Home > The Summer of No Attachments(56)

The Summer of No Attachments(56)
Author: Lori Foster

   Justin gave it a little thought, then said, “I have a good Creature from the Black Lagoon one I’ve been saving. We could read it.”

   “That sounds perfect. I even have a tent we can put up. Won’t that be cool?”

   Amazing how Justin could go from tearful with worry to anticipating a new experience. And bless Lang for thinking of it.

   When Justin left his lap, Corbin stopped him with a hand on his shoulder. “I wanted you to know what is happening so you’ll be extra cautious, but I don’t want you to worry.”

   “Kay.” Justin swallowed heavily. “I don’t want to see her. Not yet.”

   With a smile of encouragement, Corbin nodded. “Okay. If you ever change your mind, just let me know and we’ll try to work it out.” He smoothed down his son’s hair. “I love you, Justin.”

   After a loud sniffle, Justin returned his smile. “Love you, too.” Then he raced off, calling for Daisy.

   Corbin shared a look with Lang. “That kid packs such a punch.”

   “No shit,” Lang said, and he heaved out a breath. “I’ll watch him for a bit. We’ll make plans for tonight.”

   “Whenever you can without being too heavy-handed, reinforce the importance of being aware of his surroundings, okay?” Corbin didn’t think Darcie would show up to steal him away, but when it came to his son, he wasn’t taking any chances.

   “Sure thing.” Lang squeezed his shoulder. “Someday, somehow, it’s going to be okay.”

   And until then, Corbin had his brother and Ivey, and he had his son. Someday, somehow. He had to believe that.

   But first, he needed to find Darcie and make an offer.

   He tried calling the number she’d originally given him, but it didn’t connect. Leaving Justin with Lang, he went into town to try to find her. Sunset was small enough that it shouldn’t be too difficult. In the meantime, his lawyer was drawing up new legal papers.

   With any luck, he’d have it all settled in no time.



Chapter Thirteen

   On a dreary evening one week later, Ivey was outside with the dogs. She’d gotten her stitches out that morning and her arm felt much better, the bruises already fading. For much of the day it had rained, and dark clouds still crowded the sky, making it seem later than it was. With the ground damp, she couldn’t sit in the grass, so instead, she sat on the front step and kept a very close eye on the dogs.

   If she was honest with herself, they were more than ready for homes of their own. She also wanted to spay Daisy so the sweet little dog wouldn’t have to go through another difficult birth.

   There’d been too many distractions lately, though. Corbin hadn’t yet been able to locate Justin’s mother. He’d checked all over Sunset, and although many people recalled her because of the scene she’d caused, no one knew where she might be. It was possible she was staying outside Sunset.

   Until Darcie was found, Ivey feared that Corbin would be tense and Justin would remain wary. She loved them both so much that it made her tense and wary, too.

   So many times she considered telling Corbin how she felt, that she wanted more than another day, another month, or even another year. She wanted forever. At a time when she’d thought to expand her horizons, he’d come along and shown her that she didn’t need that.

   She needed him.

   “Hey.” Stepping out of the house, Corbin closed the door quietly behind him. “They haven’t finished yet?”

   “Maybe. But I was enjoying the night air.” And thinking deep thoughts about love and the future. “Is Justin down for the night?”

   Nodding, Corbin sat on the step behind her, his runner’s thighs open around her. He kissed the top of her head. “He’s clingier than he was before, and I think he’s afraid to hope that things are settled, but he’s dealing with it all in that silent way of his.”

   “You need to find Darcie so he can move beyond this.”

   For an answer, Corbin pulled her back to rest against him. “I’m working on it. Without a number to reach her, it’s pretty damned impossible.”

   Humid air blew against her face, and she knew it would storm again. “It’s so unfair of her to do this, to disrupt his life even more.”

   “I agree. In the beginning, I was angry about it. But now? I realize how much help you and Lang are, how you both made the transition easier, and it makes me...not sympathetic, but maybe more understanding? Little by little, Justin talks about her. He never knew her parents, so it was always just the two of them. I’m not sure she had anyone as backup, and I’m afraid she might have a drug problem, based off what he’s said, what Geoff said and what I saw when she gave Justin to me. All combined, that’s a hard life.”

   “I guess.” Loving Corbin and Justin as she did, Ivey really didn’t want to cut the other woman any slack. She had to admit, though, it sounded as if Darcie had some serious personal problems. And because of those difficulties, she’d made many horrid decisions and basically destroyed her own life. One mistake had led to another, until she probably couldn’t see a way out.

   It made Ivey admire Hope even more, because her life, too, had been incredibly hard—obviously, in very different ways—and yet her friend had remained motivated, optimistic and caring.

   One thought led to another, and Ivey asked, “Do you think you’ll ever want more children?”

   His startled gaze shot to hers.

   D’oh. She did seem to blurt out the most outrageous things. But she couldn’t help wondering. He was such a great dad.

   Looking out at the darkened yard, watching the antics of the puppies, Corbin considered it. “Actually, I’ve wondered about that, too, about all the things I missed. Diapers and formula, first laugh and first steps... I wonder sometimes if Darcie has any photos, and if she’d let me make copies.”

   “If you find her, you should ask. The worst that can happen is she might say no.”

   “If she’s gone again, I’m not sure if I should contact her or not. Then again, for medical reasons, it’d be nice to have her family history.” A small smile curved his mouth before he slanted her another look. “If I do ever have another child, I can guarantee I’ll be with him or her from the start.”

   “I already know that.” Beyond a shadow of a doubt, Corbin had proven that he took his responsibilities seriously.

   She’d been thinking about kids recently. Her own.

   That was a first. Before Corbin, the idea of kids hadn’t occurred to her. Even when she’d been with Geoff, she’d never pictured them together as parents.

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