Home > Knocked Up(20)

Knocked Up(20)
Author: Nikki Ash

“When we’re done eating, we’re going to head to the church,” Liam mentions. “We have a private tour scheduled.”

“Sounds good.” I stab a piece of my pancake and pop it into my mouth. While we eat, Jasmine jabbers away. I stay quiet, my conversation with Stephanie running through my head. At some point, I need to tell Liam what she said. I don’t want to keep it from him, and I need to know his thoughts. I can’t change my past. I can’t change that from the time I turned sixteen and became homeless, I sold my body to make ends meet, or that the only job I’ve ever had was in a bordello. I’ve changed my entire life around, but if anyone finds out what I did, that’ll be the only thing they focus on.

When we’re done eating, Liam shows us to the tunnel. It’s a massive garage and driveway that’s completely covered. It’s how he and his family come and go without being seen. There’s a town car waiting for us, and he introduces us to Marcus, his driver, and then I see Harold. It’s been six years, so he’s older, a few more grays, but his smile when he sees me approaching is as sweet as it was all those years ago.

“Miss Natalie,” he says, taking my hand and kissing the top. “It’s so good to see you again.”

“You too.”

“Mommy,” Jasmine says. “Who’s that?”

“This is my bodyguard and friend,” Liam tells her, bending to her level. “And now he’s yours.”

My eyes bounce over to Herold, who nods in agreement.

“There’s nobody I trust more with you and our daughter,” Liam says. “Nobody knows who Jasmine is, but once they do, they will be relentless to take her picture and get close to her, especially the American reporters,” he says with disgust. “You can never leave without Harold. Okay?” His eyes meet mine. “It’s for your safety.”


He smiles softly then looks at Jasmine. “You’re a princess now. And every princess needs a bodyguard to keep her safe.”

Jasmine, who doesn’t quite get it, nods. “Okay, Daddy.”

We get into the vehicle and Harold sits in the front with the driver. Liam explains there will be a car following in front of and another one behind us. It has to be this way every time he leaves.

“You didn’t have all of this in Vegas,” I mention once we’re in the car.

“I had a few guards…” He looks at me sheepishly.

“What?” I ask, confused.

“They were around, but you didn’t notice them. That’s their job. To remain in the background.”

I try to think back, but aside from the one who drove us around, I don’t remember anyone else.

“I also wasn’t the king back then,” he adds. “We’re a small country, but because we’re one of the most prosperous, we have a lot of dealings with other countries, and sometimes they aren’t happy with the outcome.” His eyes go to Jasmine. “I will make sure you’re both always protected and safe.”

The morning is spent touring the church. Since Liam knows all of the history, he insists on telling us about them, keeping it just the three of us without a tour guide. We laugh and talk and take what feels like a million pictures. I’ve never been in a relationship before. It’s always been just Jasmine and me. I was worried how we would all come together, but as the day progresses, it’s as if we all just slide into place, clicking with one another.

“This is the church the royal family gets married in,” he mentions. “Eighteen weddings have taken place here since it was constructed in 1415…” His gaze meets mine. “Including my parents’.”

“That’s amazing,” I breathe. “Was your brother married here too?”

“He was.” He grips the curves of my hips and pulls me close to him. “And it’s also where I plan to one day marry you.”

I suck in a shocked gasp. “Liam…”

“I’m not proposing… yet. When I do, it will be way more romantic than this.” He hits me with a sexy, crooked grin. “But it will happen.” He kisses the corner of my mouth and a shiver runs through me. “I have no doubt you are the woman I want to spend my life with, and since I have every intention of filling you with another baby as soon as possible, we should probably get married sooner rather than later.” He winks and my insides turn to mush.

When we leave the church, we go straight to the gardens. Like the church, the place is empty, and Liam shows us around. It’s beautiful, filled with all types of flowers. Liam explains these gardens were built several decades ago because Queen Athena—a previous queen—loved flowers. Her husband built her the gardens as an anniversary present. It’s also why the castle is labeled with names of flowers.

We get to the end of a path and waiting for us is a large, spread out blanket and a basket. “Is this for us?” I ask dumbly.

Liam smiles. “It is. I figured what better way to spend the afternoon than having a picnic with my girls.”

Jasmine cheers excitedly, dropping onto the blanket and opening the basket. She passes out the food and drinks, then quickly devours hers, clearly starving. Once she’s done, she asks if she can feed the fish in the pond her leftover bread.

“Sure,” Liam tells her.

She skips over to the water and it’s then I notice Harold standing a little ways away. “Has he been here this whole time?”

“Of course,” Liam tells me, pulling me between his legs. It’s a gorgeous day outside—not too hot and there’s a nice breeze. I lean back against Liam’s hard chest and glance up at him. He dips his head and kisses me.

“This is nice,” I murmur against his lips. It wasn’t until I spent time with Aria and Giovanni that I saw how a real couple behaves. Although I spent time with Amber and Nico, it’s different when they’re at the mansion. But with Aria and Giovanni, in their home, I got my first glimpse of what love looks like. The way Giovanni always hugs and kisses her. The way they work together as parents. I even witnessed a few arguments between them and was shocked by the way they would eventually compromise. Whoever was wrong would apologize and the other would forgive. I used to imagine what it would be like to meet someone and spend my life with him. To love and be loved by him. And now, it feels like I might have it.

“What’s going on in that gorgeous head of yours?” Liam asks, kissing my temple.

“This is my first relationship,” I admit. “And I’m scared. And nervous. I don’t want to mess it up.”

Liam tips my chin, so I’m looking up at him. “There’s nothing you can do to mess this up. We’re in this together.”

We spend the rest of the afternoon playing in the gardens. Liam and Jasmine play tag, and afterward, he shows us the rest of the grounds. When Jasmine gets cranky, obviously exhausted from the busy day, Liam scoops her up into his arms and carries her back to the car. He’s patient with her while she whines and cries, until she falls asleep, and I fall even harder for him. It’s one thing to create a child, but it’s another to actually be a dad. The man who helped create me was great at making babies, but he sucked at being a father.

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