Home > How Much I Love (Miami Nights #3)(40)

How Much I Love (Miami Nights #3)(40)
Author: Marie Force

I look over at Wyatt, who’s concentrating on what he’s doing. How is he adorable even when ironing? His heart is just fine—it’s just not the one he was born with. He’s my ONE.

Shut up! Seriously?


That’s awesome, D. I’m so happy for you. Can’t wait to meet him.

I can’t wait, either. When are you coming home again?

Maybe next month. We’ll see. What else is new in Miami?

You won’t believe it. Uncle V and Aunt V asked me to be the GM of the restaurant. They’re ready to start working less and wanted someone they trust to run the business.

That’s AMAZING, D. You’ll be great at it.

I hope so. It’s super exciting. Thanks again for packing me up. That’s a massive load off my mind.

Happy to help you out. I’ll let you know when it’s on the way.

Thanks, Dom.

“Well, that’s a huge relief,” I say to Wyatt.

“What is?”

“My cousin Domenic, who was my roommate in New York, is going to pack up my stuff and ship it for me. That saves me a trip to the city.”

“That’s great. How’s he related to you?”

“He’s my dad’s sister Francesca’s son. She and her husband, Domenic Senior, own this place.”

“I’m going to need a map of your family.”

“I can draw you a picture.”

He comes to me and slips his arms around me. “That’d help.” He gazes down at me for a long moment before he kisses me softly. “Today was great. I loved every minute with you and your incredible family.”

I smile up at him. “Even when we were telling Nico what a dick he is?”

“That was particularly entertaining. I admire the way you guys just put it out there.”

“We don’t usually do that, so it was interesting to see him on defense. Usually, he’s on offense, as in being as offensive as possible. But he has a good heart. He’s been amazing to our parents since my mom got sick. He’s really stepped up. We all have, but I wouldn’t have expected what we’ve gotten from him. It’s good to know he’s capable.”

“For sure.” He brushes aside my hair so he can kiss my neck. “And what you said about me and us…”

It’s all I can do to remain standing because his kisses have made my knees weak. “You liked that, did you?”

“Mmm, I loved it. I can’t begin to tell you what these last few days have meant to me and how humbled I am that a beautiful woman like you would go all-in with me, even knowing what might be ahead.”

“I’ve never felt this way before, and it’s freeing to know we might have a time limit because it cuts out all the usual nonsense that people go through before they get to the heart of the matter.”

“And what is the heart of this matter?”

“I love you. I love being with you. I want to be with you as much as I can for as long as I can.”

“That makes me feel like the luckiest guy who ever lived because I love you, too. I love everything about you. I love the way your hair is so shiny and has red highlights in the sun. I love the way your gorgeous brown eyes give away everything you feel and how easily you tear up.”

I laugh as my eyes flood with tears brought on by his sweet words.

“I love watching you with your family, the way you fit in with them so perfectly, the way you love them and how they love you. You make me want to be part of them.” He tucks a strand of hair behind my ear. “I love how you are with Maria and Carmen. The bond between the three of you is so adorable. And more than anything, I love the way you make me feel truly optimistic about the future in a way I’ve never been before.”

With my arms wrapped around his neck, I draw him into a deep, sensual kiss that’s somehow more than anything I’ve experienced so far with him. Sharing our feelings has turned up the intensity, and I can tell how he responds that he feels it as much as I do. And then he’s walking me backward toward my room, without missing a beat in the kiss of all kisses.

I’m not sure which one of us is more eager to get the other naked, but the competition is fierce and funny when his shirt gets stuck on his head. Laughing, he pulls it off and then goes to work on my bra, which he removes with breathtaking speed.

“You’re very good at that.”

He cradles my bare breasts in his hands as he looks at me with fire in his gorgeous eyes. “I did a lot of practicing for the main event.” Easing me onto the bed, he follows, hovering over me, propped on one arm while he caresses my breast with his free hand. “It was all leading to you.”

I want him so badly. I want everything I can have with him, and I want it right now. When I reach for him, he comes down on top of me, kissing me again with the same desperation as before. I wrap my arms and legs around him, wanting him more than I knew it was possible to want anyone. After so many years in a relationship, I thought I understood love and sex and desire, but I knew nothing until I loved Wyatt.

He fills me so completely, so perfectly, that I’m on the verge of release before he’s begun to move. Every part of me tingles with awareness and a desperate kind of need that’s all new to me.

This is love. This is what I want and need, and there’s nothing I won’t do to hold on to him for as long as I possibly can.



Chapter 14






Dr. Stern’s unblinking stare puts me on notice that she’s not here for my bullshit. “How’re you feeling?”

“Much better.” Detox was a bitch. I’ve never been sicker in my life.

“And you’re settling in well here?”

“So far, so good.” The rehab facility is better than expected, not that I had any idea of what to expect.

“And you’re going to the group sessions every day?”

“That’s a requirement.”

“Are you participating?”

“I haven’t said much yet, but I’m listening.”

“That’s a good place to start. Are you hearing stories that sound familiar to yours?”

“Yeah, for sure.”

“People in recovery find comfort in knowing they’re not alone. My patients often tell me that the fellowship element of AA is one of the best parts for them. They find people who get it, who understand the struggles and how difficult it can be to stay sober.”

“I can see how that would be helpful.”

“What’ve you been thinking about since you’ve been here?” Dr. Stern asks.

“I’ve been thinking about Dee. I can’t wait to see her and have the chance to apologize and explain to her about what happened.”

“What would you say to her if she were here?”

“I’d tell her how sorry I am for everything that happened, that I wasn’t thinking clearly when I was drinking, and I never stopped loving her.”

“Let’s play out that conversation, shall we? I’ll pretend to be her.”

I’m not at all sure how I feel about that, but if it kills the time I’m required to spend with the good doctor, then so be it. “Sure.”

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