Home > Someone I Used to Know(34)

Someone I Used to Know(34)
Author: Paige Toon

These are the memory books that are started by social workers and passed onto foster carers to continue with. They’re supposed to preserve the memories of children in care and record who might’ve been important to them at different stages in their lives, from their parents to their foster families. One day in the future, when they’re ready, they’ll have these books to look through and help make sense of their pasts.

‘George, I’ve washed your sheets and made up your bed, but you need to take your things upstairs, okay?’ Mum says.

‘Okay.’ He nods and heads for the study, but she stops him. ‘There’s no rush. Have something to eat first. Ivan wants to talk to you too.’

‘What about?’

‘Here he is,’ she says as Dad walks into the kitchen.

‘Ah, George, I finally got hold of your social worker today.’

He’s been trying all week, but, and I quote: ‘That woman is always in bloody meetings!’

‘She promised to call Sophie’s social worker first thing on Monday to see if we can get you two together. I’ll keep chasing.’

‘Thank you,’ George replies gratefully.

I did speak to my parents about Sophie coming to live with us if Ashlee and Nia leave soon. Dad said we’d have to wait and see how the land lay, but he didn’t seem opposed to the idea.

‘Have some banana bread,’ Mum urges. She’s made a fresh loaf.

‘No, thanks. I want to get my room sorted.’

‘Do you need any help packing up?’ I call after him as he heads to the study.

‘Nope, everything’s ready; I’ve just got to take it upstairs.’

After I’ve eaten and caught up with my parents, I go and get changed out of my uniform. As I exit my room, I see Joanne sitting on the floor of hers, holding Ashlee’s teddy, Dolly.

I pause in the doorway. ‘You okay?’

She jolts and casts Dolly aside. ‘Yeah, fine,’ she snaps.

‘Where’s Ashlee?’

‘How should I know?’ she replies, getting up and slamming her door in my face.

Nia’s adoptive parents are coming for a visit in the morning. I’m glad Dad’s taking Joanne to the market with him as I can’t imagine her helping Ashlee’s cause if she’s here.

Jamie pokes his head out of his room. ‘Psst!’ He jerks his head back over his shoulder, indicating that I should follow.

I do, stopping short at the sight of George lying on what used to be Preston’s bed, his headphones in, his eyes closed and his foot tapping. He already looks at home.

Jamie closes the door behind me, and when I next look at George, his eyes have opened. He takes his headphones out.

‘What’s up?’ I ask Jamie, wanting George to know that he brought me in here – I wouldn’t encroach on his personal space otherwise.

He nods towards the girls’ bedroom.

‘School photos today, that’s why she’s in a mood. That and the thought of Nia and Ashlee leaving.’

I let out a sharp laugh. ‘You’re joking, right?’

It’s his second claim that I take issue with. I understand why she’d be irritable about school photos. Joanne is not allowed to be photographed because her identity has to remain a secret. Understandably, she doesn’t want to be reminded of her precarious situation.

Jamie shakes his head, deadly serious. ‘I’m not joking. It’s all bullshit, all that stuff she says about wanting the room to herself. Ivan told her she could have the study, but she wasn’t interested. She likes being in with the little ones – she’s only lashing out because she can’t stand the thought of losing them.’

I narrow my eyes at him dubiously.

‘I’m not kidding. It’s a front. I caught her crying last night. She’s devastated about Preston going. Can’t handle goodbyes, not like you and I can. She’s put up this shield around herself, but you forget that she’s only a kid. Barely thirteen. She’s got major attachment issues – pushes us all away because she thinks we’re going to leave her too. We need to look out for her.’

I sit down on the end of George’s bed, feeling flummoxed. I don’t realise I’m actually sitting on George’s bed until he edges away from me, grabbing a pillow to prop himself up against the wall. Only then do I feel self-conscious.

‘Why would she have a problem with it being school photos day?’ George asks, baffled.

Jamie explains.

‘Who’s a threat to her?’ he asks.

I almost want to cover my ears with my hands, but I resist.

‘Her mum’s a schizophrenic drug addict. Used to take Joanne’s bus money and make her walk four miles to and from school every day. She was really violent and aggressive, but Joanne reckons she could handle her; it was her mum’s boyfriend who was the problem. He’s a predator. He kept trying to give her lifts to school, and was texting her lewd messages and photographs. He turned up at her school, looking for her, after she was taken into care. She was moved here for her own safety, but she had to leave behind all her mates.’

‘Christ,’ George says.

‘I didn’t know,’ I murmur, horrified.

‘I feel bad for telling her to shut her face in the car the other day.’

‘Don’t worry about it,’ Jamie replies to George. ‘But we need to look out for her now, okay? Do what we can to cheer her up.’

George and I nod.


* * *


The following morning, Jamie goes with Joanne and Dad to the market, while I stay behind and help Mum get Ashlee and Nia ready for their visit.

‘What should Ashlee wear?’ I ask Mum.

‘You choose, love. Maybe leggings and a T-shirt?’

I avoid white, knowing it’s likely to get grubby between now and when Anita and Ollie, the couple in line to adopt Nia, arrive at 10 a.m. A lot can happen in an hour.

‘What do you want me to do when they come?’

‘I’d love you to stick around,’ Mum replies. ‘If you do some colouring or something with Ashlee in the kitchen, they’ll get to see her without it being too obvious.’

‘I can’t believe we’re actually trying to get rid of her,’ I murmur, my throat thickening.

‘Neither can I,’ Mum replies in a similarly husky voice. ‘Can you find George? It would be good if he’s on hand too.’

‘Is he in his room?’

‘I think he’s downstairs.’

I find a note from him on the kitchen table.

Gone up to Hare Heads, it says in neat handwriting that has a slight slant to the left.

I call up to Mum.

‘Ooh, would you walk up with Ashlee and bring him back?’ she asks eagerly, appearing at the top of the stairs. ‘The three of you could come back after Anita and Ollie arrive. That would look quite good, actually. As long as you don’t wear Ashlee out too much!’

‘You’re so devious,’ I tease.

‘Anything to get the best for my kids,’ she replies with a grin.

Ashlee’s legs don’t carry her uphill very fast, so it takes us almost half an hour to reach the rocks. But with Mum’s plan in place, we’ve got time to kill.

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