got married last month, countered with far less traumatizing advice.

But their words of wisdom vanished in a puff once they strutted off in all their bridal party glory.

I’m not nervous in the typical sense. My faith is resolute. It’s more about the long-awaited anticipation of seeing Landon’s face when I appear in my gown. Will his face reflect unconditional adoration? Is he planning to conceal his true emotions behind thick indifference for our family and friends? My answer is mere moments away.

The early summer air whispers along my bare shoulders, urging me forward. I lower my eyes and turn to face the crowd. Just one more deep breath until the reveal. My expanding ribs complain against the snug lace and satin confining me.

With a smooth pivot, my dad shifts into position beside me. “Ready?”

“Yes.” I exhale and look straight ahead.

Landon fills my vision at the end of our makeshift aisle. His dark stare is already waiting to capture mine—unwavering and intense. Any doubt I had is whisked away as his undeniable devotion fills the gap between us. With that penetrating stare, he’s proving that I’m fidgeting and fussing over nothing. The fierce desire that shines brighter in his eyes each day is reflected for all to witness. A sigh eases the tension I didn’t realize was gathering in my chest.

After all this time, I finally understand what this type of love feels like. Everything else fades into a muted splotch as I absorb his blatant affection. He regards me with a secret smirk that shoots molten lust into my veins. I imagine he’s picturing me in nothing but my wedding band, as he promised last night after our rehearsal. The heat in his gaze is a warm embrace on the coldest nights. I bite my lip as the fire blooms inside me.

My lids lower on their own—heavy and sultry—beckoning him closer. His flexing fists are curling against restraint, unstoppable passion waiting to be released. My own fingers twitch against the satin ribbon cinching my bouquet. A collection of soft pink and creamy white petals brush the embellished bodice of my dress.

A soft gust carries sweet nectar from the blossoming apple trees and flourishing gardens. We’re getting married at an orchard that Landon recently took on as an investment. To say I was shocked when he suggested this location is an understatement. The billionaire tyrant has lost a few harsh edges since we’ve been together. He’s even relinquished some of his tightly-guarded control every now and then. Emphasis, some. Not many are privileged enough to witness the true depth of his character. No, he saves those indulgences for me.

I barely realize the space separating us is shrinking. It’s a miracle that my slow stride remains fluid when I’m not cognizant of taking a single step. The ground seems to tremble beneath my heels, paving a seamless path to my future. Soon enough, my father is passing me off to the man who owns my heart with each fluttering beat.

Landon brings my hand to his lips, kissing my knuckles with the softest kisses. “My beautiful bride has rendered me speechless. You’re simply radiant, Savannah. I’m feeling rather possessive with all these eyes watching you.”

A blush burns along my cheeks. “And you’re very sexy in that suit, Lannie. I love your tie.”

He runs a palm down the red silk. “I’m glad you mentioned it. This will come in handy later.”

“Wow,” I mouth.

“You have no idea,” he returns.

Without further delay, Landon lifts his chin to cue the pastor. We chose a standard, albeit eloquent, ceremony program. The opening welcome drifts into the readings, which lead to our vows. No one scoffs when the pastor asks if anyone objects. Landon glares at the crowd just in case anyone dared. He’s still a hypocrite, but I love him.

“I’d like to say a little something else if that’s all right.” His gaze is fastened on mine, waiting for the verdict.

“You made a strict rule about staying on script. We’re not supposed to go rogue,” I remind him.

His thumb brushes my upturned jaw. “Oh, sugar. I’ve been breaking those from the very beginning. That’s all part of the ruse.”

A familiar buzzing fills my stomach. “And that’s very suspicious, almost-husband.”

He clasps both my hands in his. “I just want to thank you, almost-wife.”

This man is full of surprises. These days, it’s almost safe to assume his shock value tips toward the fantastic kind. I allow my eyes to widen, feigning the stunned reaction for our audience’s amusement. “Oh? What have I done now?”

“Savannah,” he begins on an exhale. “Because of you, I’m marrying for love and happiness. You’ve changed me, which is a power only you possess. I was satisfied with being detached before you stormed in and forced me to feel. The moment you agreed to be mine set me on a new path I couldn’t fathom before. You’ve given me reason and purpose to be a better man, for us and our future. I used to live life thinking only about what I deserved—but you made me realize that I had to work to deserve you. Because of you, there is always more to gain. I have cause to strive and aspire. Before meeting you, I’d never truly been rich or successful. It was all a sham. Meaningless coasting tracing in circles. You broke the cycle, sugar. I’ll never allow doubt to wedge between us. Because of you, I’m actually living a life worth savoring. I owe you everything, my love. Worshiping you with each breath is only the beginning.”

A blistering rush cascades over me as my vision blurs. Rare tears trickle down my face. He yanks the emotional sap directly from my pores. “How am I going to top that?”

Landon’s smile is dazzling enough to bridge the widest rifts. “You already have by agreeing to marry me. Now say you will and make it official.”

I’m blubbering incoherently as we exchange rings. Landon’s grin only spreads the more jumbled my convictions become. The clouds part, making room for the sunshine to bathe us. Those warm rays soak into my skin as Landon’s commitments caress my soul. Once I’ve sucked in a shuttering breath to end my solemn pledge of forever, he swipes at my wet cheeks.

“I love you,” he whispers.

“And I love you.”

Then we’re pronounced as husband and wife. Landon wastes no time kissing his bride, bending me backward in a steep dip. I trace his bottom lip with my tongue, earning me a low rumble. Another burst of heat gathers in my belly as he deepens our connection. After a final swipe, he pulls us back up as I clutch onto his lapels. I break apart with a groan. He’s too damn tempting. The roaring applause drowns my momentary upset.

Landon threads his fingers with mine, thrusting our hands in the air. He hoists me into his arms and saunters down the aisle like a cocky superhero holding the distressed damsel.

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