Home > Knocked Up(142)

Knocked Up(142)
Author: Nikki Ash

“My cousin,” I whispered. “Dax. He was my best friend. I showed up with nothing but a suitcase. He helped me find a job. I got an apartment in his building and for the first three months he slept on my couch and helped with late night feedings and diaper changes. He called himself Uncle Dax. He always was more like a brother to me than anything else, so it fit that he was Viviana’s uncle.”

I felt tears stream down my cheeks and Nico carefully got up and walked over to me as our daughter played with her food. “I’m sorry for your loss. I remember you saying he was the most important person in your life,” Nico said softly. He reached out and wrapped me in a hug that probably should have felt awkward, but instead calmed me in ways I couldn’t articulate.

“I’m surprised you remember anything about that night,” I said jokingly before pulling away and bravely swatting at the tears on my cheeks.

Nico’s brow dipped. “I remember everything about that night, Lydia. I treasure those memories. I remember what you wore. The smell of perfume on your skin. The sound of your moans…”

My heart raced at his words, but more out of anger than lust. “Then why did you leave the next morning?” I snapped.

He let out a sigh. “Because I knew that if I allowed myself to spend any more time with you, I’d end up dragging you into my world. I’d completely own you, Lydia. And you’ve seen firsthand what my life is like. I don’t date. I can’t let anyone close to me.” He turned to look at Viviana and cursed. “It’s too risky to have people I care about. My empire is unforgiving, but I’m afraid it’s too late now.” He looked at me once more. “Coming here comes at a cost, Lydia. I’ll protect you. I’ll save you. But I’ll drag you to hell while I do it. I can’t let my daughter be out in the world without my protection. I have too many enemies. Word will get out and they’ll make your stalker look like a playground bully in comparison.”

I dipped my head and stared at the ground. I knew this. I knew that going to Nico could possibly change our lives forever, but I still felt in my gut that it was the right thing to do. “I know what being here means, Nico.”

He wrapped his arms around my body and pulled me flush with his. “Do you, Lydia? Because I don’t think you have the slightest clue what you’re in for. You’re the mother of my child. It was hard enough walking away from you the morning after we had sex. There’s no way in hell I can leave you now. Are you prepared to be pursued by the devil, baby? ’Cause I’m not just into petty crimes. I’m a leader in the Mariano family. We’re ruthless. Vicious. Evil. We deal drugs, guns, and counterfeit cash. You’re all in now. You saw what I did to that man.”

I bit my lip, a rush of lust hitting me full force. Why was what Nico was saying turning me on? “I don’t believe you,” I whispered.

“You don’t? What more proof do you need?” he asked incredulously.

“I know you’re involved in shady shit, Nico. But I don’t think you’re bad. I don’t think you’re evil. Why did you kill that man in the alley that day? I’ve always wanted to know.”

Nico pulled away from me and popped his knuckles. “He stole from me,” Nico gritted. “I didn’t know that while I was ending his life, he had his men attacking my brother. Both of them died that night.”

“I’m so sorry,” I said softly. It seemed both Nico and I had lost people we cared about. My eyes drifted over to Viviana and I smiled. We were both gifted with someone, too. All we had was one another. And that had to be enough for now.

“It’s business. It’s what happens in my world. Kill or be killed, Lydia.”

“Why didn’t you kill my stalker?” I asked. “You obviously let him go. He wouldn’t still be following me otherwise.”

I didn’t mean for my words to sound so accusatory, but Nico didn’t seem fazed. “I didn’t see him as a threat. Contrary to popular belief, we don’t kill unless we have to. I don’t want the feds breathing down my neck any more than the next guy. I guess I just thought he’d back off if my guys roughed him up a little. I never expected him to kill your cousin, Lydia. And if I had known he would threaten my daughter, I would have ripped every bone from his body and burned what was left of him.”

A shiver traveled down my spine at his words. Nico clenched his fist.

He’d said his daughter. He truly had fully accepted that she was his.

“We’ll find him,” I whispered. “And we’ll make him pay.”

When I walked over to Viviana, she smiled and lifted her messy hands up in the air, indicating for me to pick her up.

“What’s her full name?” Nico asked.

I chewed on the inside of my cheek and blushed.

“Viviana Nicole Mariano,” I replied. I wasn’t sure why I gave her his name. It just felt right in the moment. He was still her father. He still gave me the greatest gift of my life. He gave me a family. A purpose. He gave me my pride and joy.

I picked up my baby and turned to look at him. Nico had his eyes closed, the twitch of a smile gracing his lips. “I love her name,” he whispered.

“Me too.”

“Now we just need to change yours,” he added before spinning on his heels and walking out of the kitchen.



Chapter Eleven



A few days passed and Nico got to know his daughter. I was surprised when he canceled all his business for the week. Not a single person was allowed to disturb us, and aside from a couple of housekeepers and his round-the-clock guard, he spent every single day with us.

And oh, did she love the attention he gave her. She was giggling nonstop and spent every waking second laughing at him. Nico was surprisingly attentive and patient. He didn’t get frustrated when she cried. He stared at her like she was a miracle, and he was lucky enough to look at her.

“She wears me out,” Nico said while closing the guest room door. It took him four bedtime stories to get her to fall asleep. We were both working on a nursery for her, but it wouldn’t be ready for a couple of weeks. I didn’t mind. I liked sharing a room with her. Despite all the change, being with my daughter was still the same.

“You’re good with her,” I said with a smile while walking down the hallway and to the living room. I wanted a nice glass of wine and a relaxing evening. It had been so long since I relaxed. I knew that we were in our own little bubble, and this temporary reprieve from all the stress in my life wouldn't last forever. But still, I enjoyed it. I liked feeling like a family, even though Nico hadn't pressured me for anything other than parental partnership. I would catch him staring at me, though. His eyes followed me around the room. He was always watching me.

“Sir?” one of his guards said while entering the room. “I found this outside.” I peered at what was in his hand and gasped. A baby blanket with blood on it. What the fuck?

“I’m going to get Viviana,” I said quickly before running down the hallway to her crib. I opened the door and swallowed a scream when I saw a shadow standing over her.

“Don’t say a word, or I’ll hurt her,” Bradley said. He had a knife in his hand and was staring at me.

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