Home > Knocked Up(28)

Knocked Up(28)
Author: Nikki Ash

“Definitely. I’m sure I’d remember her,” I say honestly, just leaving out the part about my nine-month dry spell.

Todd snorts. “Oh, I’m sure you would. She looks…bendy.” He types for a few more seconds before sending off whatever notes he was taking and slips his phone back into his trouser pants. “I’ll let you go get changed and ready to go. Big plans this weekend?” he asks politely, though I can tell it’s more of a fishing expedition. Like he’s trying to find out how much work he’s going to have tomorrow morning.

“Old college friend coming into town tonight for dinner. Hopefully something low-key.”

He laughs. “Right, low-key. I’ve seen your low-key, friend. I’ll have my phone on later. Call if you need me,” he says before slapping me on the shoulder and taking off toward the exit.

I sigh and stand there long after Todd has left. The playboy image I’ve created and nurtured for the last handful of years has done wonders for my career, but it’s also done plenty of damage. The paparazzi follow me around, all jonesing to get a photo, a video, or a comment about me. I’ve had a fake wife who went on national television with doctored photos of our supposed Las Vegas wedding. And if every false baby daddy claim was true, I’d have about two dozen kids by now.

Don’t get me wrong, I’ve earned this persona. I partied when I could and was usually photographed doing it. I’ve dated starlets, models, and artists at the top of every chart in the world. The camera loves me and has this uncanny ability to find me anytime, anywhere, any place.

Except in the last nine months.

Sure, I’ve been giving them what they want, someone young and gorgeous on my arm at a movie premiere or courtside at a professional basketball game, but that’s all it is. Smoke and mirrors. Truth be told, I haven’t felt like myself, like partying and dating, since my visit to South Bend.


That’s a big part of it. As much as I’ve tried to ignore what happened all those months ago with Ashtyn, I just haven’t been able to forget it. No amount of scotch or clubbing has dimmed the memory of her, and believe me, I’ve fucking tried. A lot. But she’s there, embedded in my brain so deep I worry she’ll always be there, front and center.

Now, throw in a visit from her brother with very little warning.

I haven’t seen Alex since the morning he woke up and found me in his kitchen with my packed bags sitting by the door. I was supposed to stay through Tuesday, but the moment he came home and found me on the couch, the guilt of what I’d done with his sister started to eat at my soul. I didn’t tell him, of course. I’m not fucking stupid. He’d cut off my dick and probably kill me with it. All I said was she came over and drank too much, so I did the gentlemanly thing and let her crash in the guest room. It’s not that far off from the truth, but I did leave out a pretty big detail.

Not that I’d ever tell him that.

So, I took off, making up some excuse about the trainers wanting me back early to start working on my knee. It was pure bullshit, but I needed out of there, and fast. Especially since Ashtyn was just on the opposite side of the guest bedroom door, naked. I know because when I slipped in to get my personal belongings, I could still see some of her soft, silky skin on full display. Her fair complexion was a stark contradiction against the brown sheet.

Now, Alex is in town. He reached out to me last night, and in a moment of weakness, I agreed to dinner. As long as he doesn’t talk about my last visit or mention his sister, I’m sure it’ll be fine. This will actually be our first time seeing each other or even physically talking since all of our communication has been by text message. It works better that way, truth be told. We’re both busy as hell, and texts work better for both of us. Plus, I’m apparently a big fucking chicken and have been avoiding more communication. But, no dodging it now. He’s here for three days, most likely for work, and staying at the Hilton Hotel not too far from the stadium.

I’m about to face my best friend for the first time since I slept with his twin sister.

Piece of cake.



I chose a cozy steakhouse with quiet, spacious booths where we can visit without being disturbed too much. This place is pretty low-key, which is what I’m counting on tonight. The last thing I want is fans and groupies bothering us while we’re trying to catch up.

I give my name to the hostess, but I can tell by her knowing smile she recognizes me. “Your party has already arrived. Follow me,” she coos, leading me through the restaurant with a little extra swing in her hips, most definitely for my benefit.

Alex is in one of the back booths, typing away on his phone. When we arrive at the table, he throws down his cell, gives me a wide grin, and slides out of the booth. “’Bout time you got here. I had to start without you,” he says, slapping me on the back.

“I’m sure that was a hardship,” I comment, returning his bro hug before slipping onto the booth bench.

“It’s been a long fucking day,” he says, holding up the beer in salute. “I earned this one. And the ones that’ll follow.”

“What can I get you?” the waiter asks, as he stops by our table.

“Same,” I answer, nodding to the brand Alex is drinking. He scurries off to get my beer, so I start browsing the menu, even though I already know what I’m having.

“So, how’ve you been?” he asks, leaning back and getting comfortable in his seat.

“Good. Had to shoot a bunch of videos and photos today for Alive Sports Drinks. Barely had enough time to run home and shower before meeting you.”

Alex shorts a laugh. “Had to shower her off you or she came home and helped?”

My closest friend knows me well. Only, this time, he’s way off base. “Neither,” I reply, as the waiter delivers my beer.

“Are you ready?” he asks, pulling out a pad of paper to take our orders.

“I’ll have the ribeye, medium, with a baked potato and salad with Italian,” Alex says, setting his menu down on the edge of the table.

“I’ll have the same, with steamed vegetables instead of the potato,” I add.

“I’ll get those right in for you,” the waiter says before disappearing to the kitchen.

“So, what’s new?” I ask, taking a drink from my bottle.

“A job, hopefully.”

His words give me pause. I lower my beer bottle and meet his eyes. I can tell he’s serious. There’s a hint of excitement there, along with a touch of nervousness. “Wow, really? I thought you loved it at Notre Dame.”

Alex sighs. “I did. Do, really, but the truth is, I’m the only one there now. I want to be closer to family.”

His confession doesn’t shock me too much. He’s always been close to his parents, who live in Naperville, Illinois, but even closer to his twin sister. Ashtyn. Even in college, he talked to her all the time by text or video chat. She went to Northern Illinois University and rarely visited her brother. I think in the four years we were in South Bend, she came to two football games and maybe a surprise visit for their birthday our senior year. Even though they’re as different as night and day, they’ve always been tight.

“Well, where is this job? Here in St. Louis?” I ask, taking another drink of cold beer.

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