Home > Say You're Mine(18)

Say You're Mine(18)
Author: Alexa Riley

“Will you put it in your special place?”

“Fuck,” I hiss as my cock moves up and down like it’s nodding.

Without an answer, I open the drawer beside my desk and pull out the bottle of lube I keep in here, just for moments like this.

I squeeze some on the crack of her ass and push my tip to her tight little bud. “You want it here?” I ask, and she nods while pushing her backside into it.

Slowly, I sink into her and give her time to adjust. It’s unhurried this way, but she gets off on the taboo.

Wrapping my arm around her waist, I pull her back against my chest so she’s flush to my body. Then I sit down in my office chair with my cock still buried deep in her ass and put her legs on the outside of mine. In this position I’ve got her pinned, and I can play with her pussy.

“Ride it,” I whisper in her ear right before I bite the tender skin below it.

She does as I ask and moans as she rocks her hips. Her head falls back on my shoulder, and she closes her eyes while the whole world melts away.

Next to the lube in my drawer is a vibrator with a cock and clit attachment. I turn it on and then slide it inside of her, while she moans the whole time. She squeezes my cock with her ass as she builds to a climax that will likely make her black out. It’s a treat I’ll let her have every now and then so it’s special.

“Who is this for?” I ask as I rub the inside of her thighs and pussy lips.

“Only for my Daddy,” she answers and rocks her hips forward.

“That’s right, little bit. Only for Daddy.” Then I use the vibrator to fuck her pussy harder. She’s locked in place now as she climbs to the edge of release. “And where is Daddy going to put his cum?”

She gasps as I touch the vibrator to her clit. “In my ass.”

“Good girl,” I praise, rubbing her clit again and sending her over the cliff to paradise.

Later, when I’m carrying her out of the shower and over to our bed, she nuzzles into my neck and smiles.

“I love you so much, Dutch,” she says softly and places a kiss there.

I smile back at her, still amazed at how good it feels to do that after all this time. “I love you even more, Anna.”

We don’t attend the event that night, but instead cuddle on the couch with the kids and watch movies together. There’s no way I could have seen this future before I met her, but now there’s nothing ahead that isn’t possible. My life is filled with dreams becoming reality, all because I rescued the damsel in distress. It’s funny because I never thought I’d be the hero of any story…even mine.


* * *





Paying Daddy’s Debt



by Alexa Riley



When Ash Carpenter imagines a schoolgirl, the image doesn’t match her. She wears long skirts that are sort of frumpy. Her bulky sweaters hide her shape, and her hair is always in a messy bun. Her tennis shoes are clunky and worn, and there are runs in her thick tights. Her dark-framed glasses hide some of her face…but not all of it. Because he’s caught sight of those ice-blue eyes, and they’ve pierced him to his core.

She walks by his office every day, and finally he's had enough. Ash decides he's tired of waiting and it's time to collect what he's owed. She'll come with him, because there's no other choice. She'll pay her daddy's debt any way Ash sees fit.

Warning: Oh, honey, this is about to get filthy. If your delicate sensibilities can’t handle the dirty, then step aside for those of us who can. It’s quick, but it’s just the right length, if you know what I mean. *slow wink, elbow nudge, goofy snort*



Chapter 1







I look up at Mr. Clark over the top of my glasses. Sometimes I don’t even know why I wear them. The scratches are so bad on them, they can be hard to see through. But they’ve always felt like a barrier between me and the rest of the world. It’s something I want kept in place, even if they don’t work.

“The bell has rung,” he says, glancing over at the clock, telling me something I already know.

I heard the bell ring. I just wasn’t in a hurry to leave the classroom like everyone else. I’m not in a rush to join the crowd of milling students trying to get out the door, all of them running and bumping into each other. I hate crowded rooms. The walls always seem like they’re closing in on me. One would think I’d be used to it, growing up in a busy city, taking the subway or buses to and from school. But no, I’m still not accustomed to the feeling. Not even after eighteen years.

“Sorry, Mr. Clark,” I say, packing up my bag.

“Have you heard back from any of the colleges you applied to yet? I’m still willing to put in a good word for you, if you’d like,” he says, coming around his desk as I make my way to the front of the classroom.

Mr. Clark likes to stare a little too long at me. A lot of my father’s colleagues do it as well. It makes my skin itch, and I have to stop myself from scratching. My father calls it fidgeting and yells at me to stop doing it.

“I’m good, thank you,” I tell him politely, trying not to engage in more conversation.

I’m not going to bother with telling him I didn’t apply to any colleges because I didn’t have the money to pay for them. I made good grades and went to one of the best private schools in the state, all thanks to a dead grandfather I’d never met. But my grades weren’t good enough for any scholarships. Not with a school like this, where making a 4.0 is common.

It’s a school I don’t really belong at. I stand out—a poor girl surrounded by kids that drive cars that cost more than some homes. Certainly more than the one I live in. And people notice.

Mr. Clark steps in front of me, stopping me from moving. Reaching out, he takes a lock of my long, dark hair between his fingers. I stand there, unsure what to do. All the girls find Mr. Clark attractive. He teaches advanced algebra and is also the wrestling coach. He’s built like a wrestler. He’s stocky, like he spends hours in the gym, but not too much taller than me. I don’t understand why he pays me so much attention. The girls in my class practically spread their legs so he can get a look at them while he’s teaching.

“Do you not want to share your plans with me, Jasmine? You do have plans, don’t you?”

My plans are to get the heck out of the city as fast as possible. I’ve saved every penny I’ve earned so I can escape the moment school is done. I’m going to buy a one-way ticket to a small town and live a quiet life.

Maybe once I get settled somewhere I can find a florist’s or garden to work in, a place with so much space, I’ll finally be able to breathe. To be free.

Mr. Clark takes a step closer to me, and I freeze.

“I think you need someone to take care of you, Jasmine. I’m more than willing to—” The sound of a ringing phone on his desk cuts him off.

I jump back from him, putting space between us. I don’t wait for him to say anything, and I rush from the room, wanting to get away as fast as possible. I don’t stop moving until I clear the school and hit the busy sidewalk. It isn’t until I get down the main street and turn onto a less busy one that I finally slow my steps. I can finally take a breath, and it takes a moment for my heart to settle. I try to bat away thoughts of what will happen the next time I see him. As if it’s not bad enough being there every day…

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