Home > The Perfect Murder (Maximum Security #4)(25)

The Perfect Murder (Maximum Security #4)(25)
Author: Kat Martin

   So who the hell was willing to go to that much trouble? And why?

   FBI warning or not, Reese intended to find out. On Monday, he’d call Derek Stiles, bring him up to speed and get his reaction, see if there’d been any more problems in the last few days.

   At least now he knew no one was trying to kill him.

   Still, when he finally shut down his computer and went to bed, he had too much on his mind to sleep. Instead, he thought of the problems with the Poseidon deal, thought of Kenzie, and slid into an erotic dream that didn’t last nearly long enough, then shifted in and out of a restless half slumber. A little before dawn, he gave up and rolled out of bed, weary and out of sorts.

   After a quick shower and getting dressed in a dark gray pinstripe suit and white shirt, he poured himself a travel cup of coffee and headed for the office. Kenzie usually arrived around seven thirty, but it was a quarter to eight when a knock sounded on his office door. His pulse kicked up in anticipation as he pulled it open.

   Instead of Kenzie, Dallas police detective Heath Ford, a longtime friend of Chase’s, stood in the doorway, along with two police officers in crisp black DPD uniforms.

   “Heath,” Reese said. “What’s going on?”

   “I know it’s early, but I need to talk to you about one of your employees.”

   Reese opened the door wider. “Come on in.”

   Ford, a good-looking, dark-haired cop in his late forties, was one of the best homicide detectives in the department. It didn’t bode well that a murder cop was standing in his office.

   The detective turned to the two uniformed officers. “Wait here. I’ll be out in a minute.”

   Reese closed the door behind him. “What’s this about, Detective?”

   “You know a man by the name of Lee Haines?”

   An icy chill slid down his spine. “I do. His ex-wife is my executive assistant.”

   “That’s the reason I’m here. Lee Haines was found dead this morning. Two bullets to the chest, one in the thigh, fired from a .38 caliber revolver.”

   Reese thought of Griff. Haines wasn’t a great dad, but now the boy would grow up without a father. “When was he killed?”

   “Saturday night. ME gives a tentative time of death around midnight. Housekeeper found him on the floor of his bedroom this morning.”

   “I assume you’re here to inform Kenzie of her ex-husband’s death.”

   “I’m here to ask Ms. Haines some questions in regard to the murder. Do you know anything about her relationship with her ex?”

   Reese’s instincts went on alert. Ford was clearly there as more than just the bearer of bad news. “The divorce wasn’t friendly, but then most of them aren’t, including mine.”

   “Did you know Lee Haines had filed for full custody of his son, Griffin?”

   “I knew,” Reese admitted.

   “You knew she was fighting it?”

   “She’s my assistant,” Reese reminded him carefully. “I knew she loved her son. She mentioned Lee had filed a suit for full custody. There was never any doubt she would fight it.”

   “But she doesn’t have to fight it now, does she? Lee Haines is dead.”

   His temper rose. He was famous for his control, but for some reason where Kenzie was concerned, it was a struggle. Reese took a moment to settle himself. “What’s going on, Detective?”

   Before he had time to answer, there was a rap on the door. Reese beckoned, and Kenzie walked into the office. She flicked a glance at Reese but her gaze went straight to Heath.

   “Detective Ford? One of the officers outside said you wanted to see me.”

   “That’s right. I’m sorry to bring you bad news, Ms. Haines, but your ex-husband, Lee Haines, was found murdered in his bedroom this morning.”

   “Oh, my God.” Kenzie swayed and Reese reached out to steady her. He eased her down into one of the leather chairs in front of his desk, then crossed to the wet bar behind the paneling. He poured her a glass of water, returned, and pressed it into her hand.

   “Thank you.” She took a sip, her hands shaking. “It’s just such a shock.”

   “I understand,” Ford said. “However, as I was telling Reese, at least now you don’t have to worry about losing custody of your son.”

   She looked up. “What?”

   “Where were you Saturday night, Ms. Haines?”

   “I was home.”

   “Were you alone or was someone else with you?”

   Her hands shook. “I was alone. Earlier that day we had all gone to the museum, my son, my grandmother Florence Spencer, and I. After we got back, my grandmother went to see a friend. It was Saturday evening. Sometimes they share a bottle of wine. If that happens, she spends the night instead of driving home.”

   “And your son?”

   “Griff was at a sleepover with his best friend, Tommy Caruthers.”

   “So there isn’t anyone who can verify your alibi?”

   “My alibi? Why would I need an alibi?” The rest of the color leached out of her face. “You don’t...you don’t think I killed Lee?”

   Standing a few feet away, the detective looked down at her. “A pistol registered in your name was found in a dumpster just a block from the murder scene. There’s a good chance ballistics will confirm the gun was the weapon used to murder Lee Haines. Since you don’t have an alibi for that night, I’m afraid you’ll have to come down to the station and answer a few more questions.”

   Kenzie’s gaze shot to Reese and he read her fear. Her face was as white as the paper on his desk.

   “I didn’t kill Lee.”

   Ford reached down and took the water glass from her shaking hand and set it aside, caught her arm, and eased her up from the chair. “Let’s go.”

   “You’re...you’re arresting me?”

   “Not at this time. But it would be best if you cooperated and came willingly.”

   Kenzie started trembling and Reese’s control slipped another notch. No way had she killed her bastard ex-husband. One thing he knew for sure—Kenzie wasn’t a murderer.

   “Let her go, Detective.” Ford’s attention swung to Reese. “Kenzie couldn’t have killed Lee Haines on Saturday night because she was with me.”

   Kenzie’s gasp echoed across the office. “Reese, don’t!”

   The detective’s eyes darkened as they zeroed in on Reese’s face. “Are you sure about that? You’re a well-respected businessman, Reese. You have a reputation as the kind of guy who doesn’t mix business with pleasure.”

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