Home > Glitter(24)

Author: Abbi Glines

“That was the most generous description I’ve ever heard, especially related to me. Thank you, Lord Ashington.”

He studied me for a moment as our dance ended. “If no man has ever noted any of those things to you then he isn’t a man worth your time. Those are just the finest of your qualities, but they aren’t the only ones.”

Again, I had no words. What other qualities did he think I had? I was afraid if he truly knew me, he would be sorely disappointed. The ones he had stated were nothing more than any other female would have. They weren’t something that took much effort.

He held out his arm to me and we retreated in the direction of my aunt. I felt as if I should be saying more but I wasn’t sure what the right thing to say would be at this moment. Should I praise his attributes?

“Would you mind greatly if Miss Bathurst and I stepped out onto the veranda for some fresh air for a moment? There are others out there so we won’t be alone, I assure you.” Lord Ashington’s request to my aunt startled me since I had been inside my thoughts, wondering what I would say to him next. Now, he was excusing us to be outside. Did I want to be outside with Lord Ashington?

“Of course,” Aunt Harriet gushed happily. “Please, go get fresh air. It is rather stifling in here. I am sure Miriam needs it.”

She wasn’t going to wait on me to give her a nod that it was okay. It was clear she wanted me outside with the earl. Tsk Tsk Aunt Harriet, you are becoming as bad as the other mothers here tonight. I couldn’t be mad at her, however, because more time with Lord Ashington was something I wanted.

Lord Ashington led me to the large open archway where the breeze and cool evening air greeted us. I sighed in relief as we moved out toward the far left of the veranda near the different shades of pink roses covering the wall. They smelled as lovely as they looked.

“It’s better out here, is it not?” he asked.

“Oh yes,” I replied. “The fresh air is nice after so long inside.”

“Do you spend much time outside when you are in the country?” he asked.

“If the weather permits. I enjoy the sunshine and warmth, but on cold dreary days, I prefer a spot near the fireplace and a book.”

He smiled. “You enjoy reading very much.” He wasn’t asking. It was a statement. “I do as well. My library at Chatwick Hall is extensive. Perhaps you and your aunt and uncle could come for a visit.”

“To Chatwick Hall?” I asked, not sure I was understanding him correctly. I wasn’t sure where the Earl of Ashington’s country estate was located exactly, but I did know it was Chatwick Hall. That was all I could remember.

He nodded. “Yes, that is if you would be interested in a short break from the London season. Perhaps for a few days.”

He was inviting me to his estate. His home. What did this mean? Was this something he did often with ladies? “My sister is coming for a visit. I don’t know how long she will be staying with us,” I said.

“Excellent. I know you’ve missed her. She would come too, of course. I look forward to meeting this sister you care for so dearly. She must be very special.”

Whitney would be beyond the moon at the chance to visit a home such as Chatwick Hall. It would be even more exciting for her than the limited bit of London she was going to see while at Uncle Alfred’s. Lord Ashington was offering her a chance to experience a life she may never see otherwise. And if I was truly honest with myself, I wanted to see his home. I wanted to spend more time with him.

I fancied Lord Ashington. Admitting it to myself was slightly freeing.

“That’s very generous of you,” I replied.

He placed a finger under my chin and lifted my face up so that my gaze met his. The sincerity on his face made my heart pick up its pace. “Make no mistake, Miriam. I’m not being generous. I am being selfish. For I want more time with you away from this,” he glanced around then back to me, “circus. I want time for us to get to know one another and enjoy some fresh air. As for your family, that is a bonus because you care for them and I want to know the people you love.”

He wanted to get to know me.

He wanted to get to know my family.

He had called me… Miriam.

“We would love to.” My voice was but a whisper as I said the words.

He smiled then and it was the genuine sort of smile that made a girl feel it throughout her body when directed at her. There was a power he wielded with that smile and I wondered if he realized it.



Chapter Nineteen

Nicholas Compton

Scanning the ballroom, my gaze locked on Ashington and Miriam as they entered from the veranda. He had taken her outside. How… charming. Perhaps I should have arrived early to see what he was about tonight. Had he been giving Miriam his undivided attention or had he taken her outside for some fresh air because he wasn’t on her dance card yet again?

“Lord Ashington, I’m so glad you came,” a female said to my left, and I begrudgingly turned from the study of my brother and Miriam to see Lady Gallagher standing much too close. The Duchess was half her husband’s age. This wasn’t the first time she’d sought me out while I was in London. I knew of her tryst with others and I also knew what would happen if her elderly husband ever found out about them.

“Good evening, Lady Gallagher.” I bowed. “You are as lovely as ever.”

She wasn’t a young innocent lady any longer and she did not simper and blush. Instead, she leaned forward, making sure I could see her breasts pressed up high, almost spilling from her gown. “And you are as tempting as ever, Nicholas,” she whispered near my ear.

Nicolette Gallagher was stunning and had been the season’s belle four years prior. She had won the most powerful title and the eldest husband. That hadn’t been enough for her though. She had also been known to flip up her skirts well before she had been married. Lord Gallagher had known this and forgiven her previous indiscretions. Perhaps he had wanted someone with experience. I was sure he’d chosen well if that was the case.

“If you will excuse me, Lady Gallagher, I do believe I am next on a lady’s dance card,” I told her.

She pursed her red lips in a pout. “You would rather dance? I can think of other things to be done out in the far garden. There is a shed… it’s unlocked.”

How she knew there was a shed that was unlocked should be alarming in itself. How many times had she taken a man to this shed? This wasn’t her home. Did she converse with the gardener before arrival?

“As tempting as that may be, I do hold the highest respect for Lord Gallagher. You do understand,” I replied with my most charming of smiles before walking away from her in fear she may grab my arm and sink her nails into my skin.

She was a beauty and she was well-practiced in the art of sex. I had no doubt if I went with her, I’d enjoy myself at the moment. She would make it an experience to remember. However, I was but a mister and her husband was a wealthy powerful duke. I wasn’t going to the gallows for a tryst in the gardener’s shed.

I glanced over to see Lydia Ramsbury surrounded by several gentlemen. She didn’t seem to be hurting for attention, but then Ashington didn’t seem to care that she was so popular either. He was paying no mind to her or her suitors. As I neared them, I noticed Miriam’s aunt smiling and nodding happily. Miriam seemed pleased about something too and a little… shy. I’d never seen such a look on her face. Was she blushing?

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