Home > Million Dollar Demon (The Hollows #15)(93)

Million Dollar Demon (The Hollows #15)(93)
Author: Kim Harrison

   Kaspar and Jakob stared at me as if I had lobsters crawling out of my ears, but Trent, used to my schemes, looked understandably worried.

   “Sweet Jesus. I’m going to pinch Brimstone from the I.S.,” Edden half whispered.

   “I could really use your help,” I said to Kaspar, the man clearly not sold on my plan. “But if you don’t want to get involved, could you at least provide the doppelganger curses to add to the confusion?”

   “I’m not afraid,” Kaspar huffed. “But a bad plan is not made good by magic.”

   True, I thought, but it wasn’t a bad plan. “A dozen or so Pikes and Trents running around will make a difference. Are you seriously going to let your pride stop me from rescuing Zack?” I said, and Kaspar’s eyes narrowed. “I’m the one taking the greater risk by walking into a tower full of hostile vampires. All you have to do is break into evidence and steal a few hundred kilos of Brimstone.”

   “That’s the problem, Rachel,” Trent said softly. “You’re taking all the risk.”

   “Maybe,” I said, anxiety easing into me like poison. “But they’ll be waiting for you. Pike knows we want it, and he’s too smart to not know that’s why I agreed to take him home.”

   No one said anything as the burrrrrb, burrrrrb of the power driver came and went behind me. “Will you do it?” I said, looking at Kaspar and Jakob. “We’re a little short on time and they’re counting on Pike seducing me this afternoon.”

   “Kaspar, I think we should,” Jakob said, and Kaspar spun. Trent’s expression emptied as the two men began to argue. I wasn’t listening. I only had to convince Trent. They’d follow him. They’d come to me for help and Trent was their bloody Sa’han whether they liked it or not.

   Frowning, Trent took my elbow and turned me away. “I don’t like you being that small. The world is so big.”

   Jenks’s wings rasped as he hovered beside us. “I’ve got her back.”

   “I’ll be okay,” I said, hoping I wasn’t overextending myself. “Its effect will be threefold. One, if we get the Brimstone, it will alleviate the pressure on the vampires. No one should have to make a choice between what they feel is right, and survival.”

   Trent’s head went down. Before I met him and smacked him around, he used to hang that over people to gain power. They turned on him as soon as they could. Lesson learned, hopefully.

   “Two, we will get Zack free from that crazy whack-job,” I added, and Kaspar looked up from his argument with Jakob.

   “And the last, Rache?” Jenks asked, and I hesitated.

   That it would show Constance that I wasn’t a pushover? That I could handle the city? That I wouldn’t stand by and do nothing if she tried to hurt the people of Cincinnati in a freaking power play? Or am I doing this to prove I’m the bigger bully?

   “Yeah. I’ve been meaning to talk to you about number three,” I said, and Trent’s expression went flat. “This latest thing with the Brimstone . . . I can’t allow her to take Cincinnati,” I said, and Jenks’s wings shifted pitch, an odd gray dust slipping from him. “She’s ruled by her delusions, hurting the people she’s supposed to protect. I’m not going to kill her,” I added when Edden stirred uneasily. “But I’m going to have to force her out.” I looked at Trent, wincing. “And then somehow keep the vampires in line as a demon subrosa, because if this is what the DC vamps are going to send us . . .”

   Trent grimaced. “This is the last time I take a week off to go to the coast.”

   Edden’s eyes pinched. “What’s a demon subrosa?”

   I glanced at the men circling me, their doubt, anger, and worry all obvious. “It’s the demon equivalent of a city master vampire, both protector and enforcer, but honestly, the Cincy vamps do a good job at policing themselves.” I winced at Kaspar’s sudden agitation. “It’s a break-glass-in-case-of-emergency position.”

   “A demon can’t be Cincinnati’s master anything,” Kaspar said. “We will not allow it!”

   “Hey!” Jenks shouted, a burst of silver drawing all eyes to him. “You came to her. She’s already doing the job, so sit down, shut up, and maybe she’s got something you can do to help get back your ancient soul stuffed in a kid before Constance binds him!”

   I winced as Edden grinned and Trent ducked his head and hid a smile behind a soft cough. Jakob pulled Kaspar two steps away, whispering as the older elf glared at me. Finally Kaspar nodded, and I exhaled in relief. I didn’t want the job, but Constance could not be allowed to stay.

   “My goal is Zack,” I said as Kaspar tugged at his sleeves and bobbed his head. “I can’t get him out of there without the dewar’s support. Will you help? I need volunteers from the dewar to help fill the tower with Trent and Pike look-alikes. There are no guarantees, and if you can’t pull it off, you might land in I.S. jail. Actually, I’d count on it.”

   Jenks’s wings rasped in the silence, and behind Trent, the two eavesdropping vampires gave me a solemn nod. My pulse quickened. I had a growing suspicion that most of the vampires here were not simply looking for three meals and a cot. David had been right. They’d been here all the time, waiting for direction, and my breath shook in my lungs. Damn, why me?

   “Zack is our new beginning,” Kaspar said, looking ill. “I will lobby for support for this plan, but I do not support you taking an official demon subrosa position.”

   It was probably the best I’d get. I knew they were desperate for Zack, and the return of one of their most treasured losses—the funeral rites, given freely without expectation of a returned favor—would probably go a long way.

   “Yes!” Jenks shrilled, startling all of us. “I’ll go tell the vamps. They’ve been itching to do something, and vampire jail is more fun than here. Plan C. Woo-hoo!”

   I managed a smile as he darted to the firepit, and I touched Trent’s shoulder. “I’ll leave you to the details,” I said, thinking they’d rather take direction from him than me. Squaring my shoulders, I turned to the waiting elves. “Kaspar. Jakob,” I added. “I’m looking forward to working with you. If you’ll excuse me. I need to see about Pike.”

   “Um, Rachel?” Trent asked, and I stopped, wondering at the odd smile threatening to show. “How many doppelgangers do you want?”

   From the firepit, there was a whoop of anticipation, and I shrugged. “As many as volunteer. Make sure they know to break the charm before they leave the I.S. or if they get caught. Pike’s assassins are still out there.”

   Nodding, Trent turned back to Kaspar and Jakob.

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