Home > Knocked Up(254)

Knocked Up(254)
Author: Nikki Ash

She sucks in a sharp breath. “Maybe we should cut this meeting short.”

“But we’re just getting started, Miss B.”

Her eyes flutter closed as I dip closer to her face, unable to resist the pull she has over me. I’m desperate to capture her lips with mine and kiss the hell out of her. Testing my luck, I slide my hand into her hair, gripping just hard enough for her to understand I’m in charge here.

Not her daddy.

Not Renner next door.

Not her inner moral code or the ethical code of conduct she signed.


I tighten my grip, tilting her head back and exposing her creamy neck. With a gentleness I didn’t know I even possessed, I kiss the pulsating vein on her neck. A brush of my lips and a swipe of my tongue. Her whimper sings to my fucking soul, drawing me in closer to her hot flame. I don’t even care if I get burned. I kiss her neck again, this time nipping at her flesh with my teeth. I can burn too.

The doorknob twisting has me releasing Kerry and sitting back as though I wasn’t about to bruise her neck with my mouth. As the door swings open, I stand up, drawing the attention of our intruder and giving her a moment to collect herself. If I know my girl, she’s mentally freaking the fuck out.

“Principal Renner,” I greet, giving him my most antagonistic grin. I like Renner, even if he does bust my balls about as much as Coach Long does. He’s a good guy. “Miss me, man?”

He rolls his eyes. “I came to check in before I left to make sure you guys were making any progress.”

“Oh, we’re progressing.” I wink at him. “Did Elma get into trouble again? I could have sworn I heard her getting punished.”

He gives nothing away aside from a tick in his jaw. Good. I may like the guy, but I don’t need him reading into how flustered Kerry is or the fact she’s shoeless and her hair is down. Or the fact her neck is wet from my mouth. No, I’ll turn the tables and run him the hell out of here.

I know what you did in there with my friend, Renner.

As I knew he would, he tenses and begins his retreat.

“Miss Bowden,” Renner grunts, “just email me an update. I need to get going.”

She squeaks out a goodbye as he closes the door. By the time I turn to look at her, she’s pulled her hair back into a bun and is sliding her shoes back on. The moment is lost, which fucking sucks, but I’m no quitter. Not with her at least.

“Mr. Mullins,” she chokes out, frantic eyes meeting mine. “That was…it shouldn’t have…”

I stalk up to her, crowding her space. She bumps her ass against the edge of the desk. Now that I’ve trapped her, I take my time devouring her nervous expression. Blue eyes flicker with worry and she chews on her bottom lip. I reach up and run my thumb along her skin that’s still damp from my mouth.

“It did,” I whisper, “and I believe it’ll happen again. That and so much more.”

“What have I done?”

“You didn’t do anything,” I croon, sliding my hand to her jaw. “Look at me.”

She squeezes her eyes shut, the little brat. My fingers are firm as I press them into her skin, angling her head up to face me. Since she refuses to look at me, I give her what we both want, though only one of us will admit it. I brush my lips over hers in a whisper of a kiss before nipping at her bottom lip. She gasps, parting her lips, and I make my move. My tongue plunges into her mouth, eagerly seeking her sweet one. The sounds coming from her are pure honey and I could get drunk from them. I don’t give her a chance to kiss me back. I simply own her with my kiss. She’s afraid to step out into the unknown with me, so I’ll just make her my unwilling victim, dragging her with me. That way, she can blame me rather than herself.

hands find my chest, pressing against me, but not hard enough that I take her seriously. Especially not when her tongue teases me back, almost unsure, but definitely there taking part in the kiss. I don’t take advantage of the moment and pull back all too soon, my eyes searching her clear blue depths.

“You okay?” I ask, studying her for signs of distress.

She swallows and tears well in her pretty blues. “Not really, no.”

“You will be,” I assure her. “You have me to take care of you.”

Her mask slips and for a brief moment, she looks at me as though it’s exactly what she wants. For me to take care of her.

Consider it done, Miss B.

“Y-You should go,” she stammers. “I need to leave. I have to meet someone for dinner.”

I step back, irritation burning in my gut. “You’re still going on that date with a douchebag your daddy set you up with?”

Guilt has her flinching and unable to look at me. “I have to.”

“No, Kerry, you don’t,” I growl, my words dripping with anger. “Not now.”

Teary eyes finally meet mine. “What happened here can’t happen again, Mr. Mullins.”

Mr. Fucking Mullins.

“You know I won’t agree to that.” I yank my phone from my pocket and open it. “What’s your number? At least let me check in on you later.”

To my surprise, she recites her number and then she sighs. “I’ll be fine.”

“No, you’re willingly going on a date with someone your dad has chosen. He’s essentially arranging your marriage for you. Is that what you want, Miss B? To be forced into a relationship you didn’t choose?”

“None of this is your business,” she exclaims, her voice going shrill and her face turning red.

“You’re wrong, beautiful,” I grind out. “It became my business the second you let me touch you. You’re mine, even if you refuse to admit it yet.”

She turns away from me, gripping the edge of the desk. “Just go. Please.”

Stepping behind her, I run my fingertip down her spine over her silky white shirt. “I’ll go, but I’m calling you later so you can tell me all about your date. Promise me you’ll answer and then I’ll leave.”

“Yes,” she breathes. “I’ll answer.”

“Good girl.” I give her sexy ass a playful smack. “I can’t wait.”



Chapter Three






I pace the foyer of the Italian restaurant, waiting on my date to arrive, a bundle of nerves. Not because of the date. Because of him.


We kissed.

Oh, God, we kissed.

And, rather than hating it, I loved it. Ache for more. Yearn for him to hold me in his arms. Everything in me craved to throw in the towel and just give in. Give in to the feelings he evokes when around me. To, for once, ignore the rules in front of me and make my own.

Instead, I pushed him away.

Hardest thing I’ve ever done, too.

I glance at the clock. Fifteen after five. Maybe Sean will be a no-show and I can leave. My fingers itch to text Zane. I already told him what happened can’t happen again, but he’s not the type to listen. I should try anyway. Pulling my phone out from my purse, I glance over the text from Daddy saying Sean was running late and find Zane in my phone. I expect a nickname for himself or something silly, but all it’s listed under is Z.

Me: You shouldn’t worry about me.

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