Home > Forever After All(19)

Forever After All(19)
Author: Kaylee Ryan

Twenty minutes later, I’m pulling into the parking lot of the Silver Star Saloon. I don’t see Corbin or Colby’s trucks, but I spot my sister's car right away. I scan the lot looking for McKenna’s and don’t see it. They must have ridden together. I debate on going in alone, but that would be way too obvious. Instead, I turn off the truck and tap my fingers against the steering wheel as I wait for the guys to show up.

When Colby’s truck pulls up, I grab my keys and my phone and meet him in front of our trucks. “Where’s Corbin?”

“He’s on his way. Let’s grab a table.”

I nod and follow him inside. As soon as the door closes behind me, my eyes are scanning, looking for her. I spot them at a high-top table. They both have plates of food and a beer in front of them. Something my sister says makes McKenna laugh. She throws her head back, and I swear the sound finds its way to my cock. That’s nothing new when it comes to McKenna, but this time, the sound is stopped by my heart and squeezed it as well.

She takes my breath away.

Luckily for me, Colby is just as gone for my sister. I don’t even have to suggest that we stop by their table and say hello. His feet carry him like a man on a mission. “Hey, you.”

Laramie lifts her chin for a kiss. I’m envious as I turn to McKenna and her bright smile.

“Hi.” She smiles up at me.

Unable to stop myself, I bend down and press my lips to her cheek. “Hey,” I whisper huskily.

“What are you guys doing here?”

“Just came to eat, and this one wanted to make sure Laramie didn’t need a ride home.” I point to Colby.

“Like you wouldn’t have done that same thing if he hadn’t. I know how protective you are of her,” McKenna replies.

She’s right. I am protective of my little sister. I also know that Colby’s got her. Always. He loves her fiercely. I should feel guilty that I wasn’t concerned about my sister, but I know that I don’t have to be. Instead, all I could think about was McKenna. Seeing her, making sure she was okay. I’m protective of you too.

“He’s got her,” I say with confidence. “But who has you?” I ask. I reach out and push her hair over her shoulder. The silky strands feel so damn soft as they run through my fingers.

“I’m good, Rip.”

“You are now,” I assure her.

She opens her mouth to speak but quickly closes it. I’ve rendered her speechless. I don’t know if that’s a good thing or a bad thing, but I have this feeling I need to explain. Placing my hand on the back of her chair, I turn so that I’m blocking out everyone else. “I know you’re strong and beautiful,” I add. “I just want you to know you’re not alone. I’m always going to be here.” Wanting you.

“I love you both, but it’s time for you to go,” my sister says, breaking the spell we’re under. I stand to my full height, keeping my hand on the back of McKenna’s chair, letting my fingers lightly trace over her shoulder.

“Have fun, babe.” Colby kisses her quickly.

I smile down at McKenna. “Have fun, babe.” I wink at her and follow Colby to the small booth in the corner that gives us a clear view of their table.

Colby and I order drinks and wings, just as Corbin slides into the booth next to Colby. “Took you long enough,” I tell him.

“Work sucked today,” he explains.

“How’s the build going?”

“Good.” He nods. The waitress delivers our beers, and Corbin orders one for himself and an order of wings. “The homeowner keeps changing shit and gets pissed when we go over budget.”

“I’d hate that part of your job,” I tell him. Corbin and Colby both work for their father’s construction company, James Construction.

“Tell me about it. Dad keeps hinting at retiring, wanting us to take over,” Corbin says.

“What about you?” I ask Colby.

“It’s part of the job, but I hate that shit.”

“Why don’t y’all hire someone to deal with the additions and the finances?”

“Not a bad idea,” Colby agrees.

“It’s always been a family thing,” Corbin chimes in. “Wait.” He turns to look at his brother. “What about Laramie?”

“What about her?”

“She said the other day she was ready for a change. She’s been working at the hardware store since high school. She knows her way around the industry, and she’s a lot less burly about these kinds of things than we are.” He chuckles.

“She is going to be family.” Corbin grins.

“Speaking of, you two set a date yet?” I ask, leaning back so the waitress can deliver our wings.

“Not yet. She’s talking to McKenna about that tonight.” He nods to where the girls are sitting. “I don’t care when. Sooner rather than later if I have my choice.”

My eyes travel to their table, and the girls have their phones out, I’m sure discussing dates. My heart gallops in my chest. I’ve married McKenna twice in my life, and I wouldn’t hate it if we could do it again. Only this time for real. Baby steps. We’ll get there.

“How’s the farm?” Corbin asks.

“Same old. Just doing my thing,” I tell him. We spend the next hour or so just shooting the shit. Somehow I manage to be present in the conversation and keep an eye on my sister and my… my McKenna. At least I want her to be mine. Corbin leaves to go to the bathroom, and I glance over at the girls. There are two guys hovering over their table.

“Not on my watch,” I mumble, sliding out of the booth.

“What are you….” Colby's voice trails off when he sees what I’m going to break up. He makes it to Laramie. At the same time, I reach McKenna. “Hey, baby.” He leans in and kisses his fiancée.

“Miss me?” I ask McKenna. I slide my arm around her waist. The perks of them sitting at a high-top table.

Her brown eyes peer up at me and are filled with relief. “Always,” she replies.

“Hey, you with this guy?” the drunk ass asks McKenna.

“Yes. We told you we were taken,” she tells him.

“Whatever.” He looks over at his friend. “Let’s go.” They walk away from the table without a fight.

“Thanks,” McKenna says.

Unable to stop my mouth, I lean in close, placing my lips next to her ear. “It gave me an excuse to hold you.” Her quick intake of breath tells me that’s not what she was expecting me to say. Good. I like the idea of surprising her.

“Our heroes,” Laramie gushes dramatically. “You ready to go, Mac?”

“Yes. This was so much fun. I miss hanging out with you like this,” McKenna replies.

“It’s almost over, and then you’ll be working one job and living a normal life again. No more studying.”

“Can’t come fast enough.”

“You going to Colby’s?” I ask my sister.

“Yeah, after I drop Mac off.”

“I can take her.” I turn to McKenna. “I can take you.”

“You sure?”

“Yes.” Hell yes. Any chance to have her all to myself, I’m going to take it like the selfish bastard I am when it comes to her.

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