Home > Knocked Up(264)

Knocked Up(264)
Author: Nikki Ash

“If the story turns on Kerry, he’ll never get the justice he deserves.”

“But if I quietly take my punishment, she remains the victim?”

“Yes,” Dad says with a heavy sigh. “I will unearth every piece of evidence against Sean Gentry to put in her arsenal. By the time I’m done with him, he’ll be doing hard time. Not just eight to fifteen months in County.”

His words are a punch to the gut. “Eight to fifteen months?”

“I’m sorry,” Dad mutters, “but you beat the shit out of Sean. It’s assault and battery no matter how we twist it. At the end of the day, you fucked him up and they’ll want to see you pay for it.”

“This will ruin your political career,” I state, unable to look at him. “Me doing time.”

“Fuck my career,” Dad snarls. “I care about you. And this woman, because you care about her, means I care too. I’m putting my family first for once. Hell, I should have done it years ago.”

I sit up in my chair, pinning my dad with a firm stare. “Okay. I’ll plead guilty and deny any relationship with Kerry if that’s what it’ll take to help her case against that motherfucker.”

Dad pats my hand. Pride shines in his green eyes.

We can do this.

If it means I can protect Kerry and help her finally get out from under her father’s paw, I’ll do it. I can afford a year of my life. What I can’t afford is hers being unfairly ruined. If she cares about me the way I care about her, she’ll be waiting for me on the other side of it. And if not, it’s still the right thing to do.

Sean will pay.

Even if it means I have to pay too.



Chapter Nine




Two months later



Ten months.

They sentenced Zane Mullins to ten months in County for trying to protect me. I’m going to be sick. It’s unfair and disgusting. Sean Gentry wears a smug grin on his face as my own father congratulates him.

“We knew this would happen,” Felix murmurs to me as the judge continues to speak. “It’s the only way. We’re lucky Judge Rowe was on the case. Any other judge would have let your father trample all over them. Rowe gave Zane the best sentence we could ask for.”

I nod, swiping a rogue tear from my cheek. “They’re so happy he’s going to jail.”

Felix pulls a handkerchief from his pocket, handing it to me. “For now. We’ll get our day in court with Sean and your father, and when we do, I will destroy Gentry. His sentence will be much worse. Trust me?”

“Yes,” I whisper. “I’m sorry about your son. It’s all my fault.”

Felix shakes his head. “My kid is tough. He can handle this. We’ll be there for him when he gets out. This was the only solution. If not, your name would be all over every news headline from coast to coast. They would have shredded your life.”

It feels selfish and wrong.

“How could Dad even defend that monster?” I glower at my father.

“They’re the same, Kerry. It’ll do you some good to break free from them.”

I know he’s right. It’s the same thing Zane always says to me. The same thing my brother says when we speak on the phone.

“I don’t want to leave Zane,” I mutter. “I should stay here in case—”

The courtroom erupts into a dull roar of voices as we’re dismissed. My eyes find Zane. He’s wearing a suit that’s a little snug on his muscular frame. His attorney, Dane, clasps his shoulder and nods at him. They share a small smile. Then, as though he can feel my stare on him, Zane’s intense green eyes bore into me. Not long enough for me to get lost in, because we’re still hiding our relationship, but enough that I feel him inside every vein and muscle.

“Go,” he mouths.

To Brigs Ferry Bay.

We’ve only corresponded through letters passed through Felix, but I know what he means. He wants me to leave this hell hole town and go back to where my brother lives. Where it’s safe. Where I can be free.

“I’ll miss you,” I mouth back.

He winks, heating my blood. It’s the kind of wink that promises he’ll come find me when he’s able to. They usher him away seconds later. I stand and follow Felix out of the courtroom, leaving my heart with the selfless man who owns it anyway. My father starts my way, but Felix stands in front of me, rippling with authority.

“You’re not allowed to speak with my client,” Felix spits out. “And I suggest you tell your client to obey his restraining order.”

Sean’s face turns purple with anger and he storms away. Daddy’s eyes narrow on me before he shakes his head in disgust, stalking off after Sean.

I thought I might feel pain from having my father choose Sean over me, but all I feel is relief. Zane helped me unload the weights my father put on my shoulders and encouraged me to run free. I’m not tied down anymore, so I can do just that.


Another roil of sickness churns in my gut. I wanted to tell Zane about the positive pregnancy test, but I couldn’t bear for him to have to live with that agony while locked away. It’ll be his surprise when he gets out.

“Everything okay?” Felix asks.

“It will be. Just help me bring Sean down first.”



Seven months later



It’s raining cats and dogs. A winter storm was supposed to hit, but at the last moment, it turned before it hit Beacon Island and went south. We caught all the rain and some strong winds, but no snow yet.

I rub my palm over my swollen belly, a smile gracing my lips. “Three more months and Daddy will be here to see you.”

My brother’s new girlfriend, Brie Larsen, and Brigs Ferry Bay’s deputy pokes her head into the kitchen dressed in a uniform for work. “Who are you talking to?”

“Emily.” I smile at her. “You’re up early. After all the noise you and Keith made, I was certain neither one of you would get up this morning.”

Her face burns crimson, but then she grins at me. “Who said I ever went to sleep?”

“Gag,” I tease.

She starts a pot of coffee and crosses her arms over her chest. “How are you feeling?”

“Big,” I say with a laugh. “And melancholy.”

Her features soften. “It won’t be long now, Ker. Then you and your baby daddy will be reunited.” She grimaces. “Are you sure you don’t want to tell him about Emily? Prepare him a little?”

I think about all the heartfelt letters Zane has sent me. Ones that went from infatuation to full-on love. He’s dedicated to me and our future. Telling him about Emily is cruel. I know Zane. He’ll worry himself to death over it, letting the guilt turn him inside out. It’s better this way. When he gets here, he’ll get to meet her and fall instantly in love. I know it.

“Zane will understand. If I tell him now, it’ll just make him worry. Keith is taking care of me and my new job at the library is great. Me and Ems have this. We’ll be ready for Daddy when he gets here.”

She pours a cup of coffee and joins me at the kitchen table. “Is Felix still coming to visit this weekend with the weather being a bitch?”

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